Weather Modification-Weather Warfare-Chemtrails
2 videos
Updated 5 months ago
For information about weather manipulation .
HAARP is Running an Experiment During Solar Flare Event. One Coincidence After Another 5-11-2024
TheWarAgainstYouHAARP is Running an Experiment During Solar Flare Event. One Coincidence After Another 5-11-2024 - 3,309 views May 11, 2024 REBEL CALL - HAARP CREATING ARTIFICIAL AURORAS - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES - MIrrored From: views 44 comments -
May 28, 2023
Unlawful Geo-Engineering Exposed Chem Trail NanoparticulateEx-Military Kristen Meghan Whistleblower On Chemtrails, Save Long Island Forum (2014) Source:- Full feature found here. Kristen Meghan, former US Air Force (“USAF”) industrial hygienist and environmental specialist, gave a presentation of what she had discovered about chemtrails at the first Annual Save Long Island Forum held on 17-19 January 2014 in Hauppauge, NY. Meghan spoke from the heart of her personal experience involving her career while serving at the Warner Robbins Airforce Base and when she came across huge shipments of toxic chemicals (aluminium, barium, strontium), oxides and sulphates being used in the sky and exposing organic lifeforms to these carcinogens. Kristen Meghan, former Air Force Industrial Hygienist and Environmental Specialist, gave a ground breaking presentation of what she had discovered about Chemtrails while serving her Country. This BRAVE young lady has put her livelihood / life on the line for U.S. Please take a minute to thank her and help U.S. by redistributing this Video and any other VALID information about Chemtrails to as many people as you can! This is a GLOBAL issue, other countries must get this information as well. "they" are spraying the majority of the population... Why? ================================= NUMBERS OF EXCESS DEATHS WORLD WIDE CONTINUES TO INCREASE FIGHT AGAINST • 5G ROLL OUT • THE FALSE CLIMATE CHANGE NARRATIVE. • 15 MINUTE CITY LOCKDOWNS • DON'T FORGET USE CASH WHERE YOU CAN. They want to take it away, USE IT OR LOOSE IT! Just imagine when taking your weekly groceries through the check out and your ID card says 'Transaction Invalid' NO CREDIT SCORE. Ask yourself how are you going to eat? • TRUTH ABOUT CHEMTRAILS and the Reckless Solar GeoEngineering. The Deliberate Spraying of aerosols 24/7 above our heads which affects the air we breath, explained here:- See Documentary "The Dimming". DuneDrifter, Topical Digest discovering the cover ups and lies you are being fed by mainstream media and Governments around the world. Music By SOUNDGROUNDER MUSIC Please Support --------------------------------------------------------- UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS (Article 1). All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights Articles 1 ---30 "It’s Easier To Fool People Than To Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled". Chem Trails, GeoEngineering, Bill Gates2.72K views 4 comments