Renardhttps://x.com/Cheetah1737761/status/1878208047278956853?s=19 🇫🇷🇺🇲DEW⬆️ Like Share or Follow Renard🦊 Please Hit the 👍 Patriot Princess https://www.givesendgo.com/GD5J52K views 6 comments -
joegecko's Documentary ChannelITSN presents: A THOUSAND PIECES: A CULTURE OF CORRUPTION.' 1.10 (In The Storm News)376 views -
Nothing to see here folks…….
SierraDeltaRumble are putting the breaks on video uploads once again! It has taken 27 minutes to upload this 1 minute 16 second video. How long do you think it will take to upload a 10 minute video, Rumble? It'll be my fault, of course. Nothing to see here folks……. https://gab.com/JshiestyDeity545 views -
Washington D.C. Pedophile Networks in Plain Sight
WeekendWarrior17memes https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/vu4s6beuf2g32d0dm3yzt/ADPlScriDw0fSINKtMdl2wg?rlkey=tll6t2q6vju6u22m9je7fef1t&st=pdnqjdz4&dl=0 https://themillenniumreport.com/2016/12/the-ping-pong-pizza-pentagram/2.49K views 14 comments -
Compilation of Satanic Hollywood Celebrities Selling Their Soul to the Devil!
KimOsboelCompilation of celebrities from Hollywood speaking about selling their soul! It’s not just another coincidence, or conspiracy theory. It's not a parody, not AI. This is such a deep rabbit hole, normalized right in front of our eyes. Why people aspire to be a celebrities is beyond me. They are literally dancing monkeys. All Mouthy Buddha Elite Human and Child Trafficking + PizzaGate + Pedogate Links! (So Far 20.10.2024) https://t.me/KimOsboel/71069 https://kimosboel.substack.com/p/mouthy-buddha-elite-human-and-child-222 Mouthy Buddha PedoGate 2020 Part 13: PEDOGATE Part 1-3 Reloaded in One! (Documentary] September 1st, 2024. https://old.bitchute.com/video/r8TAIs9swWJR/ And What else is going on in Hollywood? Out of Shadows Official 2020 The Documentary (11.04.2020) https://old.bitchute.com/video/fH6ljCD2KC7B/ https://old.bitchute.com/video/NcZLfiCWSZwA/ https://old.bitchute.com/video/3ocLT1zlEaMF/ https://kimosboel.substack.com/p/hollywood-i-sold-my-soul-to-the-devil?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2 https://t.me/KimOsboel/7939 https://rumble.com/v2v3qx6-hollywood-i-sold-my-soul-to-the-devil-out-of-shadows-official-2020-the-docu.html https://rumble.com/v4wdnat-hollywood-i-sold-my-soul-to-the-devil-out-of-shadows-official-2020-the-docu.html https://rumble.com/user/KimOsboel?q=Out%20of%20Shadows%20Official%202020%20The%20Documentary A Whole Bunch of Famous LGBTQIA+ Pedophile Psychopath Trannies in Plain Sight! Links to video and Trannie Name List: https://rumble.com/v4l989l-a-whole-bunch-of-famous-lgbtqia-pedophile-psychopath-trannies-in-plain-sigh.html https://old.bitchute.com/video/kQrJKOFEJ1mX/ https://kimosboel.substack.com/p/a-whole-bunch-of-famous-lgbtqia-pedophile https://t.me/KimOsboel/51736 And What else is going on in Hollywood? Another Bunch of Satanic Pedophile Elite Celebrity Traitor Psyops in Plain Sight! [07.08.2024] Links: https://old.bitchute.com/video/S16gxcjkC8z1/ https://rumble.com/v5a1dbx-another-bunch-of-satanic-pedophile-elite-celebrity-traitor-psyops-in-plain-.html https://kimosboel.substack.com/p/another-bunch-of-satanic-pedophile https://t.me/KimOsboel/68104 And what else is going on in Pedowood? Good Lion Films Nick Alvear Pervywood 7: Disneys Pedophile Demons Exposed![Sept 2020] https://old.bitchute.com/video/KaYSCIIS1q34/ Nick Alvear Pervywood Part 1 to 9 (2020] https://old.bitchute.com/search/?query=kim%20pervywood%20&kind=video PIZZAGATE and more proof 18 videos here on my old banned and blocked brighteon.com channel. Most of these old videos are banned and blocked! https://www.brighteon.com/channels/kimosboel/playlists https://www.brighteon.com/watch/69f55c7b-fad4-4390-a112-34ac39da19fc?index=1 https://t.me/BeforeOurTime/101571.04K views 3 comments -
DEW FIRE IN HOLLYWOOD ? See : Fittest Flat Earther !!!!
