Roger Stone Destroys Mike Pence for Attacks on Trump | The StoneZONE
The StoneZONE with Roger StoneCo-host Troy Smith of Slingshot.news opens the show by showing a German foreign minister reduced to tears over J.D. Vance’s recent speech at the Munich Security Conference. Smith also discusses Rick Wilson of the Lincoln Project lying about free speech rights in the United States, as well as a group of Democrats protesting President Trump by dancing. Roger Stone then joins the show to discuss Mike Pence and Nikki Haley’s recent comments against President Donald Trump’s comments on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Stone also discusses his opinion on the Eric Adams indictment and the Trump Administration’s response to that indictment. GET THE STONEZONE IN PODCAST FORM: https://StoneZONE.com/podcast Show Sponsors: https://MyPillow.com/stone: Promo code STONE https://MyStore.com: Promo code STONE https://MyPatriotCigars.com: Promo code STONE https://CardioMiracle.com: Promo code STONE StoneZONE Shop: https://StoneZONE.com/shop -------------------------------------------------- Support Roger: Defense Fund: https://StoneDefenseFund.com Cameo: https://Cameo.com/RogerStone Minnect: https://app.minnect.com/expert/RogerStone -------------------------------------------------- Follow Roger: StoneZONE: https://StoneZONE.com Substack: https://rogerstone.substack.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/RogerJStoneJr Truth Social: https://TruthSocial.com/@RealRogerStone Gab: https://Gab.com/RogerJStoneJr Telegram: https://t.me/RogerStoneJr169K views 81 comments -
Victor Davis Hanson "Donald Trump Just UNLEASHED On World Leaders And Everyone Is Terrified..."
New Q. SGH SG AnonVictor Davis Hanson "Donald Trump Just UNLEASHED On World Leaders And Everyone Is Terrified..."3.01K views -
Tucker Carlson on the Dangers of Being a Passive Husband
Tucker Carlson | Gutfeld | Five | Jesse Watters PrimetimeDear Friends, American political commentator, writer and broadcaster Tucker Carlson is committed to delivering the pure truth, free from the influence of corporate agendas and bias. We have created a Telegram channel called "TUCKER CARLSON FAN SOCIETY" Subscribers to the "TUCKER CARLSON FAN SOCIETY" Telegram channel will have exclusive access to his latest videos, interviews and thought-provoking discussions. By subscribing to the TUCKER CARLSON FAN SOCIETY Telegram feed, you are actively contributing to the restoration of your right to unbiased news and analysis. You stay informed, empowered and armed with the knowledge you need to form your own opinions. Join the TUCKER CARLSON FAN SOCIETY Telegram channel and thousands of others looking for a fresh perspective. Together, we will break free from the constraints of the mainstream media and begin the journey to a more informed and active citizenry. HELP US GROW: Your support is the fuel that keeps the TUCKER CARLSON FAN SOCIETY Telegram channel going. By subscribing to the channel, you play an important role in helping us grow, attract new audiences and continue to provide interesting content. To subscribe to the "TUCKER CARLSON FAN SOCIETY" Telegram channel, simply follow the link below: Telegram: [https://t.me/TUCKERCARLSONON]. Special thanks to the subscribers of the "TUCKER CARLSON FAN SOCIETY" Telegram channel who are already contributing to a community that stands for truth, transparency, and freedom. Thank you for your support.15.1K views 8 comments -
ATF Loses AGAIN on Forced Reset Triggers and Judge Makes Fun of Them
VSOGunChannelFederal District Court Judge Reed O'Connor Eviscerated the ATF in the Rarebreed Triggers Case. In stunning support for the Constitution, Separation of Powers and the Second Amendment the Judge vacated the ATF's rule- Forced Reset Triggers are not machineguns. I expect the ATF will double down and appeal this case. Which, I hope they do, so they can further solidify this decision at a higher level of court. This video covers Reed O'Connor response to request for stay. ALL LINKS, Join the Email List, and get discounts from the affiliates page: https://linktr.ee/vso_gun_channel Previous videos on this topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOZuHN5FOHc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHZ-FyrMyEY466 views 2 comments -
Harley Backlash Just Got WAY WORSE! Indian ROASTS Them & Sturgis Riders RAGE At New Controversy
The QuarteringHarley gets bad news from Indian! Harley Davidson boycott gets worse! Use code "switch" at https://coffeebrandcoffee.com to get great coffee and support the channel!20.8K views 52 comments -
Gun Owners Score More Wins Against ATF!
Guns, Gear, and Second Amendment News (Uncensored)The GunGuy Uncensored: https://twitter.com/gunguytv Practical Defense Systems: https://pdsclasses.com/ Join My Email List: http://eepurl.com/hWbz19 Join the GunGuyTV Crew: http://gunguytvcrew.org/ Watch GunGuyTV at these locations: • YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE_cilUcL18p6st9gcJFb8g • Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/GunGuyTV • X: https://x.com/gunguytv My other channels: Practical Defense Systems Security & Firearms Training: Website http://pdsclasses.com/ • YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE_cilUcL18p6st9gcJFb8g • Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-1275344 My Christian Channel (Vlog and Bible Lessons): • YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm_86xew1ccK9q4FB8IBZuA • Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-1302764 Support GunGuyTV: • Locals: https://gunguytv.locals.com • Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/gunguytv • Donate: https://gunguy.tv/ Social Media: • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GunGuyTV • X: https://x.com/gunguytv Join the fight: • Join Gun Owners of California: https://www.gunownersca.com/membership/ About comments: Positive and negative comments are welcome. Please feel free. That said, I believe in being respectful of others, so "trolling" comments and comments that contain profanity or sexually explicit material will be deleted.4.04K views 17 comments -
Dr Disrespect RETURNS & Massive MELTDOWN Ensues! His Side Of The Story Coming? Mr Beast Weirdos RAGE
The QuarteringWill we get the whole story?12.3K views 19 comments -