Climate Hypocrisy Squared
ClimateDNDr. John Robson comments on key items from the latest Climate Discussion Nexus weekly "Wednesday Wakeup" newsletter (https://climatediscussionnexus.com/ne..., beginning with the gall of Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau and Minnesota governor/Democratic vice-presidential nominee Tim Walz lecturing us constantly about our carbon footprints while flying about constantly including on very short trips, moving on to the futility of climate protests, the alleged eroticism of eating bugs, Earth having a ring like Saturn, the sun being weird though the science is settled, the futility as well as hubris of geoengineering, the flight from carbon taxes in Canada, and wrapping up with another of our #CheerfulCharts, on the apparent reversal of deforestation, the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation not even slowing let alone stopping and Scots pines also loving CO2, laddie. To support the Climate Discussion Nexus, subscribe to our YouTube channel at / @climatedn , our Rumble channel at https://rumble.com/user/ClimateDN, our newsletter at http://www.climatediscussionnexus.com/ and our podcast on Spotify at https://open.spotify.com/show/6IX3QVN... and on Google at https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0..., like us on Facebook at / climatedn , follow us on Twitter at / climatedn and Gettr at https://www.gettr.com/user/climatedn and Instagram at / climatediscussionnexus , and make a monthly or one-time pledge at http://www.climatediscussionnexus.com... You can also now buy CDN merchandise at https://climatediscussionnexus.com/st...792 views 5 comments -
Hooray, Finally A Hurricane
ClimateDNDr. John Robson comments on key items from the latest Climate Discussion Nexus weekly "Wednesday Wakeup" newsletter (https://climatediscussionnexus.com/ne..., beginning with climate alarmists' unseemly glee when the long lull in Atlantic hurricanes ended, weird weather from the past, the revolting tendency of greens to side with Hamas, climate hypocrisy from Reuters, climate courage from the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy level absurdity of trying to create twins of the Earth inside computers that can't even manage approximate climate models, unions turning on Britain's Net Zero plans, alternative energy pricing and regulation so complex it's inherently fraudulent as well as hugely expensive, and wrapping up with another of our #CheerfulCharts, showing dramatically rising life expectancy, the strange case of rising not falling Outgoing Longwave Radiation that climate orthodoxy says can't be happening, and news that sunflowers also love CO2. To support the Climate Discussion Nexus, subscribe to our YouTube channel at / @climatedn , our Rumble channel at https://rumble.com/user/ClimateDN, our newsletter at http://www.climatediscussionnexus.com/ and our podcast on Spotify at https://open.spotify.com/show/6IX3QVN... and on Google at https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0..., like us on Facebook at / climatedn , follow us on Twitter at / climatedn and Gettr at https://www.gettr.com/user/climatedn and Instagram at / climatediscussionnexus , and make a monthly or one-time pledge at http://www.climatediscussionnexus.com... You can also now buy CDN merchandise at https://climatediscussionnexus.com/st...819 views 6 comments -
The Hottest Ever Summer That Wasn't
ClimateDNDr. John Robson comments on key items from the latest Climate Discussion Nexus weekly "Wednesday Wakeup" newsletter (https://climatediscussionnexus.com/ne..., beginning with the curious juxtaposition of claims that 2024 had the hottest summer ever with the cool summers people were actually having in real places including the UK (coolest since 2015), moving on to two different stories saying the Thwaites "Doomsday" glacier might not be doomed but is that were, oddly, the exact same story, the New York Times mourning the end of summer after telling us it was unendurably hot, more proof of the Medieval Warm Period as far away as Fiji, confusing natural with human GHG emissions, the alarmists coming for your fridge, a supposed surge of enthusiasm for "next-gen geothermal", and wrapping up with another of our #CheerfulCharts, this one showing rising miles driven in the US but falling carbon monoxide emissions, the terrible hurricane season that went missing, and news that barley also loves CO2. To support the Climate Discussion Nexus, subscribe to our YouTube channel at / @climatedn , our Rumble channel at https://rumble.com/user/ClimateDN, our newsletter at http://www.climatediscussionnexus.com/ and our podcast on Spotify at https://open.spotify.com/show/6IX3QVN... and on Google at https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0..., like us on Facebook at / climatedn , follow us on Twitter at / climatedn and Gettr at https://www.gettr.com/user/climatedn and Instagram at / climatediscussionnexus , and make a monthly or one-time pledge at http://www.climatediscussionnexus.com... You can also now buy CDN merchandise at https://climatediscussionnexus.com/st...671 views 10 comments -