VeteransAgainstTreason🚨 🚨 Lahaina Fire 🔥 Lynx # 2 Jet Fuel ⛽️ Spill 2023 Used Accelerant https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-air-force/2023/02/02/diesel-fuel-spilled-at-space-force-telescope-site-in-hawaii/ 1.) People Jumping into the ocean to escape. https://youtube.com/shorts/GqFOgFC0LK4?si=GcumAIqiRdCZ058n 2.) On the docks - “ firestorm” ??? or Jet Fuel ⛽️ ( Box 📦 Canyon ) TRAP 🪤 https://youtube.com/shorts/wYrc1ySVLgw?si=8cseCcdMYfcIA76Q 3.) Displaced Homeless- https://youtube.com/shorts/Emw7LxRq7u8?si=E6ra2hUkrp-Szs6L 4.) https://youtube.com/shorts/rmybJXNz6Bk?si=VXMP7nNZPO4jWavR 5.) The latest DEW analysis article - https://www.activistpost.com/2023/09/are-dew-and-haarp-experiments-being-ratcheted-up-worldwide.html 🚨 Hawaii 🌺 Girl 👧 Relay Links : Maui Was A Terrorist Attack -Pacific 9/11 - Pearl Harbor 2.0 Tom Trefts - Gulf War Chairman & Veterans Health Chairman of The National Vietnam and Gulf War Veterans Coalition 2.) Report / Send / Relay all Maui Reports & Evidence here and I can relay to General Tom McInerney. All Worldwide Patriots welcome to join and post. https://vetsagainsttreason.createaforum.com/new-board-3/hawaii-dew-strike-more-false-(-fags-)/ 3.) Maui Killer Klowns In Plain Sight https://rumble.com/v3a3tqp-maui-killer-klowns-in-plain-sight.html Grandpa 👴 Tom Speaks Out On Maui DIRECT ENERGY WEAPON ATTACK 4.) https://rumble.com/v39ei9e-opinion-on-maui-dew-massacre.html 5.) https://rumble.com/v37mi1h-dire-straits-money-for-nothing.html 6.) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/how-convenient-hawaii-governor-reveals-state-plans-acquire/ 7.) A GAIA Twist —-> Very interesting analysis of what was behind the Maui fires and a curious connection to US Space Force: "MAUI FIRES ROUNDUP, PART TWO: ANALYSIS AND SPECULATIONS" https://gizadeathstar.com/2023/08/maui-fires-roundup-part-two-analysis-and-speculations/ 8,) Excellent overview of how UAP/UFO issue is at center of a struggle between the US Congress & Pentagon/Intel Community over UFO disclosure. Explains how different official entities were set up, and the conflicting approaches to whistleblower testimonies: "People vs. Pentagon: The Battle for UFO Transparency' https://www.liberationtimes.com/home/people-vs-pentagon-the-battle-for-ufo-transparency 9,) Here's video of 20+ UFOs exiting Popocatepeti Volcano in Mexico. In early 2023, JP, who currently serves in the US Army, went on missions to several underground ET spaceports & was told ETs would be revealing themselves in mass overflights. Coincidence? https://www.latest-ufo-sightings.net/2023/08/ufo-fleet-takes-flight-from-popocatepetl-volcano.html 10.) Reverse Engineering Roswell UFO Crash Technologies & ET Contact – Col Philip Corso Revelations - Interview with Paola Harris https://exopolitics.org/reverse-engineering-roswell-ufo-crash-technologies-et-contact/ 🚨 Richard Grenell listed in 2021 as President of The United States https://rumble.com/v3csq0w-richard-grenell-was-listed-as-the-president-of-the-united-states-on-google-.html 🆘 Maui Fires: Billionaire’s Land Grab & Genocide: If they can kill JFK, if they can commit 911, if they can put on the Covid Psyop, then they can burn Maui.🔥 #Agenda2030 ✅ Analyze the Facts: ✔️ Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii was the Capitol of the Hawaiian Kingdom & The Most Precious, Valuable Land on Earth. ✔️ Before the Maui Fires, the Water was shut off. Water is NEVER shut off. ✔️ Electric Powerlines went down & started multiple Fires, but Electricity not shut off, which supported those multiple Fires to burn & grow. ✔️ Emergency Sirens didnt go off on purpose & officials still standing by this decision. ✔️ Government is putting 12 foot fencing around the Genocide Area, wont let residents in or out. Wont let Family