Season 6
5 videos
Updated 6 months ago
Episodes of Season 6 of The Last Symptom podcast.
S6 Ep 16: The Epiphany Episode
The Last Symptom by Brian BarnettUpcoming Last Symptom book announcement. What is true or not. Where value originates. The origin of all motive. Get The Apple Tower book here: The Apple Tower: Complete Collection https://www.thelastsymptom.com Join our online community at thelastsymptom.locals.com, or by downloading the Locals.com app from the App Store and searching for The Last Symptom by Brian Barnett within. Livestreams there on Mondays.36 views -
S6 Ep 15: What 100% Healthy Means
The Last Symptom by Brian BarnettAm I 100% emotionally healthy? Is anybody? Can you be? Why or why not? My new book - not directly related to my work with The Last Symptom - available for purchase in both paperback and Kindle: The Apple Tower: Complete Collection. I'll explain why I'm presenting it here and how this graphic comic strip work supports my work with The Last Symptom and how it is related to my emotional health history. Modesty and what it means for you as a human being. The reason specific diagnosis, and the specific names given to various emotional disorders are largely irrelevant. The only real thing that matters is knowing that any emotional disorder is an emotional disorder. http://www.thelastsymptom.com Paperback copy of The Apple Tower: Complete Collection can be purchased here (Don't do it though until after Monday, Aug. 19, 2024 to ensure you don't get a defective copy): US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DCT3P324 UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0DCT3P324 AU: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0DCT3P324 Kindle (eBook) version can be purchased here now: US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DCT9RF9K UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0DCT9RF9K AU: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0DCT9RF9K IN: https://www.amazon.in/dp/B0DCT9RF9K Join our online community at thelastsymptom.locals.com, or by downloading the Locals.com app from the App Store and searching for The Last Symptom by Brian Barnett within. Livestreams there on Mondays. #emotionalhealth #emotionaldisorders #borderlinepersonalitydisorder #bpd #emotionallyunstablepersonalitydisorders #eupd #npd #narcissisticpersonalitydisorder #narcissism #borderline #psychology #mentalhealth #mentalillness #cure #recovery #completerecovery #fullrecovery #truerecovery #sexaddiction #brianbarnett #thelastsymptom #theappletower #theappletowercomic #comicstrips #cartooning #cartoons #newspapercomics61 views -
S6 Ep 12: The Origin of YOUR SHAME
The Last Symptom by Brian Barnetthttps://www.thelastsymptom.com Join our online community at thelastsymptom.locals.com, or by downloading the Locals.com app from the App Store and searching for The Last Symptom by Brian Barnett within. Livestreams there on Mondays. #shame #guilt #emotionalhealth #emotionaldisorders #distinctions #mentalhealth #mentalillness #relationships #personalitydisorders #cure #recovery #completerecovery #truerecovery #fullrecovery #truerecovery #authenticrecovery #selfworth #inherentworth #individuality #dignity #humanvalue #humanworth25 views -
S6 Ep 14: For Kids & Parents
The Last Symptom by Brian BarnettA special episode for the kids, and also for parents who are interested in my parenting style. My 9-year-old daughter, Eloise, shares some of her insights about life, relationships, feelings, and other things. https://www.thelastsymptom.com Join our online community at thelastsymptom.locals.com, or by downloading the Locals.com app from the App Store and searching for The Last Symptom by Brian Barnett within. Livestreams there on Mondays. #relationships #parenting #children #kids #families #psychology #mentalhealth #personalitydisorders #emotionalhealth #emotionaldisorders #cure #recovery #truerecovery #fullrecovery #completerecovery #authenticrecovery #brianbarnett #thelastsymptom23 views -
S6 Ep 13: How to Love Yourself for Real
The Last Symptom by Brian BarnettNEW! SPECIAL EPISODE of The Last Symptom podcast S6 Ep 13: “How to Love Yourself for Real” is now available in video format on YouTube & Rumble, and in audio format on the podcast platforms of your preference. Topics covered: 1. Being able to love yourself is far better than being loved in return 2. “I do already love myself” - are you sure? 3. How to determine if you don’t love yourself even if you feel like you do 4. How to love yourself for real 5. What prevents people from BEING loved? 6. The REASON being able to love for real is more fulfilling than being loved in return 7. Summary Links at thelastsymptom.com #love #unloved #unlovable #lovable #selflove #authenticlove #genuinelove #truelove #falselove #fakelove #selfesteem #selfworth #selfhate #selfloathing #relationships #barriers #obstacles #feelings #emotions #qualities #respect #admiration #emotionalhealth #emotionaldisorders #personalitydisorders #bpd #borderlinepersonalitydisorder #cure #completerecovery #recovery17 views