BrozmeTRUTH. | Eye Drop Media RedPillAnons https://rumble.com/v5mzeb8-truth.-eye-drop-media.html119 views 2 comments -
UNCENSORED MED!A 🇺🇲- More Uncensored Media: https://www.kmscreative.org/uncensoredmedia ▶️ Website: https://www.kmscreative.org ▶️ Linktree: https://linktr.ee/kmscreative777 ▶️ Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/uncensoredmedia ▶️ Gab: https://gab.com/KMSCREATIVE777 ▶️ X: https://x.com/kmscreative17955 views 1 comment -
"The Final Phase Plan" - Condensed
DaveWaterburyThis video is PACKED with info U won't find on the mainstream news, given bluntly, succinctly, by Colonel Ricardo Bosi, the ex-Head of Commandos, Australia. Way more intel than an average Rumble video. Get ready !!!54.2K views 222 comments -
Checkmate. 55 - JOHN JOHN MASTER Q
QspecialForcesMANY FACES OF JOHN JOHN MASTER Q = JFK jr -->> https://rumble.com/v1ium6x-many-faces-of-john-john-master-q-jfk-jr.html --->> https://rumble.com/v1lcx9z-the-exposing-and-takedown-of-the-cabal-by-the-military-intel-qp.html - WE ARE THE STORM #QWARRIORSWORLDWIDE --->>> https://rumble.com/v1l1q1p--we-are-the-storm-qwarriorsworldwide.html - THE STORM HAS ARRIVED - Q -->> https://rumble.com/v1kvj6x-the-storm-has-arrived-q.html - THE STORM IS HERE - Q -->> https://rumble.com/v1klwjh--the-storm-is-here-q.html - THE STORM IS UPON US - Q -->> https://rumble.com/v1jwsxt-the-storm-is-upon-us-q.html - JUSTICE IS COMING - TIMING IS EVERYTHING Q+ -->> https://rumble.com/v1l1mjl-j6stice-is-coming-timing-is-everything-q.html - HERQS NEVER DIE LEGENDS LIVE FOREVER - WHICH STORM MR. President? - > YOU WILL FIND OUT 😎 -->> https://rumble.com/v1jp57n-which-storm-mr.-president-you-will-find-out-.html - I AM THE STORM Q+ -->> https://rumble.com/v1ipdcl-i-am-the-storm-q.html - JFK JR. - I'M JOHN JOHN! I WILL BACK SOON - WELCOME BACK JOHN JOHN --->>> https://rumble.com/v1lb72n--jfk-jr.-im-john-john-i-will-back-soon-welcome-back-john-john.html - NEVER FORGET : IT'S ALL ABOUT THE CHILDREN ❤️ IN THE WORLD -->> https://rumble.com/v1kv8yl-never-forget-its-all-about-the-children-in-the-world.html - ITS TIME TO FACE THE TRUTH - NO MERCY FOR CHILD PREDATORS -->> https://rumble.com/v1j1cbd-its-time-to-face-the-truth-no-mercy-for-child-predators.html - Q - THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD -->> https://rumble.com/v1ijlcj-q-the-plan-to-save-the-world.html - SILENT RUNNING - „Remember: nothing we are doing came easy“ -->> https://rumble.com/v1j381g-silent-running-remember-nothing-we-are-doing-came-easy.html - THE RETURN --->> https://rumble.com/v1j3tb7-the-return.html - NO QUARTER - NO SURRENDER. KNOW YOUR ENEMY -->> https://rumble.com/v1j41o1-no-quarter-no-surrender.-know-your-enemy.html - HERQQS COMING HOME ⚔️❤️⚔️ -- https://rumble.com/v1kxf8t-herqqs-coming-home-.html - THE START - THE BEST IS YET TO COME --->>> https://rumble.com/v1iouf7-the-start-the-best-is-yet-to-come.html - THE PUNISHER JFKjr - JOHN JOHN MASTER Q -->> https://rumble.com/v1l1bn5-the-punisher-jfkjr-john-john-master-q.html ä TIME TO BURN IT ALL DOWN -->> https://rumble.com/v1istb3-time-to-burn-it-all-down.html - EPIPHANY - WE TRIED SO HARD TO WAKE YOU UP -->> https://rumble.com/v1j3ycb-epiphany-we-tried-so-hard-to-wake-you-up.html - SPECIAL UNIT Z - WITCHES and TRAITORS NIGHTMARE -->> https://rumble.com/v1khf7f-z-special-unit.html - 🇺🇲⚡️🇦🇺⚡️TIP OF THE SPEAR SPECIAL UNIT Z -->> https://rumble.com/v1irom3-tip-of-the-spear-special-unit-z.html - AUSTRALIA SPECIAL FORCES -->> https://rumble.com/v1ijsw7-australia-special-forces.html 75th RANGER REGIMENT ‚Rangers lead the way' -->> https://rumble.com/v1ijnj7-75th-ranger-regiment-rangers-lead-the-way.html - TIP OF THE SPEAR -->> https://rumble.com/v1ijrgt-tip-of-the-spear.html ------ #SpaceForce #EarthAlliance #GalacticFederation #SempreSupra - ⚔❤️ WWG1WGA ❤️⚔ 💫⭐️💫⭐️ Q ⭐️💫⭐️💫 #AngelWarriors #HSRetoucherQ #QWARRIORSWORLDWIDE supported by https://t.me/SpaceForceGalacticFederation - https://t.me/SpaceForceGalacticFederation/30219 - https://t.me/SpecialQForces/4207310.6K views 48 comments -
Ben Carson is a National Treasure!
