John Ashcroft & Robert Mueller 9/11 Investigation
20 videos
Updated 11 months ago
John Ashcroft & Robert Mueller press briefings about the investigations into the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks.
John Ashcroft Addresses The Media About 9/11 Attacks
AdamFitzgerald911U.S Attorney General John Ashcroft addresses the media about the 9/11 attacks. Norman Mineta also addresses the days events which has led to all aircraft takeoff to come under complete suspension. (9-11-2001)19 views -
John Ashcroft & Robert Mueller Media Announcement Regarding the 9/11 Attacks (9-12-2001)
AdamFitzgerald911U.S Attorney General John Ashcroft and FBI Director Robert Mueller address the media regarding additional information from the public which will help the investigation. Mueller extrapolates on the objectives to identify the hijackers involved in the attacks and arrest those individuals who may have assisted them. Note: Mueller states that the FBI have reviewed the flight manifests of the hijacked planes, yet has not determined or publicly acknowledged who were involved in the attacks. Yet the FBI who were at Dulles Airport on the afternoon of September 11th were reviewing security camera tapes with Security Supervisor, Eric Gill, and knew each of the hijackers that were involved with the hijacking of American Airlines Flight 77. (9-12-2001)19 views -
John Ashcroft & Robert Mueller Media Announcement Regarding the 9/11 Attacks (9-13-2001)
AdamFitzgerald911U.S Attorney General John Ashcroft announces his plan to enact the Public Safety Officers benefits Act of 1976, which provides benefits to families of law enforcement officers, ambulance crew members and firemen who were killed in the September 11th attacks. The benefits act is authorized by U.S President George W. Bush. Ashcroft also reports that the investigation into the 9/11 attacks have now been given full attention to foreign entities which are helping to investigate the matter. The FBI leads hotline has received over 2,000 phone calls with 22,000 suggested tips. He also states that there were 18 hijackers involved, Mueller also repeats this number before media questioning and that the hijackers were also ticketed passengers. (9-13-2001) Note: Ashcroft states none of the black boxes have been found, although this would be contradicted by FDNY Nicholas de Masi and Honorary Firefighter Mike Bellone both claimed they had found three of the four boxes, and that Federal agents took them and told the two men not to mention having found them. This remarkable claim has been steadfastly denied by federal investigators however. (9-13-2001)33 views -
John Ashcroft & Robert Mueller Media Announcement Regarding the 9/11 Attacks (9-14-2001)
AdamFitzgerald911U.S Attorney General John Ashcraoft and FBI Director Robert Mueller address reporters regarding the 9/1 investigation. Ashcroft states that there are now a full list of potential suspects which are involved with the 91/1 attacks. Mueller also points out that the largest FBI investigation has now taken control of the 9/11 attacks. With 4,000 special agents within the FBI, and 3,000 support employees with 56 FBI field offices involved. 36,000 total leads have been received. Note: Mueller publicly names the investigation PENTTBOM for the first time. Also Ashcroft states there are now 19 names that were involved in the plane hijackings of September 11th. This is the first time the cockpit voice recorder is brought up, Mueller responds that they are still investigation what is being transcribed and what was recorded in the cockpit of United Airlines Flight 93. (9-14-2001)26 views -
George Bush & State Department Media Response To The 9/11 Attacks
AdamFitzgerald911U.S President George Bush holds a press conference while at Camp David in Thurmont, Maryland. Secretary of State, Colin Powell, Vice President Dick Cheney, Secertary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and U.S Attorney General John Ashcroft are also in attendance taking questions from the media representatives. Bush declares that the United States Government will deal with the perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks with swift justice and will also hold accountable any entity who harbors them. Ashcroft states that there is a "high level of confidence" there were 19 hijackers involved. (9-15-2001) Note: George W. Bush states that Osama Bin Laden is the prime suspect for the 9/11 attacks and yet the FBI never holds Bin Laden accountable for the 9/11 attacks while embarking in the largest FBI investigation in U.S history code named PENTTBOM.25 views -
