The Occupation of The American Mind: The Propaganda of Israel vs Palestine
UNCENSORED MED!A 🇺🇲H/t: https://www.occupationmovie.org/ "Despite receiving an overwhelmingly positive response from those who have actually seen it, The Occupation of the American Mind has been repeatedly attacked and misrepresented by right-wing pressure groups and outright ignored by virtually all mainstream media outlets and North American film festivals. To bypass this campaign of misrepresentation and suppression, we’ve decided to make the film available for FREE online so that people can make up their own minds about its analysis of U.S. media coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Please watch and share widely!" More on Zionism: https://www.kmscreative.org/uncensoredmedia/categories/zionism More on Freemasonry: https://www.kmscreative.org/uncensoredmedia/categories/free-masons More on the NWO: https://www.kmscreative.org/uncensoredmedia/categories/nwo ------- 💻 WWW.KMSCREATIVE.ORG 📺 WWW.UNCENSOREDMEDIA.TV77.3K views 96 comments -
"Coffee and a Mike" ShowDr. Jack Kruse is a neurosurgeon on a mission to create health from disease by decentralized thinking & BTC. In this 2-hour conversation he talks the Marshmello experiment, MK-ULTRA’s blue light weapon, dismantling the Supreme Court, bitcoin, Meyer Lansky, Bukele, Trump, Casey/Calley Means, The Royal Family, transhumanism, benefits of sunlight and much more. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE LIKE AND SHARE THIS PODCAST!!! Follow Me Twitter/X-https://x.com/CoffeeandaMike Instagram-https://www.instagram.com/coffeeandamike/ Facebook-https://www.facebook.com/CoffeeandaMike/ Truth Social-https://truthsocial.com/@coffeeandamike Gettr-https://gettr.com/user/coffeeandamike Rumble- https://rumble.com/search/all?q=coffee%20and%20a%20mike Apple Podcasts- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/coffee-and-a-mike/id1436799008 Gab- https://gab.com/CoffeeandaMike Locals- https://coffeeandamike.locals.com/ Website-www.coffeeandamike.com Email- info@coffeeandamike.com Support My Work Venmo-https://www.venmo.com/u/coffeeandamike Patreon- http://patreon.com/coffeeandamike Locals- https://coffeeandamike.locals.com/ Cash App- https://cash.app/$coffeeandamike Mail Check or Money Order- Coffee and a Mike LLC P.O. Box 25383 Scottsdale, AZ 85255-9998 Follow Dr. Jack Kruse X- https://x.com/DrJackKruse Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/drjackkruse/?hl=en Website- https://jackkruse.com/ Patreon-https://www.patreon.com/drjackkruse Sponsors Vaulted/Precious Metals-https://vaulted.blbvux.net/coffeeandamike Independence Ark Natural Farming-https://www.independenceark.com/35.5K views 90 comments -
Dr. Sabine Hazan: The Gut Bacteria That’s Missing in People Who Get Severe COVID -FULL INTERVIEW
Asher PressHere is an 8 minute Clip: https://rumble.com/v2f48wi-are-covid-vaccines-killing-the-bifidobacteria-in-your-gut-dr.-sabine-hazan.html?mref=1bxo9j&mc=69gy3 Dr. Sabine Hazan is a gastroenterologist and CEO of Progenabiome. She is an expert on gut bacteria. When she started studying the microbiomes of COVID-19 patients, she quickly noticed a pattern. “The people that had severe COVID lacked a certain bacteria called bifidobacteria,” she says. In this episode, she breaks down how a healthy gut impacts people’s outcomes from COVID-19, and what steps people can take to improve their gut health and overall immunity. With the knowledge Hazan gained from studying the microbiomes of COVID-19 patients, she developed and patented treatment protocols combining vitamins and drugs that increase bifidobacteria including vitamin C, vitamin D, hydroxychloroquine, and ivermectin. We also discuss how the COVID-19 vaccines impact the microbiome, including the microbiomes of babies breastfeeding from recently vaccinated mothers. https://www.theepochtimes.com/dr-sabine-hazan-the-gut-bacteria-thats-missing-in-people-who-get-severe-covid_5140242.html?&utm_medium=AmericanThoughtLeaders&utm_source=SocialM&utm_campaign=SabineHazan&utm_content=3-23-202313.9K views 8 comments -
HIV, these viruses are manmade biological weapons! Dr Horowitz.
