Cotton Sleeve Alternatives You Can Make Yourself
SOTAInstrumentsCotton sleeves for micropulsing eventually need to be replaced. Did you know it's easy to make your own? No sewing required! In this video clip, Russ Torlage of SOTA Instruments Inc. shows you how to make sleeves from common materials you likely already have around the house. He also shares a SOTA alternative you may not be aware of—cotton sleeves without Velcro®. Discover more about the SOTA Silver Pulser at https://youtu.be/UbIORgxhXrY The SOTA Silver Pulser has two functions – Micropulsing and making Ionic~Colloidal Silver. Micropulsing offers gentle microcurrents that work with the body’s natural electricity for more energy, general health and well-being. Ionic~Colloidal Silver is one of nature’s gifts and can be made easily and inexpensively at home. For more information https://www.sota.com. -
What Should Ionic-Colloidal Silver Look Like?
SOTAInstrumentsAre you new to making Ionic~Colloidal Silver? Wondering if you made colloidal silver correctly? See examples of Ionic~Colloidal Silver made with the SOTA Silver Pulser, Model SP7. Color and clarity are key! Properly made Ionic~Colloidal Silver is colorless to pale gold in color. The clarity of your Ionic~Colloidal Silver electrolyte should be clear—you should be able to see through it. In this video clip, Russ Torlage of SOTA Instruments Inc. shows real examples of electrolytes in the 5-8 ppm range (which is a great level for absorption because of the smaller particle size) to one that is gray and not suitable for consumption (although your plants will love it!). Discover more about the SOTA Silver Pulser at https://youtu.be/xubr1dy4nzM The SOTA Silver Pulser has two functions – Micropulsing and making Ionic~Colloidal Silver. Micropulsing offers gentle microcurrents that work with the body’s natural electricity for more energy, general health and well-being. Ionic~Colloidal Silver is one of nature’s gifts and can be made easily and inexpensively at home. To find out more about the SOTA Silver Pulser visit: https://www.sota.com/silver-pulser Or read the SOTA Silver Pulser User Guide: https://www.sota.com/files/pdf/sota_products_user_guide.pdf If you are interested in purchasing online or learning more about SOTA and the SOTA products, visit: https://www.sota.com. -
Increase the Lifespan of Your Silver Wires
SOTAInstrumentsIn this video clip, Russ Torlage of SOTA Instruments Inc. explains the role Silver Wires play in the creation of Ionic~Colloidal Silver electrolyte, and how, with one simple habit, you can virtually double the lifespan and production of the wires with the SOTA Silver Pulser. Discover more about the SOTA Silver Pulser at https://youtu.be/xubr1dy4nzM The SOTA Silver Pulser has two functions – Micropulsing and making Ionic~Colloidal Silver. Micropulsing offers gentle microcurrents that work with the body’s natural electricity for more energy, general health and well-being. Ionic~Colloidal Silver is one of nature’s gifts and can be made easily and inexpensively at home. To find out more about the SOTA Silver Pulser visit: https://www.sota.com/silver-pulser Or read the SOTA Silver Pulser User Guide: https://www.sota.com/files/pdf/sota_products_user_guide.pdf If you are interested in purchasing online or learning more about SOTA and the SOTA products, visit: https://www.sota.com -
3 Simple Tips for Storing Ionic-Colloidal Silver
SOTAInstrumentsProperly storing your Ionic~Colloidal Silver is just as important as preparing it. In this video clip, Russ Torlage of SOTA Instruments Inc. provides three simple tips that can make all the difference for Ionic~Colloidal Silver that will last for weeks—even months—and still retain its potency. Discover more about the SOTA Silver Pulser at https://youtu.be/xubr1dy4nzM The SOTA Silver Pulser has two functions – Micropulsing and making Ionic~Colloidal Silver. Micropulsing offers gentle microcurrents that work with the body’s natural electricity for more energy, general health and well-being. Ionic~Colloidal Silver is one of nature’s gifts and can be made easily and inexpensively at home. To find out more about the SOTA Silver Pulser visit: https://www.sota.com/silver-pulser Or read the SOTA Silver Pulser User Guide: https://www.sota.com/files/pdf/sota_products_user_guide.pdf If you are interested in purchasing online or learning more about SOTA and the SOTA products, visit: https://www.sota.com -
Making Larger Quantities of Ionic~Colloidal Silver
