38 videos
Updated 12 days ago
Psychic investigations on politics, religion and the Brothers of Darkness.
Priestess Sekhmet Psychic Life CoachI had the pleasure of meeting Tony Toni Tone while living in my hometown of Oakland, CA and DJ Quik which I discussed in a recent video: Manifesting Your Special Person. https://rumble.com/v6l96pj-manifesting-your-special-person.html DJ Quik is also featured in this music video with this phenomenal ol skool group Tony Toni Tone! DJ QUIK & TONY TONI TONE! LET'S GET DOWN Here's a link to their homepage for more great music from them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpY_ElM4CYk Thank you for watching! Please like and share! 🔮💫For personal readings, please visit me at http://priestesssekhmet.com 🔮💫 Free Download on Sacred Bathing: https://shorturl.at/IeZ8e 🔮💫Ancestor UFO Playlist: https://rb.gy/677fib 🔮💫 The Psychic PowerBook: A Manifesting Workbook https://a.co/d/54dGNPg #TONYTONITONE #LETS GET DOWN #DJ QUIK #PRIESTESSSEKHMET #PSYCHICREADING73 views -
Priestess Sekhmet Psychic Life CoachWas Michael Jackson gang related? According to DJ Quik, MJ, who made his home in Cali identified with the boys in Blue! Check out what DJ Quik testifies from his first hand account. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/LLES6QXc5vY Thank you for watching! Please like and subscribe! 🔮💫For personal readings, please visit me at http://priestesssekhmet.com 🔮💫 Free Download on Sacred Bathing: https://shorturl.at/IeZ8e 🔮💫Ancestor UFO Playlist: https://rb.gy/677fib 🔮💫 The Psychic PowerBook: A Manifesting Workbook https://a.co/d/54dGNPg #DJQUIK #MICHAELJACKSONCRIP #MJ #PSYCHICREADING #PRIESTESSSEKHMET #PSYCHICREADING80 views 1 comment -
Priestess Sekhmet Psychic Life CoachDo you ever feel like you are living in the movie They Live? Are you surrounded by the living dead? Are they really your friends and neighbors, or are they aliens? SPACESHIPS EVERYWHERE DREAM: https://rumble.com/vpg415-spaceships-everywhere-dream.html MY UFO PLAYLIST: https://rumble.com/playlists/PWfoWW-d3UM DIGITAL SWITCHOVER CLIP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CM1z4QOYqLk THE INVASION MOVIE CLIP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMnU7dbGr-4 All clips belong to the copyright holders and are for informational purposes only. Thank you for watching! Please like and subscribe! Please check out my 5 Star Rating on Google Reviews! If you like what you see, feel free to click my website button to book your session on my secure site! 🙏💜🔮Psychic Readings by Priestess Reviews! https://g.co/kgs/eLe5K1 🙏💜🔮Book your 1 hour psychic reading and life coaching session, visit: http://priestesssekhmet.com 🔮💫Ancestor UFO Playlist: https://rb.gy/677fib 🔮💫 The Psychic PowerBook: A Manifesting Workbook https://a.co/d/54dGNPg #THEYLIVE #UFOS #ALIENS #UAP #PSYCHICREADING #PRIESTESSSEKHMET81 views -
Priestess Sekhmet Psychic Life CoachDo black magicians have the ability to connect to your energy while you are sleeping? Can they siphon your energy for their own purposes through the astral plane? Do you need to protect yourself? Listen to this rarely discussed topic on how your dreams can awaken you to the truth and help protect you at the same time. Pay attention. Thank you for watching! Please like and share! 🔮💫For personal readings, please visit me at http://priestesssekhmet.com 🔮💫 Free Download on Sacred Bathing: https://shorturl.at/IeZ8e 🔮💫Ancestor UFO Playlist: https://rb.gy/677fib 🔮💫 The Psychic PowerBook: A Manifesting Workbook https://a.co/d/54dGNPg #TRAVIS SCOTT #SEX CULTURE #PSYCHIC READING #PRIESTESSSEKHMET82 views -
UFOS Battle in Detroit
Priestess Sekhmet Psychic Life CoachUFOS Battle in Detroit, a psychic reading on the recent video sighting, analyzing the nature of these UFO craft and what they are doing in Detroit. #UFOS #DETROITUFO #TAROTREADING 🔮💫For more psychic investigations and personal readings, please visit me at http://priestesssekhmet.com 🔮💫 Free Energy Reading by Email: https://dashboard.mailerlite.com/forms/368797/111107428692526878/share 🔮💫Join our online community https://priestess-sekhmet.thinkific.com/products/communities/psychic-life-coaching-group 🔮💫 7 Day Mini Manifesting Course https://priestess-sekhmet.thinkific.com/collections 🔮💫 The Psychic PowerBook: A Manifesting Workbook https://a.co/d/54dGNPg56 views -
