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Hell Difficulty Saga Book 1 Adventures of Rick Liberty Tech Zone

79 videos
Updated 7 months ago
THE ADVENTURES OF RICK LIBERTY & HELL DIFFICULTY SAGA Narrated Video Audio Book REMEMBER: THIS IS FICTION – IT IS NOT REAL! Licenses, Disclaimers, and Copyrights: Uses AI Assisted Creation and AI Generated Art and Music Licenses from Stability.AI Uses Music & Sound Effect Libraries from CyberLink Power Director 365. Uses Music Licensed from Studio Cutz Music Libraries Any similarities to real-world persons, organizations, entities, events, or beliefs are not intended as real-world representations or narratives. Fictional variations of some real-world elements are used to enhance the stories. All Content Created and Owned by Richard Seaborne: The Adventures of Rick Liberty, The Liberty Zone, The Hell Difficulty Saga, The Tech Zone, Tales and Lessons & Insights from the Video Game Industry, AI Demystified, and related stories, characters, content, books, podcasts, speech & narration, Videos, Human and AI Created + Edited Art and Images, AI Art Render Prompts + Editing + Modification, and Derivative Works are Copyright © 2021-2024 Richard Seaborne. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED! RUMBLE (Playlists Only Available in Web Browser – Rumble Apps Must Use Video Channels vs Playlists): Rumble Channel & Name: @HellDifficulty & @CrispyHeart Rumble Playlists: “Hell Difficulty Saga Book 1” to “Book 7”
  1. Book01 Cover Splash Adventures of Rick Liberty Hell Difficulty Saga Tech AI Demystified
  2. E000 Rick000 Trailer Teaser Blast Splash Attract for the Adventures of Rick Liberty
  3. E001 Rick001 Preface Introduction Setup for the Hell Difficulty Saga & Adventures of Rick Liberty
  4. E002 Rick002 About the Author Understanding Neurodegeneration Bipolar FTD Why I Wrote The Book
  5. E003 Rick003 One Foot in the Quixotic Stirrup_Losing Identity_Sanity Adrift_Mental Disorder
  6. E004 Rick004 The Cast of Adventurers and Psychiatrists from the Hell Difficulty Saga & Rick Liberty
  7. E005 A New Dawn and Waking Nightmares and Psychiatrist Panel in Hell Difficulty Saga
  8. E006 Psychiatrist Panel Part 2 in a New Dawn Waking Nightmares from Hell Difficulty & Rick Liberty
  9. E007 Explain Yourself Richard in a New Dawn Waking Nightmares from Hell Difficulty & Rick Liberty
  10. E008 Forged in Fire with My Life Set to Hell Difficulty Accused of Murder_Golden Frames and Diablo