Fire Emblem Engage
46 videos
Updated 1 year ago
Fire Emblem Engage
#1 - Fire Emblem Engage - Day 1
Shredfreak GamesMetal Shredfreak on YouTube: http://youtube.com/@MetalShredfreak Metal Shredfreak on Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/MetalShredfreak Gaming Couch on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2387040 Shredfreak Show on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2250540105 views 5 comments -
#2 - Fire Emblem Engage - Day 2
Shredfreak GamesMetal Shredfreak on YouTube: http://youtube.com/@MetalShredfreak Metal Shredfreak on Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/MetalShredfreak Gaming Couch on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2387040 Shredfreak Show on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-225054064 views 1 comment -
#4 - Fire Emblem Engage - Day 4 - Chapter 6 - The Stolen Ring
Shredfreak GamesTIMESTAMPS! In case you want to skip the in-between-fights filler. Chapter 6 - 54:25 Battle! - 1:00:55 I made a decision relating to the Fire Emblem streams. I started a new file and got caught up to where I was in the file that I have been playing on stream. This is for a few reasons: 1. I wanted to keep my healer alive. 2. I wanted the female protagonist because her voice actress is not annoying like the male's voice actor. 3. I took some time off-stream to read all the stuff and brush off the rust, so I raised the difficulty to MADNESS!70 views -
#5 - Fire Emblem Engage - Day 5 - Chapter 6 pt2 - The Stolen Ring
Shredfreak GamesShorter stream to close out the chapter that I left open during the last stream.57 views -
#8 - Fire Emblem Engage - Day 6 - Paralogues
Shredfreak GamesGoing to play some of the extra side quests before we move on to the next chapter. Close calls, beating the odds, my OnlyFans gets shamed, but we're all good!53 views -
#9 - Fire Emblem Engage - Day 7 - Chapter 7 - Dark Emblem
Shredfreak GamesMy Focusrite is crackly, but my capture card sounds way better. Getting closer! Anyways, here I am bumbling through Chapter 7 like I just stepped out of an acetone shower.40 views -
#10 - Fire Emblem Engage - Day 8 - Chapter 8 - The Kingdom of Might
Shredfreak GamesThe Focusrite is out of the setup, and the audio is no longer crackling like it was before. Used the headset mic for now, but I will work on getting better sound, I promise! For now, we fight through Chapter 8 and see some interesting new characters during and at the very end of the stream!40 views -
The FIRST Divine Paralogue - Day 9 - Fire Emblem Engage - Shredfreak Games #11
Shredfreak GamesGot the audio working much, MUCH better, but still having some crackling issues with the sound from the game when connecting with Streamyard. Will talk to them and try to troubleshoot this further. In the game, we play through the first Divine Paralogue, and it turns out to be much harder than I had anticipated. Part 2 of this map will be coming soon!55 views -
Live Replay! Ice Wyvern ONSLAUGHT continues! - Day 10 - Fire Emblem Engage - Shredfreak Games #12
Shredfreak GamesLIKE and SUBSCRIBE!!! Follow on RUMBLE also!!! Tonight, we continue where we left off in the divine paralogue. The ice wyverns that Tiki sent to fight us are deadly, and we have to make every move PERFECT to survive! This challenge turns out to be BRUTAL!51 views