Moon Base Explosion - War in Heaven
Priestess Sekhmet Psychic Life CoachIn this video I describe the recent explosion on the moon base and what is truly happening as we continue to have galactic skirmishes in the war in heaven. #moonbase, #warinheaven 🔮💫For more psychic investigations and personal readings, please visit me at http://priestesssekhmet.com 🔮💫 Free Energy Reading by Email: https://dashboard.mailerlite.com/forms/368797/111107428692526878/share 🔮💫Join our online community https://priestess-sekhmet.thinkific.com/products/communities/psychic-life-coaching-group 🔮💫 7 Day Mini Manifesting Course https://priestess-sekhmet.thinkific.com/collections 🔮💫 The Psychic PowerBook: A Manifesting Workbook https://a.co/d/54dGNPg43 views -
Star Wars - War in Heaven
Priestess Sekhmet Psychic Life CoachIn this video I show the latest UFOs falling the from the sky in the star wars war in heaven scenario happening right over our heads and under our noses. 🔮💫For more psychic investigations and personal readings, please visit me at http://priestesssekhmet.com 🔮💫 Free Energy Reading by Email: https://dashboard.mailerlite.com/forms/368797/111107428692526878/share 🔮💫Join our online community https://priestess-sekhmet.thinkific.com/products/communities/psychic-life-coaching-group 🔮💫 7 Day Mini Manifesting Course https://priestess-sekhmet.thinkific.com/collections 🔮💫 The Psychic PowerBook: A Manifesting Workbook https://a.co/d/54dGNPg26 views -
Priestess Sekhmet Psychic Life CoachIs Project Odin a mass show of force using top-secret spacecraft belonging to our military and Space Force to arrest the cartel in America and the Deep State? And, will Project Odin include a period of Martial Law requesting people to stay locked in their homes for 10 days? In today’s broadcast, I will be doing a psychic investigation on Project Odin to determine its source, nature, and purpose! SOURCE VIDEO: https://youtu.be/nIj-x-ikn6A?si=36Yd3dNl-8OvL3sm CROWDSTRIKE BLACKOUT: https://rumble.com/v57zi6t-crowdstrike-global-blackout.html INTERNET SHUTDOWN: https://rumble.com/v585331-internet-shutdown-coming-soon.html QFS QUANTUM FINANCIAL SYSTEM: https://rumble.com/v58aktf-new-quantum-internet-and-quantum-financial-system-qfs-coming-soon.html ROBOCOP COMMUNITY PATROL: https://rumble.com/v5bux09-robocop-drone-ufo.html UFO LANDING IN FRANCE - ICOSAHEDRON: https://rumble.com/v5bkd6d-ufo-landing-in-france-icosahedron.html SATANIC SATELLITES: https://rumble.com/v27lu0y-satanic-satellites-voyager-1-and-2.html UFO IN BRAZIL: https://rumble.com/v59kj3p-ufo-in-brazil-time-travel-drone.html BUMBLEBEE TIME TRAVEL DRONE: https://rumble.com/v59sqkd-the-bumble-bee-time-travel-drone.html Thank you for watching! Please like and share! 🔮💫For personal readings, please visit me at http://priestesssekhmet.com 🔮💫 Free Energy Reading by Email: https://rb.gy/3h6rzk 🔮💫 7 Day Mini Manifesting Course: https://rb.gy/sb5wjh 🔮💫 The Psychic PowerBook: A Manifesting Workbook https://a.co/d/54dGNPg #UFO #PROJECTODIN #PSYCHICREADING #ODIN337 views -
Priestess Sekhmet Psychic Life CoachWas the recent video footage of a robotic humanoid with a flying jet pack just a childish prank or is it a sign of something to come? And, what can we discover about the source, purpose and meaning of this sighting? In today’s broadcast, I will be rolling in a clip of this recent video footage along with a psychic investigation that is sure to excite the heart and mind! SOURCE VIDEO - THIRD PHASE OF MOON: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTeKEw6vh0A&t=95s UFO LANDING IN FRANCE - ICOSAHEDRON: https://rumble.com/v5bkd6d-ufo-landing-in-france-icosahedron.html UFO IN BRAZIL: https://rumble.com/v59kj3p-ufo-in-brazil-time-travel-drone.html BUMBLEBEE TIME TRAVEL DRONE: https://rumble.com/v59sqkd-the-bumble-bee-time-travel-drone.html Thank you for watching! Please like and share! 🔮💫For personal readings, please visit me at http://priestesssekhmet.com 🔮💫 Free Energy Reading by Email: https://rb.gy/3h6rzk 🔮💫 7 Day Mini Manifesting Course: https://rb.gy/sb5wjh 🔮💫 The Psychic PowerBook: A Manifesting Workbook https://a.co/d/54dGNPg #ROBOCOP #UFO #DRONE #PSYCHICREADING189 views