Brozme“I watched with horror as the events unfolded at that Pennsylvania Rally. I saw my dear friend, President Trump escape that by mere inches.. No weapon formed against YOU can prosper!!! • they tried to ruin his reputation… —— he’s now more popular than ever! • They tried to bankrupt him…. —— now he’s got more money than he had before! • They tried to put him in prison… —— he is free’er now more than ever! • Last weekend they tried to kill him… —— but there he is over there, ALIVE AND WELL! TRUMP gave a YUUUGE SMILE! ••• Know Your Rights •As in free speech, you must exercise it. •As in bearing arms, you must exercise it. •As in freedom of religion, exercise it. •As in securing your home, exercise it. •As in knowing of the crime accused, exercise it. •As in excessive fines shall not be imposed, exercise it. •As in Electors shall follow prescribed laws, exercise it. •As in slavery, no man, no woman and no child shall be; exercise it. •As in the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness, exercise it. •As in freedom to participate in free and fair elections, exercise it. ••• THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC AND A DEMOCRACY. https://t.me/Forbidden_History_tg/318 0.02.45 I am BrozMe https://rumble.com/v5799u1-ben-carson-gives-heartfelt-message-to-donald-trump.html261 views 3 comments -
QspecialForcesVideo Credit PikemanProductions.com http://tiny.cc/PikemanProductions - 🔥 PATRIOTS IN CONTROL 2: THE STING OPERATION --->>> https://rumble.com/v52b5un-patriots-in-control-2-the-sting-operation.html - 🔥 PATRIOTS IN CONTROL: APPENDIX: TRUMP, Q AND THE MILITARY ---->>> https://rumble.com/v4q0i3c-patriots-in-control-appendix-trump-q-and-the-military.html - 🔥 PATRIOTS IN CONTROL 2: THE MILITARY TAKEOVER OF AMERICA --->>> https://rumble.com/v50bv2n-patriots-in-control-2-the-military-takeover-of-america.html - 🔥 PATRIOTS IN CONTROL 2: WHITE HAT PSYOPS – THE TRUMP-BIDEN DEBATE --->>> https://rumble.com/v553bmx-patriots-in-control-2-white-hat-psyops-the-trump-biden-debate.html - 🔥 PATRIOTS IN CONTROL 2: WHITE HAT PSYOPS PART 2 – MILITARY TRIBUNALS --->>> https://rumble.com/v55q5us-patriots-in-control-2-white-hat-psyops-part-2-military-tribunals.html - 🔥 PATRIOTS IN CONTROL 2: EXPOSING THE EVIL - from NIH TO MS-13 & MORE --->>> https://rumble.com/v51e3wx-patriots-in-control-2-exposing-the-evil-from-nih-to-ms-13-and-more.html - 🔥 PATRIOTS IN CONTROL PART 3: EXPOSING THE MARXIST-COMMUNIST AGENDA --->>> https://rumble.com/v4bcrw5-patriots-in-control-part-3-exposing-the-marxist-communist-agenda.html - 🔥 PATRIOTS IN CONTROL PART 1: THE 2ND AMERICAN REVOLUTION --->>> https://rumble.com/v4ahnyl-patriots-in-control-part-1-the-2nd-american-revolution.html - 🔥 PATRIOTS IN CONTROL PART 4: EXPOSING THE CORRUPTION --->>> https://rumble.com/v4bs7uo-patriots-in-control-part-4-exposing-the-corruption.html - PATRIOTS IN CONTROL: APPENDIX 2: TRUMP VS THE ZIONIST FAKE JEWS --->>> https://rumble.com/v4x67st-patriots-in-control-appendix-2-trump-vs-the-zionist-fake-jews.html - BACKGROUNDS TO GET THE FACTS RIGHT >>> TRUMP & SUPPOTERS @WAR - THE WOKE RADICAL LEFT & THE MSM AGAINST MAGA & THE GREAT AWAKENING --->>> https://rumble.com/v4zltf0-trump-and-suppoters-war-the-woke-radical-left-and-the-msm-against-maga-and-.html - Q - THE PLAN TO SAVE MANKIND and the WORLD Joe M. Compilation #NCSWIC --->>> https://rumble.com/v2efmwe-q-the-plan-to-save-mankind-and-the-world-joe-m.-compilation-ncsvvic.html - Q WEBINAR | PART 1 - What / Who is Q? Understanding The Operation --->>> https://rumble.com/v4mmaer-q-webinar-part-1-whatwho-is-q-understanding-the-operation.html - WHAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND WITH THE FACT: "THEY KNOW EVERYTHING" and "WE HAVE IT ALL" ... 