in or out. Wont let Media in or out to tell this story. ✔️ Residents dont currently have Power or Service to report the tragedy and current Government Cover-up ✔️ Current Maui Police Chief John Pelletier is the same Police Chief who covered-up the 2017 Las Vegas Massacre. George Soros also financially connected to Vegas Massacre. ✔️ School was cancelled, or Children were sent home from School early. Where are the Children❓ Burned alive or sex-trafficked from the School Buses after leaving school early❓ https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/56181 ✔️ The Fire Dept was initially called off of the Lahaina Fires—more foul play? ✔️ Local Police Ordered to Block-in Traffic during the Fire. People walking out of town saw this happening, Traffic stuck in town while people were scorched in their cars. ✔️ Government & FEMA holding back donations, wont let our donations in. ✔️ Governor Josh Green ‘looking for ways to Acquire the Land’—the most valuable, precious land on Earth. ✔️ Maui Fire & Climate Change Book published on Aug 10th at Amazon, when the Fires just happened on Aug 8th. Now the Book taken off Amazon link Book web-archive link re-found here: https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/56170 ✔️ Heavy Geoengineering Chemtrail Haze reported just before Fires: Dry the Land & Produce the Droughts—Weather Modification Act of 1976 empowers the Minister to authorize the carrying out of weather modification. https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title15/chapter9A&edition=prelim ✔️ Governor Green met with the Corrupt, Child Trafficking United Nations last month #Agenda2030 🇺🇳 https://governor.hawaii.gov/newsroom/office-of-the-governor-news-release-recap-of-governor-green-at-the-u-n-presenting-hawai%CA%BBi-sustainability-update/ ✔️ Maui Digital City A.I. Conference—upcoming Oct 2023: https://ieeesmc2023.org/ ✔️ Hawaii Digital Government Summit—Upcoming Sept 2023: https://events.govtech.com/Hawaii-Digital-Government-Summit.html ✔️ ‘Clean Energy’ for Hawaii (2018) from Billionaires Club WEF: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/08/how-hawaii-plans-to-be-the-first-us-state-to-run-entirely-on-clean-energy/ @FollowsTheWhiteRabbit 🐇 But Still There’s More - 🆘 MAUI FIRES CHILDREN TRAFFICKED THEORY—THOUGHTS❓ Apparently, Lahaina Children were sent home from School early on the day of the Maui Fires. Lots of talk that 1,000+ People, mostly Children died in these fires at home, but something is being covered-up in Lahaina since it happened. Nobody talks about it, but Hawaii is a major hub for Child Trafficking, as well as it being Multi-Billion Dollar Industry. Everything is boat-shipped on and off island here, in huge shipping containers. If you saw ‘Sound of Freedom,’ you can probably visualize. Just a few months ago, the Honolulu highway signs even said “KIDS ARE PRECIOUS CARGO”—nothing before that statement, nothing after. It maybe ran on weekends-only for 2 or 3 weeks. Precious means Valuable. Super creepy every time I saw it. Anyway, the value of a virgin Child to these Pedo Predators is probably a million or multiple millions, in a multi-billion dollar industry. QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED: Is there a way to find out if the Children made it home that day❓ What if the kids were sent home early, made it to their buses, but were abducted in the buses on the way home❓ Or abducted from their Neighborhoods❓ Were schools authorized to send the Children home without releasing them to parents or guardians❓ If so, how did this happen❓ What was the actual timetable for children on Tuesday 8/8❓ Was attendance taken that day, and how was that recorded❓ Did parents drop their children to school that day❓ When did the Parents find out the Children