3 videos
Updated 4 months ago
Scott is a pastor in training and has taught on several subjects, including a full study of the book of Titus. Audio lessons can be found on our website, along with links to previous video lessons on YouTube.
Scott DeWeese, What About The Millennium? Part 4, Violence will be alleviated. (9-5-24)
countrybiblechurchbrenham-----Complete notes can be downloaded from our website - -----You may contact us at or Violence will be alleviated Isa 60:18 - “Violence will not be heard again in your land, Nor devastation or destruction within your borders; But you will call your walls salvation, and your gates praise. Not only will your walls keep you safe from foes, but “salvation” will serve as the walls, converting foes into friends, and so ensuring your perfect safety. Gates - The Lord’s saving work keeps Zion secure, and our harmonious, appreciative relationship with him provides gates to exclude every harmful thing. They will not have enemies, but brothers and sisters in Christ to enter their gates, and therefore, only praise for Christ will be present. Israelites had always considered the training of their children a high priority. Many wanted them to be true to the Lord and not guided by the pagan world around them. Righteousness will prevail (Isa 33:5; 46:13; 58:8; 62:1–2) and Jerusalemites will no longer fear, for the Lord will protect her from tyranny.24 views -
Scott DeWeese, What About The Millennium? (Part 3), Vengeance & Blessing (8-1-24)
countrybiblechurchbrenham-----Complete notes can be downloaded from our website - -----You may contact us at or Isaiah chapter 34 describes the wrath of God toward Israel’s enemy nations. Isaiah used Edom as an example of God’s judgment against the world. The Edomites were descendants of Esau, Jacob’s older brother. Their father Isaac told Esau he would live in an infertile area (Gen. 27:39–40). Because Edom became a perpetual enemy of Israel, she was an appropriate example of what the Lord will do to all nations that fight against His people.14 views -
What About the Millennium (Part 2) 7-11-24
Country Bible Church - Brenham, TX-----Complete notes can be downloaded from our website - -----You may contact us at or Persuasion of the anti-Christ in the Tribulation. Millennium – The future 1000 year period beginning with the establishment of Christ’s earthly reign and terminating with the last judgement and destruction of the present universe.21 views