Chinese Practice
26 videos
Updated 11 months ago
For personal practice and also inspiring others in ways to help reinforce their own study and utility.
Chinese, Reading the Prefecture names (cannot Eastern China, can Western Taiwan)
GGoing Full RetardSo the list of prefectures is available, here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Provinces_of_China . Rather milk-toast, I end up stopping and trying to explain the tonal system and that it uses the throat so as to make the tones. I even explain the making of the "th" sound using the word "birthday". And, yes, proper simplified Chinese for Taiwan is 臺灣 . It's Wikipedia official. Don't trust me? Just trust me, and still check it out. Surely, you will see that you should have trusted me and your lack of faith is concerning. These are not the drones you are looking for. Taiwan is a province of China. Hence, it cannot be Eastern China because it is a part of China and not separate from the whole as another China. However, since the rest of China is west of Taiwan, it can be said that there is "Taiwan" and then "Western Taiwan". Just saying.6 views -
Chinese, Reading Chinese Ethnic Groups' names
GGoing Full RetardFor the list that I used, it can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_groups_in_China . This time, I start off with a quick summary of producing tones and hopefully a decent guide to what you are looking for so as to pick out (or produce) the four major tones (they are not always as listed when combining hanzi. Ni hao is technically a particular way but tones affect subsequent tones when in combination as a word or phrase though not always when used next to each other. There are rules...). High, Rising, Dipping, Falling. That is Mandarin tones whereas other dialects of Chinese, still for the same characters but different phonemes attached to the morphemes, can have their own tonal rules and even new tones or modifications to the four found in the Mandarin (foreigner, given the Mandarins were never Han and came from the Northeast of China past the Koreas) dialect.10 views -
Chinese Practice, HSK 1 Vocabulary
GGoing Full RetardPicked up the list from https://hsk.academy/en/hsk-1-vocabulary-list . If you want the meaning, then look at the video as I try to pronounce it lol. But, uh, try to find someone who is actually qualified hahaha. I'm just doing it because, well, I was bored and have been playing solitaire all day. XD13 views -
Chinese Practice, HSK 2 Vocabulary
GGoing Full RetardPicked up the list from https://hsk.academy/en/hsk-2-vocabulary-list . After having done a bunch of reading today, it was a bit hard to do this but... Hey, it's something and I can do a better job another time.4 views -
Chinese Practice, HSK 3 Vocabulary, Part 1
GGoing Full RetardPicked up the list from https://hsk.academy/en/hsk-3-vocabulary-list . Had to wish a friend a happy birthday. As such, I will be doing a Part 2 for this list even if I may have been able to go through it in one go. ... What? Most beautiful woman in the world, I lost contact for a while, and then she ends up married with the cutest kids. As such, she's still the most beautiful woman in the world to me since the lady from Japan hasn't reunited and completed the marrying process. ... The wife is automatically the most beautiful woman in the world. Until then, there's the one that I learned the lesson of "ask her to marry you as soon as possible" yet... I almost lost that chance with the lady from Japan, if not for God allowing people to be stupid and mistake the common cold (COVID-19, had we done our mathematics courses and seen that ALL viruses, when unmitigated, show the spread rate which spooked people in the news of "hundredfold increase") for the worst pathogen ever to exist and then shut the world down. ... However, while I asked the lady from Japan the important question... She's still in Cloud 9, refusing to come down, and like LADY THE HELL YOU THINK YOU DOING. ... She's in heaven and I wouldn't come down to earth, either. At least it's my friend's birthday. Angels do, eventually, come to earth; even if they have rough lives, too. Happy birthday. :)5 views -
Chinese Practice, HSK 3 Vocabulary, Part 2
GGoing Full RetardPicked up the list from https://hsk.academy/en/hsk-3-vocabulary-list . Okay, so this one should have a better birthday message. lol. The silly reminiscing and what not is over with and, ya know... Just want to make sure my friend remembers she is special and loved. However, she also has two bundles of joy to remind her of that, now, so... Just doing my best to try to come up with a good message hahaha. :) She was the first example of an angel feeling that earth is okay to live on, even if life could become rough. Hope she has an amazing day and looks forward to the upcoming year! It is a dragon year, after all, and my Chinese Zodiac is... Dragon. :) Happy birthday!3 views -
Chinese Practice, HSK 4 Vocabulary, Part 1
GGoing Full RetardPicked up the list from https://hsk.academy/en/hsk-4-vocabulary-list . Third time should be a charm: HAPPY BIRTHDAY KELLY! ... And as for the lady in Japan, she should be careful since I just met a wonderful Korean lady who really likes me and wants to practice English with me; told her that I'm here for another week and, I mean, maybe I spend three months with her and marry her instead of the lady in Japan. ... But I don't think I need to put the lady in Japan on notice for the infinite time. It's my friend's birthday so, well, I just wanted to be silly to help make her day feel just as special as she has always been to me. Friends, even if apart, are always friends; one of the few people whose birthday I always remember each year, whether I send a message or not. :)2 views -
Chinese Practice, HSK 4 Vocabulary, Part 2
GGoing Full RetardPicked up the list from https://hsk.academy/en/hsk-4-vocabulary-list . omg I lost it at "ping pong ball" since they MADE NEW CHARACTERS, IN SIMPLIFIED, FOR THE PURPOSE OF THIS ONE PHRASE LOL. So I had to end on the best note ever. "ping1 pang1 qiu2".4 views -
Chinese Practice, HSK 4 Vocabulary, Part 3
GGoing Full RetardPicked up the list from https://hsk.academy/en/hsk-4-vocabulary-list . Just like I ended the last one on "ping1 pang1 qiu2" because I loved the nuance involved... I'll leave you, on this video, with "wang3 wang3". I am such a child...2 views -
Chinese Practice, HSK 4 Vocabulary, Part 4
GGoing Full RetardPicked up the list from https://hsk.academy/en/hsk-4-vocabulary-list . Well, after wishing happy birthday to my friend and then going about my usual recording practice... I hath finished HSK4 and was still childish in the process. What? I'm waiting for my wife to show up into my life and the best chance for her to be who I think her is would be a ten year friendship whom I proposed to over two years ago. Given the crap we've been through, I guess that she's there but never realized that the best doesn't mean the most perfect except in fun and love. There's always struggles when you wait for the best. ... It's what allows us to appreciate the best when we finally find it. ... :)3 views