The Real Dr. Judy A. Mikovits(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts: https://therealdrjudy.com/judy-mikovits-transcripts/) TV reporter: One of the many top dog researchers, who is in Vancouver for the International Conference on AIDS. He is Harvard-educated. He has a doctorate in dental medicine from Tufts, University of Massachusetts. He's an international authority in public health education, and he's also a prolific author. When Dr Horowitz first heard the theory that the AIDS virus and other killer germs were deliberately cultured as biological weapons and deliberately targeted at unsuspecting victims. He thought the mere idea mad, some wild conspiracy, perhaps, or at least good grist for a sci-fi novel. Somewhere along the way, he's changed his mind. He's presenting his investigations at the AIDS conference in Vancouver on Wednesday, and Dr Horowitz joins us in our studio. When did you go from thinking this was a mad idea to a possibility? Dr Tent: Robert Gallo’s group at the National Cancer Institute in Litton, bionetics also experimented with monkey and human cancer viruses, and they developed mutants, these with viral nucleic acids, including those that caused AIDS, white blood cell dysfunction, leukemia, lymphomas, sarcomas. What is progressive wasting? Is that, does that look like an AIDS patient, and death in cats, mice, chickens, and humans? Dr. Horowitz: Took me about eight months having a document sit on my desk, which was a 1970 appropriations request for ten million dollars, for the development of AIDS-like viruses. And it sat on my desk and I realized I read it. It said the National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council informed the Department of Defense that they could develop synthetic biological agents for germ warfare in 1970 over five years for the cost of ten million dollars. Dr. Tent: Finally, these and other national cancer institute investigators infected and injected such mutant viruses into human white blood cells and fetal tissue cultures to enable them to infect humans and even transmit the same disease. Dr Horowitz: whether that document was accurate, whether it was real, and then I began to investigate what happened to the money, and that's what ended up in me looking finding the origin of AIDS In Ebola. TV reporter: What do you believe about the origin of AIDS? Dr Horowitz: What I know and what I'm presenting on Wednesday is that it's a manmade virus. There's no question in my mind, these viruses are manmade biological weapons, if you will, or they were developed for Cancer Research models by National Cancer Institute researchers, people under National Cancer Institute contract who also were contractors for the Department of Defense. Full Presentation by Dr Tent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06IlRwHlnfc&list=PLqX-uinS9spxzHHv3hzhHcdQ_0dH6EZ7k2.47K views 18 comments -
Documentary Showing: Israel's Second 9/11, How Zionism Conquered JFK, America & Palestine
Kim IversenThe Kim Iversen Show LIVE | July 4, 2024 Watch this special showing of the documentary by Matthew Tower: Israel's Second 9/11, How Zionism Conquered JFK, America & Palestine. Matthew will be a guest on the show on Friday July 12th. We will be talking about this documentary so watch it in advance and send in your thoughts, comments etc. Kim@KimIversen.com Follow Matthew Tower at @TruthTowerPod and visit TruthTower.com Come hear Kim speak at the Join To Save America Event at the Palm Beach Hilton Airport Sunday July 14th from 10am-2pm. The event is FREE but you must register to attend here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/060924-update-join-to-save-america-moral-support-for-president-trump-tickets-913278278917 Become a member of my LOCALS community where you will gain access to exclusive content, behind-the-scenes videos, valuable information, and even connect with me personally and others as well. It's a great way to support my independent media channel while receiving more content. You can become a FREE member or a paid subscriber. Visit https://kimiversen.locals.com/support Sign up for my FREE email newsletter here to get notifications of livestreams and segments: www.KimIversenemailsignup.com (I will never spam you or sell your info)215K views 946 comments -
GoW Ep#5: Was DoD's Covid-19 mandate a lawful order?
MILChildrensHDThat's the question that Brad and Dave tackle in this episode. This is a complex topic that requires a nuanced look in order to fully understand the laws circumvented and steps taken by DoD to obfuscate their actions. Dave gives a robust presentation that outlines the laws relevant to the mandate and the timeline of events demonstrating DoD's actions both leading up to the mandate and following its implementation. He includes documentation that references applicable laws as well as memoranda by certain parties that either explain certain laws or attempt to explain actions taken to circumvent specific laws. He also includes letters containing congressional inquiries into the anomalies concerning the mandate. This presentation is an updated version that Dave gave previously. That presentation can be found here: https://rumble.com/v1hwe6b-gateway-to-freedom-conference-david-beckerman.html The video from Feds for Medical Freedom embedded within the presentation can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKP3G7cZJkM And the full video is here (find your state!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6eUnn1Lot02.61K views