TressyTrek🎈🎈🎈 PREP FOR LIE PULLING PARTY BELOW 🎈🎈🎈 TUESDAY NIGHT 5PST, 7 Central, 8EST. HERE: https://www.facebook.com/theresa.trek/ ✏️ ✏️ ✏️ INSTRUCTIONS: ✏️ ✏️✏️ 1. Write down your 3 Top Negative Emotions 2. Figure out which one causes the other 2 = Tap Root. 3. Ask God to show you the earliest childhood memory when you felt like that. 4. Write down your Ideal Life - if you could have your Ideal Life with NO hinderances of any kind, what would it look like in the following areas: • Financial • Relational • Location • Home • Career • Ministry to People - Who? Scope of Influence? • Health. • Emotional 5. Write a Resume as if you are doing it for an organization that is like minded in every way and want to work with them more than anything. Include the following: • Skills • Character Traits (Compassion, Love, Kind, Generous, etc • Gifts (Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, Healing, Prophecy, etc) ª Hobbies & What you love to do 6. Write out a list of good memories and kind words that people said about you throughout your life. Start with: • Grandparents - did they say or do anything that you remember as making you feel good, cared for or special. • Parents & Siblings • Neighbors & Friends growing up(including their parents) • Teachers from Kindergarten - College • Bosses • Spiritual Mentors/Friends who helped you grow. • Current Friends - How long have you been friends? What kinds of things have all these people said about you? EXAMPLES OF NEGATIVE EMOTIONS: • Depression • Anger • Rejection • Abandonment • Misunderstood • Ashamed • Fear (Fear of what?) Be specific EXAMPLES OF LIES WE BELIEVE: • Not good enough; No value • Unwanted • Unloved • Unprotected • I don't count • I am a mistake • Bad will always happen to me • It's my fault • *** If you have all of this ready, you will be VERY SUCCESSFUL in pulling the lie, replacing it with the Truth and be TRANSFORMED before the night is over! This Session has the potential to change your life and your future FOREVER! <310.5K views 54 comments -
TressyTrekNOTICE: Huge FB glitch tonight. ALL FUTURE TREKS WILL LIVE STREAM FROM RUMBLE! (SEE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW) TELL US WHAT YOU EXPERIENCED TONIGHT!! CONTACT: tressysteam77@gmail.com WANT MORE? His Story About Your History: https://www.someonebelievesinyou.org/therepeuticservicesshop/his-story-about-your-history PREPARATION FOR YOUR SESSION: 1. Have an Essential Oil handy if possible 2. Download the Utopia Cd if possible: https://www.someonebelievesinyou.org/albums/utopia-download OR Use 963Hz from Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaMMzU449PE  INSTRUCTIONS:  1. Write down your 3 Top Negative Emotions 2. Figure out which one causes the other 2 = Tap Root. 3. Ask God to show you the earliest childhood memory when you felt like that. 4. Write a Resume as if you are doing it for an organization that is like minded in every way and want to work with them more than anything. Include the following: • Skills • Character Traits (Compassion, Love, Kind, Generous, etc • Gifts (Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, Healing, Prophecy, etc) ª Hobbies & What you love to do 6. Write out a list of good memories and kind words that people said about you throughout your life. Start with: • Grandparents - did they say or do anything that you remember as making you feel good, cared for or special. • Parents & Siblings • Neighbors & Friends growing up(including their parents) • Teachers from Kindergarten - College • Bosses • Spiritual Mentors/Friends who helped you grow. • Current Friends - How long have you been friends? What kinds of things have all these people said about you? EVIDENCE #3: Write down your Ideal Life - if you could have your Ideal Life with NO hinderances of any kind, what would it look like in the following areas: • Financial • Relational • Location • Home • Career • Ministry to People - Who? Scope of Influence? • Health. • Emotional EXAMPLES OF NEGATIVE EMOTIONS: • Depression • Anger • Rejection • Abandonment • Misunderstood • Ashamed • Fear (Fear of what?) Be specific EXAMPLES OF LIES WE BELIEVE: • Not good enough; No value • Unwanted • Unloved • Unprotected • I don't count • I am a mistake • Bad will always happen to me • It's my fault *** If you have all of this ready, you will be VERY SUCCESSFUL in pulling the lie, replacing it with the Truth and be TRANSFORMED before the night is over! This Session has the potential to change your life and your future FOREVER!8.86K views 40 comments -
TONIGHTS TREK! Relief for What Ails You!-2-27-24
TressyTrekTREK REPLAY! ~ Relief! 2/27/24 https://rumble.com/v4g3n55-onights-trek-relief-for-what-ails-you-2-27-24.html Peppermint Oil: https://www.someonebelievesinyou.org/essentialoilsshop/peppermint-oil Condensed Emotional Cleansing: https://www.someonebelievesinyou.org/therepeuticservicesshop/condense-emotional-cleansing-training-2019 Healing Music: https://www.someonebelievesinyou.org/albums WHERE TO FIND TRESSY? ALL OVER THE PLACE! FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/theresatrekpage/ RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/user/TressyTrek YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/@Somebodycares8888 INSTAGRAM: @tressytrek TRUTH SOCIAL: @TressyTrek CHOICE SOCIAL: @TheresaGriffith WEBSITE: https://someonebelievesinyou.org WEBSITE: CallUs4Help.Live MUSIC: hope@someonebelievesinyou.org/albums TEACHING: https://www.someonebelievesinyou.org/therepeuticservicesshop DONATIONS: https://someonebelievesinyou.org/donate11.7K views 38 comments -
Role Play with Tressy & Jay!
