Documentary: In the Name of Zion. When you Know the Truth, you cannot be Decieved by Lies
TheWarAgainstYouDocumentary: In the Name of Zion. When you Know the Truth, you cannot be Decieved by Lies --------- (AN EXCELLENT COMPILATION OF SOURCE MATERIAL) ----------- IN THE NAME OF ZION (DOCUMENTARY VIDEO) ------------ FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES24.8K views 32 comments -
Documentary Showing: Israel's Second 9/11, How Zionism Conquered JFK, America & Palestine
Kim IversenThe Kim Iversen Show LIVE | July 4, 2024 Watch this special showing of the documentary by Matthew Tower: Israel's Second 9/11, How Zionism Conquered JFK, America & Palestine. Matthew will be a guest on the show on Friday July 12th. We will be talking about this documentary so watch it in advance and send in your thoughts, comments etc. Kim@KimIversen.com Follow Matthew Tower at @TruthTowerPod and visit TruthTower.com Come hear Kim speak at the Join To Save America Event at the Palm Beach Hilton Airport Sunday July 14th from 10am-2pm. The event is FREE but you must register to attend here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/060924-update-join-to-save-america-moral-support-for-president-trump-tickets-913278278917 Become a member of my LOCALS community where you will gain access to exclusive content, behind-the-scenes videos, valuable information, and even connect with me personally and others as well. It's a great way to support my independent media channel while receiving more content. You can become a FREE member or a paid subscriber. Visit https://kimiversen.locals.com/support Sign up for my FREE email newsletter here to get notifications of livestreams and segments: www.KimIversenemailsignup.com (I will never spam you or sell your info)215K views 946 comments -
Israel's Second 9/11: How Zionism Conquered JFK, America, and Palestine
Truth Tower with Matthew Tower - formerly RFK All The Way07:13: Kennedy Peace versus Israeli Conquest 44:10: Israel's Operation Cyanide and Nuclear War Plans 1:03:44: Israel's First 9/11 and the War of Terror 01:31:04: Do We Live in a Democracy? 01:53:17: Israel's Puppet Show 01:54:19: Israel's Second 9/11 and the U.S./Israeli Genocide in Gaza Follow @TruthTowerPod on X and Visit TruthTower.com. FAIR USE NOTICE: All third-party material appears under the Fair Use Exception to Copyright Law, 17 U.S. Code S 107. The Ghosts of Deir Yassin video appears with permission of Phil Monsour.43.7K views 166 comments -
Oct. 7 Inside Job
WAKE UP CALLHamas is Mossad. The world is a stage. A copy of John Hankey's video for safe keeping.2.08K views 10 comments