Qanon76Sen. Josh Hawley (R) calls for investigations into the dark money groups funding violent protests across the country953 views -
dammmmm🔥 Leo Terrell Drops the Hammer on Universities Allowing Anti-Semitism! 💥
Qanon76🔥 Leo Terrell Drops the Hammer on Universities Allowing Anti-Semitism! 💥 Civil rights attorney Leo Terrell isn’t holding back — and he’s absolutely right! Terrell just declared that universities allowing anti-Semitic protests are going to face financial ruin — and it’s about time. 👉 Universities are supposed to be centers of learning and tolerance, not breeding grounds for hate and division. 👉 Terrell is calling for donors and alumni to cut off funding to any university that tolerates or enables anti-Semitic behavior. 👉 If these institutions won’t take a stand against hate, they’ll feel it where it hurts — their wallets. “We are going to bankrupt these universities!” – Terrell made it clear that the days of universities shielding hate under the guise of “free speech” are over. It’s time for accountability. No more excuses. No more double standards. If universities want to allow hate, let them survive without donor money. Leo Terrell is 100% right — hit them where it hurts! 💪🔥892 views -
🚨 Project Mockingbird: The Deep State’s Secret Plan to Control Public Perception! 🤡💥
Qanon76🚨 Project Mockingbird: The Deep State’s Secret Plan to Control Public Perception! 🤡💥 For those who don’t know, Project Mockingbird was a covert CIA operation designed to control the media and manipulate public perception on a massive scale. 🔥 Key Takeaways: ✔️ The CIA paid journalists to spread government-approved narratives. ✔️ Mainstream media was infiltrated to shape public opinion & suppress dissent. ✔️ The Deep State ensured only THEIR version of reality was reported. Fast forward to today, and the playbook hasn’t changed. The same media outlets pushing war, censorship, and globalist agendas are still acting as propaganda arms for those in power. The difference? People are waking up. The truth is breaking through. And the corrupt establishment can’t stop it anymore. 🔥 #MockingbirdMedia #DeepStateExposed #WeSeeThroughTheLies5.73K views 1 comment -
Angie Aparo - Dreams (Fleetwood Mac Cover)
RedpillUSAPatriotsAngie Aparo - Dreams (Fleetwood Mac Cover)2.51K views 2 comments -
Daniel Estulin: An eye-opening interview with General Mike Flynn on the threat of globalism
General FlynnSubscribe for Updates: www.GeneralFlynn.com3.7K views 12 comments -
Illegal Immigrants Being Housed and Trained at American Universities
Reese Reporthttps://gregreese.substack.com/ https://banned.video/channel/greg-reese https://reesereport.com/#donate64.3K views 66 comments -
Government Contractor Exposes Planning of Profitable Lethal Injections
Reese Reporthttps://gregreese.substack.com/ https://banned.video/channel/greg-reese https://reesereport.com/#donate76.5K views 73 comments -