TressyTrekThis will help you prepare for how to help friends & family after the EAS/EBS). YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS FUN TREK! WATCH THE TREK HERE: FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/theresatrekpage RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/user/TressyTrek YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/@Somebodycares8888 FUTURE TREKS: ALL OVER THE PLACE! WHERE? ALL OVER THE PLACE! FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/theresatrekpage RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/user/TressyTrek YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/@Somebodycares8888 INSTAGRAM: @tressytrek TRUTH SOCIAL: @TressyTrek CHOICE SOCIAL: @TheresaGriffith WEBSITE: https://someonebelievesinyou.org WEBSITE: CallUs4Help.Live MUSIC: hope@someonebelievesinyou.org/albums TEACHING: https://www.someonebelievesinyou.org/therepeuticservicesshop DONATIONS: https://someonebelievesinyou.org/donate https://rumble.com/v3zn517--prep-for-lie-pulling-party-below-.html https://rumble.com/v3zttcm-the-trek-lie-pulling-party-12523.html14.1K views 75 comments -
Some of the Tech that Dr. Kelly uses
TressyTrekHere is a video of some of the Technology that Dr. Kelly uses, she will be on the Trek 4 June, 2024 Dr. Kelly Speaks Out! -And the Truth will set you FREE! 5pm PST, 7pm CST, 8pm EST3.59K views 6 comments -
THE TREK Tonight: Preparation to Launch into your Highest Destiny!!!
TressyTrekQ&A ON TELEGRAM CHAT LIVING ROOM: https://t.me/TressyTrekChat If you want to get further ahead in the process you can get the training now: https://www.someonebelievesinyou.org/therepeuticservicesshop/condense-emotional-cleansing-training-2019 FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/theresatrekpage/ RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/user/TressyTrek LOCALS: https://tressytrek.locals.com/ YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/@Somebodycares8888 INSTAGRAM: @tressytrek TRUTH SOCIAL: @TressyTrek CHOICE SOCIAL: @TheresaGriffith WEBSITE: https://someonebelievesinyou.org WEBSITE: CallUs4Help.Live MUSIC: hope@someonebelievesinyou.org/albums TEACHING: https://www.someonebelievesinyou.org/therepeuticservicesshop DONATIONS: https://someonebelievesinyou.org/donate10.9K views 44 comments -
A Good News Trek + Healing Music Awaits!
TressyTrekJAM PACKED TREK TONIGHT! LIVE at 5PST, 7 Central, 8EST WHERE? ALL OVER THE PLACE! FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/theresatrekpage RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/user/TressyTrek YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/@Somebodycares8888 INSTAGRAM: @tressytrek TRUTH SOCIAL: @TressyTrek CHOICE SOCIAL: @TheresaGriffith WEBSITE: https://someonebelievesinyou.org WEBSITE: CallUs4Help.Live MUSIC: hope@someonebelievesinyou.org/albums TEACHING: https://www.someonebelievesinyou.org/therepeuticservicesshop DONATIONS: https://someonebelievesinyou.org/donate18.3K views 104 comments -
TressyTrekYou Can Download Your Own FREE Copy! Enjoy! SPONTANEOUS SONG FOR PATRIOTS 12/5/23 (Video).mp4 Description Box for an update tomorrow with the link! 🌹🌹🌹 FOR MORE GOOD NEWS ABOUT YOU: “His Story About Your History”: https://www.someonebelievesinyou.org/therepeuticservicesshop/his-story-about-your-history Your Destiny Song Credits: Vocalist & Lyrics: Theresa Griffith Pianist: Angela Pinkston Engineer: Mark Abrahams17K views 148 comments