Instagram Live by Derek Johnson / RattleTrap1776 on Oct. 22, 2024
RattleTrap1776The DASH Matters. Laws and Orders invoked cannot be argued. How are we at this place in the Operation and have so many Americans who are stuck on propaganda and surface-level nonsense? You cannot "claim" to "support" the Military and Constitution, but know NOTHING about Military Laws, Orders, Regulations, Customs, and Publications, as well as our Military Foundation, Revolutionary War, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution. Every day that goes by, the Unequivocal Proof President Trump is a Wartime President as shown with 45-47 on his ball cap, just keeps getting more and more visual... But look at the fools who'll thumbs down and still hate... but they NEVER show via LAWS and ORDERS how it's NOT happening. The Dash Matters. That's why my book is #1 Best Seller on Amazon and Self-Published right now showing how he, the Generals, Leaders, the secret Military, and World Leaders pulled this off. "The Midnight Rider Rides Again" is the #1 seller in its category available here: If you want it signed, I'm Self-Published and you can get it here (takes around 1-2 weeks turn around due to shortages and the process): https://rattletrap1776.myshopify.com/products/the-midnight-rider-rides-again And on Amazon; available in Print and Kindle (International as well): https://www.amazon.com/Midnight-Rider-Rides-Again/dp/B0CSTFD8ZD/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2828RZJK120P7&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.gXykyPlnCaBhkzr1He7b7wZd5wKRIVKsjniFOb2nVE5Awl1bd4S-9wqCCaK_n5JKnjCUjlTZ_OJ4Kp9UMMhsm5iVn6s0R0tHP5klRWKVt7c.jLzkyygJbyMiJtYy2mUGcJc7o_LUuiq7lhHShBxDm5k&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+midnight+rider+rides+again+derek+johnson&qid=1709528640&sprefix=the+midnight+ri%2Caps%2C136&sr=8-1 NEW BOOK; Also a #1 Seller on Amazon: The Royal Flush of Country Music: https://rattletrap1776.myshopify.com/products/the-royal-flush-of-country-music Amazon Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/Royal-Flush-Country-Music-ebook/dp/B0D4YHQFG3/ref=sr_1_1?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.TqPwC4ewHVVapwzyTM4uYBKpyQ55Fi7m80MBYOH_ORzIAVaA4tYTAJb8bumDXcr-j8WUyWz-quXr_xFqtyjvUWQ1NuDFIzx_aWwRopLGYEY4EHgfzDNXLjSi1uDxYL5lOIRj9nQJKrJnWSSbi4iYJeTrIdLJEJXeV6ctkMZpWaxi9lfFsQO9tCKVDqTR47NDC05I4Qn1B5rllid0HpQQgycgDLGRy2pJj9C8C0iP5JE.ch77-bGfg2MdWnO91LdxOoZd2FvLP7V0iFbI0VzYCGI&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+royal+flush+of+country+music&qid=1716679237&sr=8-1 This is my ONLY Rumble account: @RattleTrap1776 There's a page using my name Derek Johnson with 41,000 plus followers that's FAKE. And they're making $3,000 per month due to ripping my videos and using my name. They better hope I don't pursue them with a Lawyer. They're taking away from people getting to the #1 Book and my Official Pages. MY ONLY Links: https://linktr.ee/1776nation Facebooks: www.facebook.com/the1776nation www.facebook.com/rattletrap1776 www.facebook.com/derekjohnsoncountry Telegram: t.me/rattletrap1776 t.me/rattletrapnation TruthSocial: @derekjohnson Twitter: @rattletrap1776 Instagram: @derekjohnsoncountry Snapchat: iamderekjohnson Websites: www.rattletrap1776.com www.thedocuments.info www.derekjohnsoncountry.com YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@DerekJohnsonCountry Stream my music on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4LpnkCX90qkKLc45KKssMz Get my music on Apple: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/derek-johnson/140886029647.4K views 630 comments