John Ashcroft Media Announcement Regarding The 9/11 Attacks (9-16-2001)
AdamFitzgerald911U.S Attorney General John Ashcroft addresses media at Camp David in Thurmondt, Virginia regarding the current investigation of the September 11th attacks. Ashcroft advises Congress to enforce stricter legislation against international terrorism. He does not take questions after his introduction. (9-16-2001)17 views -
John Ashcroft & Robert Mueller Media Announcement Regarding the 9/11 Attacks (9-17-2001)
AdamFitzgerald911U.S Attorney General John Ashcroft addresses the media regarding the continuing investigation into the September 11th attacks. Ashcroft has directed the U.S Deputy Marshall's to assist the FBI in their investigation, Air Marshall's will now help patrol in the airline industry and become a presence on board flights inside the United States. Meanwhile the State Department has been notified by the FBI that associates of the hijackers may still be inside the country. FBI Director Robert Mueller also addresses the media regarding the threats to ethnic Muslims have been heightened since the 9/11 attacks, he states vigilante crimes against Muslims will be prosecuted aggressively. The FBI is actively seeking Arab and Farsi speaking American citizens to help with the PENNTBOM investigation. Note: The FAA uplifts the suspension of flights on 9/13. The Saudi Royal Family have started to leave the United States, 160 in total, since 9/14 to return to Saudi Arabia. This is also the first presser where FBI malfeasance is addressed by the media, regarding the Minneapolis field office and FBI agent Colleen Rowley, Mueller states there were no "warning signs" regarding the 9/11 attacks.25 views -
John Ashcroft Media Announcement Regarding the 9/11 Attacks (9-18-2001)
AdamFitzgerald911U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft address the media regarding associates of the hijackers whom may still be in the United States. Ashcroft also brings up for the first time that there very well may have been more planes that were to be hijacked. Overall in the last 7 days, 96,000 tips have come in the multitude of agencies helping receiving these calls. Legislative changes are also mentioned, and Ashcroft gave no pause regarding the end of civil liberties if need be. (9-18-2001) Note: This is the first and only time Ashcroft will mention regarding more planes being hijacked on 9/11. he also mentions the formulation of the Anti-Terrorism Task Force by local prosecutors, sheriffs and ATF.20 views -
John Ashcroft Media Announcement Regarding the 9/11 Attacks (9-19-2001)
AdamFitzgerald911U.S Attorney General John Ashcroft speaks to reporters outside the Pentagon. Ashcroft seems visibly upset at times but gives an opening statement which he stammers thru. Reports ask Ashcroft how the Al Qaeda network was financed and how the investigation is ongoing, Ashcroft won't give detailed information but states the investigation is still ongoing. Ashcroft also states that foreign governments may have had a hand in aiding the Al Qaeda hijackers, he does not state which however. (9-19-2001)20 views -
John Ashcroft & Robert Mueller Media Announcement Regarding the 9/11 Attacks (9-20-2001)
AdamFitzgerald911U.S Attorney General John Ashcroft addresses the media while visiting Shanskville,, Pennsylvania. United Airlines Flight 93 hijacked out of Newark, New Jersey crashed here after passengers on the plane tried to get inside the cockpit. The hijackers then nose dived into the ground. Ashcroft states the investigation is still ongoing and will disrupt the organizations and individuals who helped financed the 9/11 plot. FBI Director Robert Mueller then address the media and compliments the FBI agencies nationwide in the largest investigation (PENTTBOMB) taken. They then take questions afterwards. (9-20-2001) Note: Robert Mueller makes for the first time to the public that investigators have found black boxes were found at the pentagon from Flight 77 (The flight data recorder and voice recorder) although he states the voice recorder was badly damaged nothing could be transcribed from it. He also states the cockpit vice recorder and flight data recorder was found at Shanskville from Flight 93 were found and investigators are underway transcribing what was on it. No black boxes were found at all at either of the planes which impacted the WTC towers.43 views