All About EV
ClimateDNDr. John Robson comments on key items from the latest Climate Discussion Nexus weekly "Wednesday Wakeup" newsletter (https://climatediscussionnexus.com/ne..., beginning with the ongoing bursting of the electric vehicle bubble and the "energy transition" more broadly, moving on to alarmists complaining that CO2 is greening deserts, the Economist suddenly blurting out that the science isn't settled on sunbathing causing cancer, windmills not being a new form of energy but an obsolete one, alarmists seeing things that aren't there, another of our #CheerfulCharts on plunging death rates from climate disasters, U.S. tornadoes getting less destructive and news that apricots love CO2 as much as apples do. To support the Climate Discussion Nexus, subscribe to our YouTube channel at / @climatedn , our Rumble channel at https://rumble.com/user/ClimateDN, our newsletter at http://www.climatediscussionnexus.com/ and our podcast on Spotify at https://open.spotify.com/show/6IX3QVN... and on Google at https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0..., like us on Facebook at / climatedn , follow us on Twitter at / climatedn and Gettr at https://www.gettr.com/user/climatedn and Instagram at / climatediscussionnexus , and make a monthly or one-time pledge at http://www.climatediscussionnexus.com... You can also now buy CDN merchandise at https://climatediscussionnexus.com/st...445 views -
The EVs Were Red
ClimateDNDr. John Robson comments on key items from the latest Climate Discussion Nexus weekly "Wednesday Wakeup" newsletter (https://climatediscussionnexus.com/ne..., beginning with Western governments slapping tariffs on cheap EVs from Communist China, which makes good geopolitical sense but further fouls up their green transition plans, moving on to a new study that says every nice heritage site is about to be trashed by climate change (and of course relies on RCP8.5), alarmists getting chronically confused about when climate change started and what it did, more Antarctica panic, Atlantic cooling the settled science can't explain, alarmist hallucinations of mass migration to Buffalo, NY to escape the heat, and practically free solar power driving up prices, before wrapping up with another of our #CheerfulCharts on rising literacy, the discovery that alarmist cherry-picking of unreliable tree rings for temperature reconstructions is even worse than we thought, and news that garden tomatoes also love CO2. To support the Climate Discussion Nexus, subscribe to our YouTube channel at / @climatedn , our Rumble channel at https://rumble.com/user/ClimateDN, our newsletter at http://www.climatediscussionnexus.com/ and our podcast on Spotify at https://open.spotify.com/show/6IX3QVN... and on Google at https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0..., like us on Facebook at / climatedn , follow us on Twitter at / climatedn and Gettr at https://www.gettr.com/user/climatedn and Instagram at / climatediscussionnexus , and make a monthly or one-time pledge at http://www.climatediscussionnexus.com... You can also now buy CDN merchandise at https://climatediscussionnexus.com/st...807 views 3 comments -
Here Comes The Flood... Of Bogus Claims
ClimateDNDr. John Robson comments on key items from the latest Climate Discussion Nexus weekly "Wednesday Wakeup" newsletter (https://climatediscussionnexus.com/ne..., starting with the clichéd claim that increased bad weather rather than increased prosperity is causing increased insurance payouts in Canada, policymakers thinking subsidies with an eye on election results are a marvellous new economy, Scientific American explaining how to spot conspiracy theories without noticing how many of their red flags climate alarmism carries, and more on how on climate you can say just anything, moving on climate change supposedly killing bees that aren't even dying, its impact being six times six times what was previously thought, the question whether alarmists really think nature absorbs all natural CO2 but only half of ours, and two activists symbolically as well as literally attacking Magna Carta, and wrapping up with another #Gettingworse instalment on life expectancy, another Climate the Movie fact check on whether the satellite record is unscary, and a study on whether CO2 helps young tobacco plants... which of course it does. To support the Climate Discussion Nexus, subscribe to our YouTube channel at / @climatedn , our Rumble channel at https://rumble.com/user/ClimateDN, our newsletter at http://www.climatediscussionnexus.com/ and our podcast on Spotify at https://open.spotify.com/show/6IX3QVN... and on Google at https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0..., like us on Facebook at / climatedn , follow us on Twitter at / climatedn and Gettr at https://www.gettr.com/user/climatedn and Instagram at / climatediscussionnexus , and make a monthly or one-time pledge at http://www.climatediscussionnexus.com... You can also now buy CDN merchandise at https://climatediscussionnexus.com/st...687 views -
