COUNTDOWN TO CHAOS: Iran Issues Fresh Ultimatum to Israel and the U.S. | Tucker Triggers Zionist After Palestinian Christian Interview
Kim IversenThe Kim Iversen Show LIVE | April 15, 2024 Iran hit Israel hard after having their Consulate in Damascus Bombed. Israel Vows Revenger as Wester Leaders urge Israel to deescalate. Dimitri Dilani is the spokesperson of the Democratic Reformist faction within Fatah, the party of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. Dilani is also the head of the Christian National Coalition in Palestine. CBDistillery: Huge SALE - Go to www.cbdistillery.com and Enter Code: RUMBLE for 30% off your order. Meet your daily fruits and veggies goal! Get 15% off your first order of any Field of Greens products by using the promo code “KIM” at www.fieldofgreens.com Become a member of my LOCALS community where you will gain access to exclusive content, behind-the-scenes videos, valuable information, and even connect with me personally and others as well. It's a great way to support my independent media channel while receiving more content. You can become a FREE member or a paid subscriber. Visit https://kimiversen.locals.com/support Sign up for my FREE email newsletter here to get notifications of livestreams and segments: www.KimIversenemailsignup.com (I will never spam you or sell your info)123K views 326 comments