43 videos
Updated 8 days ago
Welcome to my playlist! Introducing my own countdowns! They should've been called cathartic countdowns. Enjoy! :
Top 10 Video Game Animals
TheIkranRiderThis is the Ikran Rider here welcoming you all to my first-ever vocal countdown! Inspired by the Green Scorpion's Animals list, as well as Fawful's Minion giving me encouragement on his Countdown Tutorial video, here is mine officially! Introducing my own Top 10! Enjoy!;) Channel intro: @0:00 Intro: @0:27 Number 10: @1:48 Number 9: @4:39 Number 8: @6:50 Number 7: @8:44 Number 6: @10:32 Number 5: @13:32 Number 4: @15:11 Number 3: @17:47 Number 2: @19:53 Number 1!: @22:5710 views -
Top 10 Video Game Doppelgangers
TheIkranRiderWelcome to my 2nd vocal project! :) Inspired by ItionoBen's Top 10 Evil Copies, I'd decided to do a list of my very own! Enjoy, and don't forget to check out my last list! @0:03 Channel Intro @0:35 Intro @2:10 Number 10 @3:12 Number 9 @5:07 Number 8 @7:16 Number 7 @10:01 Number 6 @12:15 Number 5 @14:26 Number 4 @16:33 Number 3 @19:08 Number 2 @22:08 Honorable Mentions @22:48 Number 18 views -
Top 12 Video Game Petites
TheIkranRiderWelcome to my 3rd vocal countdown! And may I say the smaller guys can be better than the bigger bads! These guys definitely need the love, especially since there's only one list for this sort of thing! Enjoy! :) Link to only list of petites: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGNtunmieFA&t=261s HONORABLE MENTIONS Wisps (Sonic Colors) Charmy the Bee (Sonic) Outlaw/Outlaw 2 (Twisted Metal) Chang Firefox (Fur Fighters) 10 Kirbys (Kirby Mass Attack) Prince Tricky (Starfox Adventures) Luneth (Dissidia Final Fantasy) Vivi and Eiko (Final Fantasy IX) Young Link (Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask) Alex Kidd (Alex Kidd series) Awesome Possum (Awesome Possum kicks Dr, Machino's Butt) Chapters @0:00 Start Joke @0:25 Channel intro @0:58 Petites Intro @2:11 Number 12 @4:57 Number 11 @6:57 Number 10 @8:50 Number 9 @11:14 Number 8 @12:56 Number 7 @14:52 Number 6 @17:41 Number 5 @20:39 Number 4 @22:50 Number 3 @24:53 Number 2 @28:11 Number 110 views -
Top 10 Summer Levels in Video Games
TheIkranRiderHey guys, and Happy Summer to you all! Which is ironic considering it's my least favorite season. There's no heat and humidity, as I'd count down my favorite summer levels in video games! Enjoy! :) Also, I want to give a shoutout to Blockfort! I recommend to any aspiring YouTuber, as they make excellent countdown ideas! Here's the link: https://www.blockfort.com/other-lists/beachlevels/ @0:00 Summer Levels @0:19 Intro @0:49 Countdown Intro @1:59 Number 10 @3:35 Number 9 @6:12 Number 8 @8:01 Number 7 @10:30 Number 6 @12:52 Number 5 @15:53 Number 4 @18:54 Number 3 @21:23 Number 2 @23:31 Honorable Mentions @24:23 Number 113 views 1 comment -
Top 10 Underappreciated Video Games
TheIkranRiderWelcome to my next countdown! ;) I just hate how certain games had been swept under the rug, especially when they've been oversaturated by the cashcows! So, here is where I talk about my 10 personal favorite underestimated games! Enjoy! And I hope I can make these entries more recognizable & favorable to the general public. NOTE: I didn't know about the 2015 mobile game of the Lost Vikings till the list was done. But I still find them to be underrated. Intro: @0:00 Channel Intro: @0:06 Intro to countdown: @0:35 Number 10: @1:23 Number 9: @3:17 Number 8: @4:58 Number 7: @7:13 Number 6: @9:38 Number 5: @11:49 Number 4: @14:03 Number 3: @16:58 Number 2: @19:32 Honorable Mentions: @22:39 Number 1: @23:3113 views -
Top 12 Favorite Video Game Villains
TheIkranRiderIntroducing my Top 12 Favorite Video Game Villains! Inspired by other Villains list, but mostly the one from Fawful's Minion and CJszero01. NOTE: I also made a blooper saying Ivo Robotnik was a sibling to Maria, but they were actually cousins which I found out later. Whoops! :( Inspiration: 0:00 Channel intro: @0:05 Intro: @0:37 Number 12: @2:20 Number 11: @4:38 Number 10: @7:28 Number 9: @9:40 Number 8: @12:42 Number 7: @15:58 Number 6: @19:15 Number 5: @21:45 Number 4: @25:15 Number 3: @28:48 Number 2: @32:50 Honorable Mentions: @35:40 Number 1: @36:5711 views -
Top 10 Video Game Teams
TheIkranRiderJust in time for the football season! Introducing my top 10 favorite video game teams! Teamwork is dreamwork, no matter what media it is or in real life! Woeking together can move mountains! So, let's see what they are and how useful a team can be! NOTE: NO teams from regular sport teams are present here! Intro: @0:00 Teams Intro: @0:32 Transition: @1:20 Number 10: @1:42 Number 9: @4:20 Number 8: @6:25 Number 7: @8:34 Number 6: @11:10 Number 5: @14:15 Number 4: @17:00 Number 3: @19:21 Number 2: @21:48 Honorable Mentions: @24:42 Number 1: @25:439 views -
Top 12 Creepiest Enemies in Video Games
TheIkranRiderWelcome to my first-ever Halloween countdown! :) Here, I talk about the 12 Enemies that used to give me terror and sometimes fear growing up, till my adult years anyway. Enter at your own risk, and I hope some can be similar to yours! Enjoy my first scary special! Intro rebuttal: @0:00 Halloween Production: @0:10 Intro: @0:38 Number 12: @1:35 Number 11: @3:35 Number 10 @5:42 Number 9: @7:36 Number 8: @10:11 Number 7: @12:01 Number 6: @14:36 Number 5: @17:03 Number 4: @19:46 Number 3: @23:33 Number 2: @27:33 Honorable Mentions: @30:52 Number 1: @31:566 views -
Top 10 Tribal Characters in Video Games
TheIkranRiderPLEASE READ DESCRIPTION!! This list was only made for the sake of fun and entertainment. If any viewers find this offensive, blame the developers that had created these said characters. I apologize in advance if they'd seem inaccurate/offensive, but this list wasn't intentional. So please respect my opinions and enjoy my first ethnic countdown. Just in time since it's November anyway. Channel intro: @0:00 Intro: @0:31 Number 10: @1:41 Number 9: @3:52 Number 8: @6:12 Number 7: @8:52 Number 6: @10:49 Number 5: @13:47 Number 4: @16:17 Number 3: @20:14 Number 2: @23:10 Number 1: @27:206 views -
Top 10 Arctic Levels in Video Games
TheIkranRiderThis shall be the final list of the year 2021! Enjoy my first-ever festive countdown! Happy Holidays, everyone!! :) Also, this happens to be an inspiration from CJszero01's own Wintery Level list! ⛄https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roZqGsvPBzU Arctic Intro: @0:32 Number 10: @1:23 Number 9: @4:32 Number 8: @7:24 Number 7: @9:10 Number 6: @12:19 Number 5: @14:33 Number 4: @16:41 Number 3: @19:42 Number 2: @21:41 Honorable Mentions: @23:43 Number 1: @24:234 views