5 videos
Updated 10 months ago
This is a list of videos to watch if you have questions or seek understanding about preterism or the preterist belief system.
Pastor David B Curtis on Understanding Revelation Part 2
Untold History ChannelThis video is part 2 of a precursor to an upcoming interview with David Curtis, Senior Pastor at Berean Bible Church of Virginia Beach, VA. Part 1 can be found here: https://rumble.com/v3f50nq-pastor-david-b-curtis-on-understanding-revelation.html Links: Video 1: https://www.bereanbiblechurch.org/transcripts/revelation/revelation-01-soon-coming-of-christ_video.php Video 2: https://www.bereanbiblechurch.org/transcripts/revelation/revelation-02-judgment-of-israel_video.php Pastors Note: https://www.bereanbiblechurch.org/about/pastorsNote.php Doctrinal Statement: https://www.bereanbiblechurch.org/about/doctrinalStatement.php4.27K views 26 comments -
Pastor David B Curtis on Understanding Revelation Part 1
Untold History ChannelThis video is part 1 of a precursor to an upcoming interview with David Curtis, Senior Pastor at Berean Bible Church of Virginia Beach, VA. Part 2 can be found here: https://rumble.com/v3fim6l-pastor-david-b-curtis-on-understanding-revelation-part-2.html Links: Video 1: https://www.bereanbiblechurch.org/transcripts/revelation/revelation-01-soon-coming-of-christ_video.php Video 2: https://www.bereanbiblechurch.org/transcripts/revelation/revelation-02-judgment-of-israel_video.php Pastors Note: https://www.bereanbiblechurch.org/about/pastorsNote.php Doctrinal Statement: https://www.bereanbiblechurch.org/about/doctrinalStatement.php3.5K views 18 comments -
Pastor David B Curtis on Inspiration Of Scripture & The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
Untold History ChannelPastor Curtis will be a guest on this channel on Monday, September 25th, 2023 at 7 PM EST to discuss the Preterist view of Biblical eschatology. This is the third installment of precursor videos ahead of his appearance on this channel. The other two, Understanding the Book of Revelation Part 1 and Part 2 can be found here: 1: https://rumble.com/v3f50nq-pastor-david-b-curtis-on-understanding-revelation.html 2: https://rumble.com/v3fim6l-pastor-david-b-curtis-on-understanding-revelation-part-2.html There is a document to be viewed in conjunction with this teaching, which can be downloaded here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Njphy2qayiyHeCPoZ-O4ly9RoxQRvBkE/view?usp=drive_link If you will not be able to participate live next Monday and have questions, please put them in the comment section or email them to untoldhistorychannel@gmail.com or have your questions ready for Monday evening where he will be answering them live. We will have our phone system working by then, so call in questions will be welcome or you can email them or place them in the comment section as well. If this is new to you and you disagree, please be respectful and disagree honorably. We are not trying to force our belief system on you, but to offer you a different perspective on Biblical interpretation than you have heard in the past.4.41K views 9 comments -
Christian Zionism & The Scofield Bible - Updated
Untold History ChannelMy original video links: Part 1: https://rumble.com/v3w7kvt-the-scofield-reference-bible-the-book-that-made-zionists-out-of-americas-ev.html Part 2: https://rumble.com/v3wsh1a-the-scofield-reference-bible-the-book-that-made-zionists-out-of-americas-ev.html Pearloff articles: https://jamesperloff.net/war-on-christianity-part-1/ https://jamesperloff.net/war-on-christianity-part-2/ Videos from within the production: Christian Zionism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXSsp2vvHjE Marching To Zion (Full Documentary): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqh3XnoDm0g Robert Sepehr Aryan Bloodlines of Ancient Babylon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kp6H0VSvi9Y Israeli TV Mocking Christians 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HytrKvXGljc Israeli TV Mocking Christians 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRHrOWJYQ6Q Brother Nathanael Judeo Christian Myth Video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/4Tq3gC72lQQ5/8.55K views 40 comments -
Pastor David Curtis LIVE - Sharing His Story & Answering Questions About Biblical Prophecy
Untold History ChannelPastor David Curtis of Berean Bible Church in Virginia Beach, VA joins the channel for a special event discussing Biblical Prophecy in our modern world.12K views 14 comments