SOTAInstrumentsMaking 2 cups (500 ml) of Ionic~Colloidal Silver at a time is just one of many options. Larger quantities are possible too. In this video clip, Russ Torlage of SOTA Instruments Inc. discusses what’s involved in preparing various quantities of Ionic~Colloidal Silver. You can also find specific recommendations in the SOTA Silver Pulser Product Manual (available at http://www.sota.com/default.aspx?page=Manuals-Videos#sp). Interested in more info—and how PPM is impacted with larger quantities? Check this out: http://www.sota.com/files/pdf/product_sp_ics_making.pdf Discover more about the SOTA Silver Pulser at https://youtu.be/xubr1dy4nzM The SOTA Silver Pulser has two functions – Micropulsing and making Ionic~Colloidal Silver. Micropulsing offers gentle microcurrents that work with the body’s natural electricity for more energy, general health and well-being. Ionic~Colloidal Silver is one of nature’s gifts and can be made easily and inexpensively at home. To find out more about the SOTA Silver Pulser visit: https://www.sota.com/silver-pulser Or read the SOTA Silver Pulser User Guide: https://www.sota.com/files/pdf/sota_products_user_guide.pdf If you are interested in purchasing online or learning more about SOTA and the SOTA products, visit: https://www.sota.com -
How To 'See' the Pulse of Your SOTA Magnetic Pulser
SOTAInstrumentsHow can you verify something you can't see? Using a common pair of steel pliers, Russ Torlage of SOTA Instruments Inc. provides visual evidence revealing the pulse in both regular and fast modes. Watch a demonstration on how to use the SOTA Magnetic Pulser Model MP6. at https://youtu.be/XbUGnqrmFF4 The SOTA Magnetic Pulser generates pulsed magnetic fields which create microcurrents of electricity that work with the body’s natural electricity for general health and well-being. More information on the SOTA Magnetic Pulser visit: https://www.sota.com/magnetic-pulser To learn more about how to use the SOTA Magnetic Pulser visit: https://www.sota.com/default.aspx?page=Magnetic-Pulser#howuse. Here you will find our most current Product Manual, Pulse Point Location Charts, the SOTA Products User Guide and more. If you are interested in purchasing online or learning more about SOTA and the SOTA products, visit: https://www.sota.com EXCERPT from SOTA.com: What the Magnetic Pulser Does: As we understand it, here is how it works: The Magnetic Pulser is designed to deliver localized pulsed magnetic fields. In turn, these fields create temporary microcurrents of electricity in the area of focus. These microcurrents work with the body’s natural electricity for general health & well-being. A Wellness Lifestyle incorporates a holistic approach to living life in a way that supports abundant health. A holistic or wellness approach views our bodies on many levels which may include: mechanical, chemical, mental, emotional, energetic, spiritual, as well as electrical. All living things are electrical in nature. We view the SOTA Products as a way of working with the body's natural electricity or energy, contributing to Wellness. This is similar to how exercise, eating good nutritious foods, juicing and meditating all help nourish the body and contribute to a healthy lifestyle. -
SOTA Magnetic Pulser - Flying Washer Demonstration
SOTAInstrumentsRuss Torlage of SOTA Instruments Inc. demonstrates how the pulsed magnetic field from the SOTA Magnetic Pulser causes a metal washer to fly through the air. Originally presented in the late 1990's at a conference, Russ has recreated the demonstration here to clear up any misunderstandings about what the washer trick shows — it confirms the presence of the pulsed magnetic field; not the strength nor quality of the magnetic field, which would be measured by a Tesla Meter. The SOTA Magnetic Pulser generates pulsed magnetic fields which create microcurrents of electricity that work with the body’s natural electricity for general health and well-being. It’s perfect for use in the comfort of your own home. More information about the SOTA Magnetic Pulser can be found here: https://www.sota.com/magnetic-pulser To learn more about how to use the SOTA Magnetic Pulser visit: https://www.sota.com/default.aspx?page=Magnetic-Pulser#howuse. Here you will find our most current Product Manual, Pulse Point Location Charts, the SOTA Products User Guide and more. If you are interested in purchasing online or learning more about SOTA and the SOTA products, visit: https://www.sota.com What is the difference between the MP7 & MP6? Our Magnetic Pulser Models MP7 and MP6 both offer two modes for pulsing – Regular and Fast Mode. The Regular Mode on the MP7 delivers a pulse every 4 seconds for a total of 314 pulses per timed session (approximately 20 minutes). The MP6 pulses every 5-7 seconds for a total of 255 pulses per timed session (approximately 20 minutes). The MP7 outputs greater than 7000 Gauss at the face of the coil and has a reach of 14 inches deep. The MP6 outputs greater than 6000 Gauss at the face of the coil with a depth reach of about 9 inches. The benefit of the Regular Mode is the intensity of the magnetic field is much greater and delivers a deeper reach. The trade-off is it takes longer for each pulse to be delivered. The Fast Mode on the MP7 and MP6 deliver about one pulse per second for a total of 1400 pulses per timed session (approximately 20 minutes). The output at the face of the coil is 2500 Gauss and the field depth is about seven inches. The benefit of the Fast Mode