were sent home❓ Thoughts❓ How do we investigate❓ How do we save the Children❓ Or is this theory crazy❓ @FollowsTheWhiteRabbit 🐇 11.) https://youtu.be/Z4N8lzKNfy4?si=MK8kxnv5qYzOX48F 12.) Special Statement Summary From My Fellow Patriot Researcher 👨🔬 Will Stanton willstanton has just posted a comment on your video "Jet Ski’s & Boats Slip Blockade To Bring Aid To MAUI!!!". Here is the full comment: "You all need to know this. I posted the following on a video about Lahaina on YouTube. My post got 246 likes, and then YouTube DELETED IT. Please share this information on all social media: I have a friend in Lahaina and I'm getting my information direct from the locals. They are ALL trying to speak out about this, but very few are being heard. Here is everything I have been told, from all the evidence collated: - Sirens down. - Water turned off. Firefighters unable to do their job. - Communication down - FEMA and Red Cross deliberately withholding all lifesaving supplies - Police following unknown orders to block exits, keeping people in the fire zone - Zero obstructions blocking exits other than the police themselves and one downed power pole people could easily get around. - Power company owned by Blackrock - FEMA staying in $1000 a night luxury hotels while locals starved in whatever homes remained - Over a thousand people missing. Mainstream media reporting only a couple of hundred. - Children all unaccounted for. - Trees still standing while buildings leveled. No natural fire in history does this. - Hawaii Governor, Josh Green, telling everyone not to get any news from Social Media. - Police Chief, John Pelletier, is also coroner in charge of case. And led Las Vegas shooting response. - Biden gives all families $700 with which to rebuild their lives - Maui in official documents to be the first ever Smart City. - No military response from the mainland during the fires. No fly zone ordered. - Dust barrier put up after the incident to stop anyone from outside looking in at the disaster zone - Zero houses partially damaged and partially burned. Everything either completely flattened or miraculously unscathed. Only the most expensive properties unscathed. - The fire seemingly went around particular buildings while leaving everything else like a war zone surrounding those buildings. WE DON'T LET THESE BASTARDS COVER THIS UP." ----- Operation Blue Roof !!! https://rumble.com/v3cj9o6-operation-blue-roof-and-fema-blue-color-being-spared-by-their-energy-weapon.html 🚨 Hilarious 😆 Anti-Jew Comedian 😁 https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP8LV9fv7/ 🚨 Richard Grenell listed in 2021 as President of The United States https://rumble.com/v3csq0w-richard-grenell-was-listed-as-the-president-of-the-united-states-on-google-.html Reorganized Pearl Harbor 2.0 Direct Energy Weapon or ( DEW )Attack by Chinese or Deep State Proxy. Fires 🔥we intentional and accompanied by pre positioned FEMA brought swiftly from the main island to burn a rectangular or half circle of flames 🔥 purposely designed to kill entire families of prime real estate directly into being crushed between the Devil 😈And The Deep Blue Sea 🌊. As with man made or steered hurricanes 🌀 as in Florida , the game plan has been increasingly been rumored to be an excuse for later desperation buy outs of precious finite waterfront properties in order to realize later windfall profits for off the books projects. FEMA needs to be disolved right along with the CIA and IRS as SUPERFUOUS to the needs of our growing National Debt. In short, fuck FEMA and the horse they rode in on as well as their FAKE 🥸 AND GAY REDCROSS who were seen strong arming fire 🔥 victims from shelter to shelter just after they arrived and set up camp. No matter what your sense of trust in the “ government “ I’m here to tell you that Grandpa Tom not only RELAY-REPORTED on the Act of War, High Treason, Mass Murder, Intentional Acts of Cruelty and Purposeful Starvation of Survivors unseen ever before in modern times on American 🇺🇸Shores. We need complete FOIA requests filled Pronto Tonto of the names of everyone who was there or came in later on “ government “ business. Outrageous, but plausible , reports from Michael Baxter need to be confirmed by Real Raw News. Ultimately, the real answers in the forthcoming narratives from Real Raw News will hinge on any reports anyone can send me about USMC rescue efforts from what Michael Baxter said matter of factly were elements of both FEMA and The ( bonus paid ) local Hawaii 🌺 National Guard who I theorize we sent to secure the Killing Floor of Front Street and other inland portions of Lahaina. Survivors really were pushed into the sea 🌊 were every boat was already on fire 🔥 for no damn good reason other than if they were quickly and deliberately set ablaze TO PREVENT ESCAPE. The icing on the cake 🎂- Mark My Words - will be the evidence of a highly organized bus driven kidnapping that may have escaped to the nearby USAF Air Base for quick egress. More soon 🔜 ** Thomas W. Trefts Veterans Against Treason ttrefts@gmail.com # 2 MAUI DEW STRIKE THEORY Masonic Involvement???? goodoledave has just posted a comment on your video "Dumbfuck Maui Police Chief : His Silence Speaks Volumes". Here is the full comment: "Maui Police Chief is a Mason, the Mayor, Gov and hundreds of thousands of others involved Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Hawaii and Its Jurisdiction, Lodges on Oahu Hawaiian Honolulu www.hawaiianlodgefreemasons.org/ Honolulu Honolulu www.honolulufreemasons.org/ Ko'olau Kailua www.koolaulodge.org/ Leeward Honolulu www.leewardlodge.net/ Le Progres de l'Oceanie Honolulu www.lodgeleprogres.org/ Pearl Harbor Honolulu www.pearlharborlodge.org/ Schofield Wahiawa www.schofieldlodge.org/ Lodge on Kauai Kauai Kapaa www.hawaiifreemason.org/kauailodge/ Lodge on Maui Maui Kahului www.lodgemaui.com/ Lodges on The Big Island (Hawaii) Kilauea Hilo www.hawaiifreemason.org/kilauealodge/ Kona Kailua-Kona www.konalodge.com/" New !! Message To Maui !!! https://rumble.com/v390u8o-message-to-maui-tom-trefts-rainbow-bridge-never-go-out-of-your-way-to-be-we.html Breaking News 📰!!! Las Vegas Mass Shooting Incident Commander To Become Maui Police Chief . Note 📝: The Las Vegas Mass Shooting Is Said to have been a false flag set up of a patsy shooter while using small black helicopters 🚁 to fire down from the sky. The object of the plan was to kill one of the most powerful Princes of Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦- who is now their national leader. Why are they friends ? The white hats got a hold of the prince and rescued him after he was severely injured in an assassination attempt masked presumably by the downward hail of bullets. It is said that the Prince had to undergo many life saving operations. Then they did the happy 😊 happy 😊 sword ⚔️ dance and Trump held the Sword 🗡️ which is signifies that he is the “ LEADER “ of Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦…. and so on …. India, Russia 🇷🇺 ( the passing of the soccer ⚽️ ball ) , Japan 🇯🇵 ( handing out the top 🔝 Judo 🥋 Trophy 🏆 was symbolic of national leadership !,,,, etc. 🚨Maui Police Chief John Pelletier was also the Incident Commander during the Las Vegas mass shooting 🚨 https://www.mauinews.com/news/local-news/2021/10/las-vegas-captain-selected-as-next-maui-police-chief/ 1.) https://www.facebook.com/reel/3101722756802268?