SG Anon HUGE Intel May 1: "Something Unexpected Is Happening"
Breaking News Update📢📢: Join us in Telegram: https://t.me/SGAnonOfficialUS SG Anon HUGE Intel May 1: "Something Unexpected Is Happening"7.22K views -
SG Anon HUGE Intel May 3: "BOMBSHELL: Something Big Is Coming"
SG Anon & Juan O Savin📢📢: Join us in Telegram: https://t.me/SGAnonOfficialUS SG Anon HUGE Intel May 3: "BOMBSHELL: Something Big Is Coming"20.3K views 8 comments -
18-Jan-2024. Q&A with Faustino Cortes about Zeolite Properties
naturewellnessusaNutritionist Faustino Cortes from Zeolita Mexico has been conducting extensive research on zeolites. Faustino explains what Zeolite is, and how it works in the body. Learn what to look for when choosing high quality product.643 views 1 comment -
Derek Johnson HUGE Intel: "Derek Johnson Important Update, April 26, 2024"
Derek Johnson📢📢: Join us in Telegram: https://t.me/DerekJohnsonOfficialUS Derek Johnson HUGE Intel: "Derek Johnson Important Update, April 26, 2024"48.9K views 287 comments -
The WAR to end all wars is almost over - with Pascal Najadi
Mission ConsciousnessFormer Swiss Military Officer Pascal Najadi joins me on the AJ Roberts Show to discuss in detail the deep military operation we have been in for some time under Executive Orders, the Law of War Manual under Space Force. We are at a tipping point in human history and current operations being carried out behind the scenes and in plain sight are edging us ever closer to complete removal of the Deep State and it’s enslaving agendas. Pascal who has been damaged by the C19 shots has been on a mission ever since to bring charges for crimes against humanity and high treason against the globalists that have waged war on we the people. Tune in to the AJ Roberts Show Thurs 25 8pm UK across Rumble, Facebook, Twitter. Follow ➡️ @ajrobertsshow For all AJ's Podcasts, Courses, and Community visit www.mrajroberts.com106K views 495 comments -
The UK Grooming Gang Scandal Uncovered With Raja Miah
Mission ConsciousnessIndependent candidate from Oldham, Raja Miah joins me on the AJ Roberts Show today to explain all of the deep level corruption that's been happening for a number of years within the Greater Manchester area in the UK, covering up the horrendous crimes of grooming gangs by the police, local mayor, councillors and child protection services. This template has been mimicked in many towns and cities across the country and Raja along with myself come to you today to say enough is enough. We must stamp out the most hideous of crimes being carried out on we the people and our beautiful children by the very people who are supposed to protect and serve WE the people. Tune in at 8pm Tues 23 Jan across Rumble, Facebook, Twitter And please share this with as many people as possible. There is NOTHING more important than saving our children right now! Follow more of Raja's work on his Youtube channel. Check out all episodes, courses, articles and more at www.mrajroberts.com19.3K views 80 comments -
Ron Gibson Channel - Infowars PartnerTHE GLOBALIST PLAN FOR A CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS DESIGNED TO TRIGGER WWIII AND USHER IN COMPLETE WORLD GOVERNMENT Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) will join Alex jones in the first hour to discuss the treasonous actions of Congress giving Ukraine and Israel $95+ billion while America collapses. In the second hour, Jones will do a deep dive on Adolph Hitler, WW2, and how it still controls our world today -- and in the third hour WEF whistleblower Pascal Najadi will join Jones to reveal the sinister group's true intentions. • Follow @RealAlexJones on X • https://alexjonesgame.com • https://www.givesendgo.com/savealex • JonesCrowder.com *** RonGibsonChannel SUPPORT AND CHANNEL LINKS IN ONE PLACE *** Please Help Support And Share On All Of Your Social Media https://bio.link/rongibsonchannel *** Direct Full Show Links - VIDEO or MP3 *** https://allmylinks.com/rongibsonchannel INFOWARS LINKS • https://www.infowars.com • https://www.banned.video • https://www.InfowarsStore.com • https://www.PrepareToday.com • https://www.newswars.com #news #infowars #politics #AlexJones #RonGibson22K views 111 comments -
DrRobertYoungDr. Robert Young and Matthew Hazen join me to share some very bad news: there's graphene oxide in all of us now. And some very good news... here's how you can get it out! Master Peace: The HOLISTIC Nano Colloidal Supplement for a toxic world! https://bit.ly/checkoutmasterpeace Get the GRAPHENE OUT! Here is the link to set up your account so you can order Master Peace at: https://bit.ly/checkoutmasterpeace ***** Here is the link for more information on MasterPeace at: https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/you-shall-know-the-truth-and-the-truth-shall-set-you-free You will find information on EMF 5G Protection with the Quantum Link Pendant in the articles on the negative effects of 4 and 5G and EMF Protection at: *****https://www.drrobertyoung.com/blog/search/emf For more information on EMF protection email: ***** phmiracleproducts@gmail.com and www.phmiracleproducts.com *****You can order many of Dr. Robert O. Young's books at: https://phmiracleproducts.com/collections/books-audio-video30.4K views 82 comments