is the pulses are delivered very quickly, approximately every second. The trade-off is the magnetic field depth is less. What does the Magnetic Pulser do? As we understand it, here is how it works: The Magnetic Pulser is designed to deliver localized pulsed magnetic fields. In turn, these fields create temporary microcurrents of electricity in the area of focus. These microcurrents work with the body’s natural electricity for general health & well-being. A Wellness Lifestyle incorporates a holistic approach to living life in a way that supports abundant health. A holistic or wellness approach views our bodies on many levels which may include: mechanical, chemical, mental, emotional, energetic, spiritual, as well as electrical. All living things are electrical in nature. We view the SOTA Products as a way of working with the body's natural electricity or energy, contributing to Wellness. This is similar to how exercise, eating good nutritious foods, juicing and meditating all help nourish the body and contribute to a healthy lifestyle. -
Storing Ozonated Water made with the SOTA Water Ozonator
SOTAInstrumentsDrinking freshly-ozonated water within 20 minutes of ozonating is the ideal ... but what if that's not possible? Russ Torlage of SOTA Instruments Inc. discusses strategies for storing ozonated drinking water so it will last several hours after ozonating. The SOTA Water Ozonator produces freshly-ozonated water. The fresh taste and extra oxygen are an energizing way to hydrate your body. The Water Ozonator can also be used to sterilize water. Ozone has become a well-known source for sterilizing water systems and bottled water. Ozone, freshly added to drinking water, provides a safe and gentle increase in oxygen. For more information on the SOTA Water Ozonator, visit https://www.sota.com/water-ozonator Or read the SOTA Water Ozonator User guide: https://www.sota.com/files/pdf/sota_products_user_guide.pdf If you are interested in purchasing online or learning more about SOTA and the SOTA products, visit: https://www.sota.com -
Expand Your Options When Using the LightWorks
SOTAInstrumentsDid you know you have nine different delivery modes to choose from for the LightWorks? It's not just a matter of "on" or "off". Seven of the modes correlate with specific frequencies. Another mode allows you to have the LED light transmitted "constant" (without frequencies). Choosing one of these modes will result in a 20-minute session. The final option allows for automatic cycling through each of the eight modes for a total of 24 minutes. Russ Torlage of SOTA Instruments Inc. discusses the LightWorks modes and how to access them to maximize your LightWorks experience. Discover more about LightWorks at https://youtu.be/k4l52wzxWB0 The SOTA LightWorks combines the ancient wisdom of color and light with the gentle frequencies and LEDs of modern technology to gently awaken the body's natural tendency towards general health and well-being. The light and color can be applied with or without a series of seven beneficial frequencies. Either Red or Near Infrared (NIR) light can be readily applied by placing the Paddle anywhere on the body. A built-in timer automatically cycles through healthy frequencies or individual settings can be chosen. For more information http://www.sota.com. -
Using 2 Hand Paddles with the SOTA LightWorks - Model LW2
SOTAInstrumentsUsing 2 Hand Paddles with the LightWorks Model LW2 is quick and easy! Russ Torlage of SOTA Instruments Inc. demonstrates using two Hand Paddles at once. With the touch of a button you can control which combination of colors are activated, and you can target two areas at once … or you and a friend can share and both benefit from energizing LED light. Hand Paddles colors are: • Red/Near Infrared, • Orange/Yellow, and • Green/Blue. If you have all three Hand Paddles, you have the ability to choose from 12 color combinations. If you decide to double-up on some Hand Paddles (for example, two Red/Near Infrared Hand Paddles), you’ll have even more choices! Discover more about LightWorks at https://youtu.be/k4l52wzxWB0 The SOTA LightWorks combines the ancient wisdom of color and light with the gentle frequencies and LEDs of modern technology to gently awaken the body's natural tendency towards general health and well-being. The light and color can be applied with or without a series of seven beneficial frequencies. Either Red or Near Infrared (NIR) light can be readily applied by placing the Paddle anywhere on the body. A built-in timer automatically cycles through healthy frequencies or individual settings can be chosen. For more information on the SOTA LightWorks visit: https://www.sota.com/lightworks Or read the SOTA LightWorks Users Guide: https://www.sota.com/files/pdf/sota_lightworks_user_guide.pdf If you are interested in purchasing online or learning more about SOTA and the SOTA products, visit: https://www.sota.com. Please Note: The SOTA LightWorks Model LW2 has been temporary discontinued.