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v 2.) https://youtu.be/bE777KlajyY 3.) https://rumble.com/v389hnq-maui-news-lewis-at-lindell-event-with-big-updates-todays-news-and-more.html 4.) Bodies Burnt 🥵 To Cinder : Melted Steel Beams https://rumble.com/v38l10k-hawaii-maui-update.html 5.) https://www.forbes.com/sites/phoebeliu/2023/08/11/billionaire-jeff-bezos-sanchez-100-million-donation-for-maui-wildfire-relief/?sh=2e3938f76061 6.) https://www.sfchronicle.com/climate/article/hawaii-maui-fire-map-18287393.php 7.) Central Maui... 2000 acres 🤔🤨🤨🤔 Mahi Pono, LLC, today announced its 2019 crop plan, which includes different varieties of produce that are scheduled to be planted on approximately 1,500 to 2,000 acres of land in Central Maui. https://mauinow.com/2019/05/08/mahi-pono-announces-maui-crop-plan-for-2000-acres/ https://insiderpaper.com/hawaii-governor-looking-to-acquire-land-in-lahaina-damaged-by-fires/ 8.) https://vigilantnews.com/post/not-safe-government-provided-drinking-water-is-making-disaster-stricken-maui-residents-sick 9.) Maui Corrupt Governor and Real Estate Developers wanted to fast track construction 🚧 without permits, without consideration of water rights, etc. https://rumble.com/v38noc4-maui-resident-met-with-the-hawaii-governor-and-land-developers-nothing-for-.html https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/08/how-hawaii-plans-to-be-the-first-us-state-to-run-entirely-on-clean-energy 10.) Legal Trickery used to deny rights to your own land ownership rights. Alloidial Property. https://www.facebook.com/reel/834350484598095?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=3uyXbM 11.) Plenty Of Motive : Land Grab For Elitist PEDAVORES on Maui !!! Locals in Maui Were Refusing To Sell Their Land To The Elites 🚨 ⚠️ The Part of The Island Mainly Destroyed By The Fires Was Prime Area Right Next To Lavish Mega-Mansions ⚠️ ⚠️ Now, A Lot of Those Locals Are Forced To Sell Their Land and Many Tragically Died in The Flames ⚠️ Oprah Winfrey Has A Luxury Mansion in Maui; It’s Completely Fine Jeff Bezos Has A Luxury Mansion in Maui; It’s Completely Fine Lady Gaga Has A Luxury Mansion in Maui; It’s Completely Fine Bill Gates Has A Luxury Mansion in Maui; It’s Completely Fine Morgan Freeman Has A Luxury Mansion in Maui; It’s Completely Fine Will Smith Has A Luxury Mansion in Maui; It’s Completely Fine Julia Roberts Has A Luxury Mansion in Maui; It’s Completely Fine HOW DID THE FIRE KNOW TO AVOID THE MOST EXPENSIVE MANSIONS? WAKE UP! FOLLOW: @GeneralPatton17 12.) Recent local report. https://rumble.com/v376721-editor-of-maui-times-calls-out-government-interference.html 13.) Sgt. Report - Mountain Dew Tie In… https://rumble.com/v38nn0o-maui-mountain-dews-the-deep-state-and-the-devil-dustin-nemos.html 14.) https://www.earthgoddessrising.com/who-are-the-pleadians-and-was-lemuria-in-hawaii 15.) Dickhead Barack Obama explains how to send money to the corrupt Red Cross in Hawaii 🌺 https://x.com/barackobama/status/1691250773579952128?s=46 Maui’s emergency operations chief has no background in disaster response. His decision not to use warning sirens during a catastrophic wildfire raises suspicions in his qualifications. Said he doesn’t regret, NOT sounding the siren🤯 @GenWarz 🦅🇺🇸 https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/you-cant-make-this-up-mauis-emergency-operations/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=you-cant-make-this-up-mauis-emergency-operations https://rumble.com/v37mi1h-dire-straits-money-for-nothing.html https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/how-convenient-hawaii-governor-reveals-state-plans-acquire/ Missing Oaths Of Office https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTYwLsTVF/1.15K views 2 comments -
KJP about more coming Pardons from Criminal Biden
Question EverythingKJP about more coming Pardons from Criminal Biden https://x.com/RNCResearch/status/1877814581621395656372 views -