🔥 20 January - 8 February 2021 - Hangman at WASHINGTON D.C >> Military District >> foreign SOIL= GITMO --->>> https://rumble.com/v45skqu-20-january-8-februari-2021-hangman-at-washington-d.c-military-district-fore.html - TRANSITION TO MILITARY POWER, WASHINGTON D.C SEIZED - LAW OF WAR IN FULL QPERATION MODE --->>> https://t.me/GitmoTV/29857 - WASHINGTON D.C WAS NOT UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.. - 93 SENATORS EXECUTED for 🔥🔥🔥TREASON 🔥🔥🔥 > Senators voted to certify fraudulent Election of the Presidency --->>>> https://rumble.com/v4is2xb-for-treason-executed.html - PATRIOTS IN CONTROL: APPENDIX 2: TRUMP VS THE ZIONIST FAKE JEWS ---->>> https://rumble.com/v4x67st-patriots-in-control-appendix-2-trump-vs-the-zionist-fake-jews.html - BUSH FUNERAL --->>> https://t.me/GitmoTV/30149 - QUOTE: "WE HAVE IT / THEM ALL" - SUN TZU - THE ART OF WAR MOST IMPORTANT RULE: >>>>> Do not disturb your enemy when he is about to destroy himself ... and as we sat by the river we saw the corpses of the enemy floating by -->> https://rumble.com/v1j1g4t-sun-tzu-the-art-of-war.html - Military Earth Alliance covert operations have neutralized high-level parasitic elites, bloodline families and secret societies in recent years. —>>> WE HAVE IT ALL - THE HUNT IS IN FULL SWING --->>> https://rumble.com/v1iiqg7-we-have-it-all.html12K views 18 comments -
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSKid by the Side of the Road is a very major work. If you have not read it or even not aware of it this is an Audio Track of the first three Chapters. You can download it onto your device and listen on the GO. This was put together by JetsonWhite who asked Juan for the rights to do this on a show on a Tom Numbers Show he did with Juan O Savin in April 2021. This series was recorded on August 22, 2021, Jetson states he was blessed to be on a show with Juan (big thanks to Tom Numbers). During that show Juan granted Jetson, whose Birthday was the very same day and Juan give him permission to record his book: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCIeLtT8NOs Some of the Pictures are on the screen but not all of them and this recording is of the first three chapters by three different speakers. (Chapter 4 was The Dream and someday we will have Juan read that one). I posting this today because this is a very special week. And that will be evident soon. Juan has mentioned several moments lately that appear in this reading and in his books. The books are still for sale on https://allpatriots.gumroad.com/ as well as the coins. Enjoy the Show!31.4K views 55 comments -
"The Debate" by Derek Johnson (RattleTrap1776) - June 30/July 1, 2024
RattleTrap1776Military Occupation and Continuity of Operations outlined in the "Debate" from President Trump that is backed by ALL Military and Federal Laws and Orders, currently in place. If you're not reading and/or looking up what's in place, you're going to be like a cow at a new gate. You have to know the pre-requisites, terminology, grammar, punctuation, and definitions. It only doesn't make sense when people do not read and study and absorb. When this is all said and done... it'll be 111% validation. That's also why my book is #1 Best Seller on Amazon right now showing how the Generals pulled this off. "The Midnight Rider Rides Again" is the #1 seller in its category available here: If you want it signed, I'm Self-Published and you can get it here (takes around 1-2 weeks turn around due to shortages and the process): https://rattletrap1776.myshopify.com/products/the-midnight-rider-rides-again And on Amazon; available in Print and Kindle (International