Personal Analyses or Works
16 videos
Updated 11 months ago
Just trying to help gather things together which are not more predominantly of a standalone nature. Much of my past work would be here, even if I may create new works to put in here.
Bring back Battleships like the Iowa style
GGoing Full RetardPosted to my Locals community that can be found at https://www.linktr.ee/hackingcovfefe . January 12th, 2022 is when I posted it. I have supported both the USS New Jersey museum and USS Texas museums with donations. I wish I could donate more. So happy that they have recently been drydocked and, hey, if aliens invade then at least we likely have seaworthy battleships to fight them with, if need-be. :) drink to the foam, anchors aweigh!43 views -
"Trans"-scend; Commenting on North Korean socialist thought (Juche)
GGoing Full RetardThis was done in May 2023. I read like 566 pages of Juche "thought", Korean for "self-reliance" (which only can be done by praying, since we are reliant on God in all that we do), and afterwards picked out pieces from which to comment, laugh at, or just utterly call out as fan-fiction. A copy can be found here: https://www.scribd.com/document/717925226/Trans-scend-2023-05-09 .14 views -
"Trans"-scend when? MAO! ; Commenting on Chinese Socialist thought from Mao
GGoing Full RetardThis was done in May 2023. I had just finished the North Korean book with 566 pages of literal verbal vomit and then thought, hey, maybe I could read Mao and hope it isn't that bad. Actually, it kinda is bad. However, I guess since I was in the mind of a North Korean retard, I didn't exactly spot as much bullshit as I would have. Still, I hammer Mao's thoughts using his own words against him. In the reading of what I selected and personally rebuked in my commentary, I found more things to comment about in the process! A copy can be found here: https://www.scribd.com/document/717925244/Trans-scend-When-MAO-2023-05-10 .57 views 2 comments -
Hack LAS 36673 Personal Documentary
GGoing Full RetardA video made for university course in May 2021 regarding the BLM riots in Summer 2020. It does include, at the beginning, a contemporary video of what started 2021 on a good note despite the horrors that America saw in Summer 2020.25 views -
American Governance 2024-03-23
GGoing Full RetardAmerica is defined by the Declaration Of Independence, forming a federal government through the US Constitution, with residuals from the Articles Of Confederation, British Common Law, and other forms of argumentation. Without all of these, "In God We Trust" as a Christian nation though all are generally welcome provided that you are civil, it does not make sense to have self-governance in America. Either we recognize what forms our governance, or we will be ignored by the "res publica".16 views -
March 17th, 2020: thoughts to deal with COVID, first day of "15 Days To Slow The Spread"
GGoing Full RetardI likely have a copy of this at https://www.linktr.ee/hackingcovfefe under Locals. Instead of trying to say one thing was the "right idea", I just presented numerous ideas. It's interesting how I had said "do not ingest random things" and then there was that whole thing about "inject bleach, shine light into the body" that people made fun of Trump as thinking; actually, we already have disinfectant in the body (lysosomes) and x-rays are a regular way that we shine light into the body. "Follow the government for a few days, then disobey". Which red-states had the unmitigated growth curve of virus deaths, not just virus cases? None, I believe. Yet California and New York had a lot of unmitigated growth curves for death until people just refused to completely uphold the ridiculous shutdown rules in their private lives though they tried to "comply" publicly for months until apparently peaceful rioting was announced by political health (public policy is politics... so public health is political) as not a contributing factor to catching COVID-19... Regardless, it's like four years now so... Whatever.55 views -
COVID Illness, personal October 2020 analysis
GGoing Full RetardYou can still read it, yourself, at https://www.linktr.ee/hackingcovfefe . If you want to laugh at me for two hours, since I didn't realize my mic was muted, you can do that at https://rumble.com/v4l0vdh-no-audio-covid-illness-personal-october-2020-analysis.html14 views -
COVID Lockdowns, personal October 2020 analysis
GGoing Full RetardYou can read it, yourself, at https://www.linktr.ee/hackingcovfefe . It would be in the October 2020 bundle that would be on the Locals Community. The whole issue was started by Trump's travel ban on China in January 2020. When that occurred, the Democrats called the Republicans racist and the Republicans reacted; as such, hyperpolarization occurred in the government which is largely partisan while the populace has a large abstain-voter population and "independent" voting population. The world followed America, as everyone was either "follow the experts" or don't, yet a lot of people were arguing to do the "China method" of extreme authoritarian reaction. ... We didn't do anything like this during the Obama Swine Flu PANDEMIC but like, we kinda forgot about the effects of that (I was deployed so I didn't even know it happened) because while it was a pandemic... It was a mild illness, anyways, though illness is always serious precisely because unless you show recovery... you are on the way towards death. "unmitigated growth curve" is known in Differential Equations (maths) as an exponential function when a virus is spreading through a population. The "speed" as freaked out about on the news is actually how all illnesses spread when the conditions are such that there is no mitigation to spread. Why did it spread, if lockdowns were a cure? It was infecting people, still, and we also pushed more people together in grocery stores. Another problem with masks is that it makes you sleepy. If you are sleepy, you do not pay attention well nor think well. As such... That helps explain why no one could truly figure out what to do until things were getting bad and people had to stop following authoritarian procedures in the still liberty-protecting (though maybe not anymore given the influx of illegals and criminals) American states of California and New York. There are still liberty-loving people but everyone else has fled except for retards or abusers of the law (illegals and criminals, kinda the same thing since the illegals are illegal because they committed an immigration crime...). There's some links in the email read, here, yes but... It's generally better to find the document than... Maybe I'll post some of the links... I dunno. Maybe later. Feeling cute. idk19 views -
English Reading of Jude, a book in the Bible
GGoing Full RetardFigured I would pick a short book of the Bible from which to read and give an example of what you could do for children, and also for your own self or purposes. It's not special to be done by oneself but, hey, if you don't have anything to do and don't have a cough, why not replicate this?7 views -
Discussing Abortion, personal October 2020 analysis
GGoing Full RetardYou can read it, yourself, at https://www.linktr.ee/hackingcovfefe . It would be in the October 2020 bundle that would be on the Locals Community. So this is addressed to a "pro-life" person, after watching their interview with Michael Knowles. Danielle D'Souza Gill or something. My attempt was to get around the typical axis of "pro-life" versus "pro-choice" by going towards the state's view of protecting mere taxpayers (mother and the baby, current and future taxpayers). Some of the wording is weird, since it was a single go and really was just mean to hook you and let you read it and... Whatever. I wasn't trying to be followed, but to allow the reader to figure out their position. It's written to the recipient, as audience. By focusing on the state's position, we can attempt to make it a court decision for allowing abortions. While this seems like it doesn't change anything, try getting the court to allow you to cheat on your wife. ... You probably won't try to ask the court for permission to do that so, well, why would you expect permission to murder your child? The hypothetical of "artifical womb" isn't to promote detaching biology from our lives but, rather, to argue away the position of "pro-choice" people. If you can get the desired attempt by allowing the mother's body to be replaced, then what is the problem with "forcing" or encouraging the mother to birth the child as humans have done since life began? Safe havens already exist, yes, though the future could be used to conceive of the "artifical womb" which may be desired to save the life of the mother. Ethically, what is good? IVF can be used to clone people like in Star Wars, make slaves, or allow a totalitarian state to occur. Same with an "artifical womb". Pragmatically, though, we can use the hypothetical to better understand ways to avoid the ghoulish fate of plenty of babies slaughtered.50 views