DeVeRneYJanuary 7/ 2025 JOURNALIST EXPOSED POLITICIAN COVER UP SELLING BABY BODY PARTS;~ Undercover Journalist Exposed Democrat VP Kamala Harris Tried To Cover Up The Selling Of Baby-Fetus-Infant Body Parts; While Abortion Doctors Carried Out Abortions In California… Post: January 10/ 2025 January 10/ 2025 Red Hats Military Veterans Hunt Hollywood Pedos In Fiery California Warzone⛑️💥🧛♂️🧟♂️💥⛑️ https://realrawnews.com/2025/01/red-hats-hunt-hollywood-pedos-in-fiery-california-warzone/ Red Hats have arrived in the fire-ravaged Pacific Palisades, but not to fight the uncontained conflagrations or aid displaced persons whose homes and property the apocalyptic blaze reduced to ashes. Instead, Col. Kurtz’s forces are opportunistically availing themselves of the turmoil to eradicate Hollywood pedophiles and child traffickers caught amid the chaos. A Red Hat source speaking on Kurtz’s behalf told Real Raw News that an unspecified number of armed and battle-ready troops reached Malibu and Pasadena—home to the Palisade and Eaton fires, respectively—and at once began hunting for elitists who hadn’t yet fled the warzone for safer ground. The source said Col. Kurtz supplied Red Hats a “vast” list naming primary, secondary, and tertiary targets, and targets of opportunity, including Los Angeles politicians and clones or body doubles of the late Gavin Newsom. Although he declined to recite all the names on Kurtz’s list, he described the Pacific Palisades as a coven of cretinous creatures, irredeemable A-listers and politicians whose heinous acts against children had gone unpunished for too long. He said Col. Kurtz issued one inflexible order: Take no prisoners. Asked what condemning evidence the Red Hats had against the listees, the source said that “their names being on the list is evidence enough” and that Kurtz had unassailable proof every person on the list had committed despicable crimes against children. “He [Kurtz] has all the proof he needs. If they were innocent, their names wouldn’t be on the list to begin with. The FBI knows what these scums have done, so does local law enforcement, but because they’re wealthy elitists they’ve bribed whoever they had to, and the law looked the other way. These cleaning fires, I hate to say, are a benefit because they’ve given us the cover we need to purge evil from the area,” our source said menacingly. He told RRN the purge started within hours of Red Hats arriving in California. He claimed that Red Hats shot and killed “pedophile” actor Ben Affleck as he fled his home in a mandatory evacuation zone Wednesday afternoon. Affleck was reportedly driving his SUV along Pacific Coast Highway when Red Hats stepped onto the road and opened fire. They emptied magazine after magazine into the vehicle and, as Affleck put the car in reverse and tried to flee, delivered the coup de gras with an M-72 handheld rocket launcher that pierced the windshield and blew Affleck to smithereens. “Affleck was one of the biggest violators for a long time. He was involved in child sex trafficking rings with his pal George Clooney, who we still hope to find,” our source said. Elsewhere, Red Hats posing as first responders allegedly “terminated” Canadian actor and comedian Eugene Levy after he returned to the skeletal remains of his Temescal Canyon estate on January 9. Levy, an Ashkenazi Jew, had fled his home on January 7 as fiery embers rained down from the sky and set it ablaze, but reportedly returned two days later in hopes of salvaging heirlooms. When he showed up, Red Hats were waiting to gun him down for having molested over 20 children. “Most people never heard of this guy, but we knew who he was and what he’d done,” our source said. “He cried like a bitch for his life. We ventilated that pedo.” The source said Red Hats