as well): https://www.amazon.com/Midnight-Rider-Rides-Again/dp/B0CSTFD8ZD/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2828RZJK120P7&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.gXykyPlnCaBhkzr1He7b7wZd5wKRIVKsjniFOb2nVE5Awl1bd4S-9wqCCaK_n5JKnjCUjlTZ_OJ4Kp9UMMhsm5iVn6s0R0tHP5klRWKVt7c.jLzkyygJbyMiJtYy2mUGcJc7o_LUuiq7lhHShBxDm5k&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+midnight+rider+rides+again+derek+johnson&qid=1709528640&sprefix=the+midnight+ri%2Caps%2C136&sr=8-1 NEW BOOK; Also a #1 Seller on Amazon: The Royal Flush of Country Music: https://rattletrap1776.myshopify.com/products/the-royal-flush-of-country-music Amazon Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/Royal-Flush-Country-Music-ebook/dp/B0D4YHQFG3/ref=sr_1_1?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.TqPwC4ewHVVapwzyTM4uYBKpyQ55Fi7m80MBYOH_ORzIAVaA4tYTAJb8bumDXcr-j8WUyWz-quXr_xFqtyjvUWQ1NuDFIzx_aWwRopLGYEY4EHgfzDNXLjSi1uDxYL5lOIRj9nQJKrJnWSSbi4iYJeTrIdLJEJXeV6ctkMZpWaxi9lfFsQO9tCKVDqTR47NDC05I4Qn1B5rllid0HpQQgycgDLGRy2pJj9C8C0iP5JE.ch77-bGfg2MdWnO91LdxOoZd2FvLP7V0iFbI0VzYCGI&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+royal+flush+of+country+music&qid=1716679237&sr=8-1 MY ONLY Links: https://linktr.ee/1776nation Facebooks: www.facebook.com/the1776nation www.facebook.com/rattletrap1776 www.facebook.com/derekjohnsoncountry Telegram: t.me/rattletrap1776 t.me/rattletrapnation TruthSocial: @derekjohnson Twitter: @rattletrap1776 Websites: www.rattletrap1776.com www.thedocuments.info www.derekjohnsoncountry.com YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@DerekJohnsonCountry Stream my music on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4LpnkCX90qkKLc45KKssMz Get my music on Apple: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/derek-johnson/140886029673.3K views 346 comments -
WeNotMe Jason Q & Jack Lander with Conan Episode 58 11/26 12pm EST AM= 11CT 10MT 9PT
WENOTMEASEA Jason JASON ASEA https://jasonq.myasealive.com/ Jack's ASEA link https://zerorex.myasealive.com/ For Enrollment assistance/information Text Jay: 321-216-8047 Contact Dina: 219-777-1982 AMAZON Wish Lists: Jack https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/CURYT6THJRLV?ref_=wl_share Jason https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1FFPFQM7EMBAU?ref_=wl_share NEUMI: Jason https://neumi.com/JasonQ/home Jack https://neumi.com/zeroRex/home GIVE SEND GO: Jason: http://www.givesendgo.com/Jason_Q Jack https://www.givesendgo.com/ZeroRex CHIME: https://Chime.com/r/jacklander1 CASHAPP: Jason https://cash.app/$JasonMJaniszewski Jacks Shopify Store: MERCH: https://jackbreaksout.myshopify.com/ WeNotMe Telegram https://t.me/WeNotMe1781 Telegram Chat https://t.me/+xkNzfSpAdslhYzFh Facebook https://www.facebook.com/WeNotMe1781 Instagram https://instagram.com/wenotme1781?igshid=NjNlMDhmYTc= https://www.tiktok.com/@wenotme1781 Email: WeNotMe1781@Gmail.com Check out: The Time is Now Podcast which features the WeNotMe family and great supporters of this channel. https://rumble.com/user/TheTimeIsNowPodcast Jack's Channel https://rumble.com/search/all?q=JackBreaksOut 🧢🔴We Not Me🧢🔴 🧢HATS & BUZZERS🔴 Hats embroidered just like Jason's with,,,We Not Me,,,,on the back are $43 Signed JQ Buzzers ~ 1 for $20 or 2 for $30 2 Buzzers + Hat = $70 Email me, Dina at Jumpette@gmail.com With your name, phone number and I will get a hold of you to get details and finalize your order. We accept Cash App, PayPal, Venmo and Checks. Sincerely, Dina 💕❤️💕 CASHAPP https://cash.app/$WeNotMeJQ PAYPAL https://paypal.me/WeNotMe1781?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US VENMO https://account.venmo.com/u/Dina-Jump55.1K views 193 comments