The Claim Is Burning
ClimateDNDr. John Robson comments on key items from the latest Climate Discussion Nexus weekly "Wednesday Wakeup" newsletter (https://climatediscussionnexus.com/ne..., from overheated claims that Canada "is burning" to an admission that climate models and climate science can't really handle clouds to the Doomsday Glacier melting faster than scientists thought as usual to climate hypocrisy and unreality, a useful checklist for bad politicized science, a wrapup of our Climate the Movie fact check series, a defence of barbecuing meat despite alleged ruminant methane, and a proposal to feed cows a more natural diet just in case. To support the Climate Discussion Nexus, subscribe to our YouTube channel at / @climatedn , our Rumble channel at https://rumble.com/user/ClimateDN, our newsletter at http://www.climatediscussionnexus.com/ and our podcast on Spotify at https://open.spotify.com/show/6IX3QVN... and on Google at https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0..., like us on Facebook at / climatedn , follow us on Twitter at / climatedn and Gettr at https://www.gettr.com/user/climatedn and Instagram at / climatediscussionnexus , and make a monthly or one-time pledge at http://www.climatediscussionnexus.com... You can also now buy CDN merchandise at https://climatediscussionnexus.com/st...1.11K views 8 comments -
There Goes That Tropical Glacier
ClimateDNDr. John Robson comments on key items from the latest Climate Discussion Nexus weekly "Wednesday Wakeup" newsletter (https://climatediscussionnexus.com/ne..., starting with Venezuela's last glacier finishing a centuries-long melting process and being hailed as the trump of doom, activists hallucinating a transformation of the US power grid and why Milankovitch cycles started to affect climate when they did, moving on to panic over air turbulence, a quiet start to the much-hyped Atlantic hurricane season, a #Gettingworse item on how sea-level rise isn't getting worse but the predictions are and another Climate the Movie fact check on whether most of the warming is of lows not highs, and concluding with a study of China from AD961 to 1911 that shows that cold weather harms crops, of all things, and that there was a Medieval Warm Period there too, of all things. To support the Climate Discussion Nexus, subscribe to our YouTube channel at / @climatedn , our Rumble channel at https://rumble.com/user/ClimateDN, our newsletter at http://www.climatediscussionnexus.com/ and our podcast on Spotify at https://open.spotify.com/show/6IX3QVN... and on Google at https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0..., like us on Facebook at / climatedn , follow us on Twitter at / climatedn and Gettr at https://www.gettr.com/user/climatedn and Instagram at / climatediscussionnexus , and make a monthly or one-time pledge at http://www.climatediscussionnexus.com... You can also now buy CDN merchandise at https://climatediscussionnexus.com/st...1.08K views 7 comments -
Climate Change For The Birdwatchers
ClimateDNDr. John Robson comments on key items from the latest Climate Discussion Nexus weekly "Wednesday Wakeup" newsletter (https://climatediscussionnexus.com/ne..., starting with a "Golden Age of Birdwatching" even though climate change is meant to be killing everything nice, and the fact that Arctic ice volume isn't obeying the alarmists any more that Arctic ice extent, moving on to absurd climate negotiations, more bad news on EVs, the New York Times warning that sometimes things are just coincidence which we say applies to weather too, incompatible assurances that Net Zero won't change your life and that you should embrace the disastrous changes, and a new paper by Will Happer, Steven Koonin and Richard Lindzen neatly summarizing the case for climate skepticism, and wrapping up with a #Gettingworse instalment on how polar bears aren't dying off, another Climate the Movie fact check on the gap between urban and rural temperature records, and a study saying warming isn't damaging panda habitat. To support the Climate Discussion Nexus, subscribe to our YouTube channel (http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_egd..., our Rumble channel (https://rumble.com/user/ClimateDN), our newsletter (at http://www.climatediscussionnexus.com/) and our podcast on Spotify, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Gettr, and make a monthly or one-time pledge at http://www.climatediscussionnexus.com... You can also now buy CDN merchandise at https://climatediscussionnexus.com/st...1.15K views 13 comments