had “taken out” five additional pedophiles in the last 48 hours but didn’t name them, saying Col. Kurtz’s men would continue enforcing justice until as many names as possible get scratched off the list. In closing, he quoted the Ra’s al Ghul villain from the film Batman Begins: “When a forest grows too wild, a purging fire is inevitable and natural,” highlighting his belief in the need for drastic, even destructive, measures to restore balance.” https://rumble.com/v1topew-trump-is-america-hope-and-freedom.html December 7/ 2024 Get Trump Fragrance Perfumes Fight Fight Fight For Both Men & Women🛍️🛒🎊 https://gettrumpfragrances.com/ December 5/ 2024 Get Trump Beautiful Watches In Lovely Design & Elegant Style🕔🇺🇸🛍️🎄 https://gettrumpwatches.com/ October 21/ 2024 Purchase President Donald J. Trump Latest New Book *SAVE AMERICA*❤️🇺🇸📘🛒 President Trump has a new must-read Book! Get your copy today at 45BOOKS.com August 31/ 2024 Get President Trump First Official Book Since He Left The White House📘🛒 His New Book *SAVE AMERICA* Is Filled With Stunning Images Recapping Significant Moments Of His Presidency❤️🇺🇸🤍🇺🇸💙🪽🏛️⭐️🕺 His new Book, SAVE AMERICA, is out next week, and is already a Best Seller! 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Did Ally Carter Predict the Hollywood Fires and Diddy's Arrest?
Alice Down the Rabbit HoleArticle from Distractify. Videos from various tik tok creators and news.com.au.8.11K views 13 comments -
SatanORic Cannibal Assassin Cult Connected to Secret Societies, CIA, Politicians & the Rich & Famous
TheWarAgainstYouSatanic Cannibal Assassin Cult Connected to Secret Societies, CIA, Politicians and the Rich and Famous - And the Sick and Infamous From Every Segment of Society. - FOR SOCIETY TO UNDERSTAND THE TRUE EXTENT OF EVIL THAT EXISTS IN OUR WORLD, YOU MUST FIRST BE ABLE TO IMAGINE THAT SICH GREAT EVIL EVEN EXISTS - SINCE MOST PEOPLE CANNOT IMAGINE THAT SUCH GREAT EVIL AS DOCUMENTED HERE EVEN CAN EXIST, SOCIETY AT LARGE DOES NOT THUS UNDERSTAND THE TRUE NATURE OF EVIL - TheWarAgainstYou: - THE ULTIMATE EVIL ALWAYS SEEKS OUT THE COMPANY OF IT'S OWN KIND - The True Face of Evil is Far Beyond What Most People Are Capable of Imagining. - When the Greatest Crimes That Are Possible to Commit Become Not Only a Sacred Act of Devotion, but a Crime Syndacate and a Higher Education that Taught the Mastery of the High Arts of the Ultimate Evil. - There Exists an Occult Underworld of Elite Satanic Criminals that Represents a Master Class of Evil that Most People Have No Clue It Ever Existed... *** The Ultimate Evil: Process Church of the Final Judgment - 27,895 views July 17, 2024 The Underclass Podcast - What if an organization existed providing bold connections between the most infamous serial killers in American history, various satanic cult groups well versed in occult principles with deep ties to elite secret societies, and sinister covert action wielding insidious clandestine operational methods? - Have we largely been conditioned to oversimplify the underlying motivations driving such irrational human action as disturbing and evil as serial ritual murder? Whether it be through calculated deception or the desperate need for a plausible explanation the end result remains the same. - Caught in the deluge, we are vehemently enveloped by a strong sense of foreboding... This week we set out looking for the truth, only to find the truth almost too frightening to contemplate. Into this abyss we reluctantly walk, not knowing we have vastly underestimated the scope of the ultimate evil... - Support the show (https://www.buzzsprout.com/2168251/su...) 'Silence is Acquiescence' - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES Mirrored From: https://www.youtube.com/@TheUnderclassPodcast5.19K views 3 comments