Conspiracy Theories
26 videos
Updated 6 months ago
A place to listen to and watch videos about conspiracy theories. Enjoy :)
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America
WWonder Tree LibraryNo description available. (Deleted off YouTube)41 views -
The Greatest Mystery of Earth Revealed Ezekiels Wheels Unveiled
WWonder Tree Library"Ezekiels vision revealed - Gods grand design of our Earth unveiled. Stonehenge decoded - CERN unveiled - The movement of the Sun and Moon unveiled - Rings within rings decoded - Aztec mysteries decoded - The Gateway found on the $20.00 bill revealed! All Glory to the Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ all thank to the Holy Spirit for i am only the vessel.89 views -
The UnMasking
WWonder Tree LibrarySince the fall of man, after the great deluge, the human race has been in total disharmony, on every level that you could possibly imagine, By DESIGN! Knowledge has been taken away from the masses and given to a very select few……. In the 1960’s spiritual leaders, priests, and some secret society organisations, from around the world, decided in unison, to lift the veil of secrecy and to shine light back into the darkness of ignorance. Time to give it back….Knowledge is POWER!. Knowledge is knowing where the ledge is… So you don’t fall down……75 views -
Killuminati the Movie
WWonder Tree LibraryThis is a documentary about political issues, the truth about 911, lying politicians, new world order, satanic government, ancient history & cultures, rituals, freemasonry, the illuminati, tv mind control & more.. Its all about being aware of what's happening in our backyard, it's time to wake up. We all have been asleep for too long. The truth will set us free ;)58 views -
Gods of Eden by William Bramley (Audiobook)
WWonder Tree LibraryAs a result of seven years of intense research, William Bramley has unconvered the sinister thread that links humanity's darkest events -- from the wars of the ancient pharaohs to the assissination of JFK. In this remarkable, shocking and absolutely compelling work, Bramley presents disturbing evidence of an alien presence on Earth -- extraterrestrial visitors who have conspired to dominate Humankind through violence and chaos since the beginning of time...a conspiracy which continues to this very day.535 views -
Psychological Warfare by Cordwainer Smith (Audiobook)
WWonder Tree LibraryPsychological Warfare (FULL AUDIOBOOK) Cordwainer Smith (1913 - 1966) Psychological warfare and propaganda have been used extensively in warfare since the earliest times. This book explores the functions, limitations, types, and history of psychological warfare through 1953. It was written by Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger, a US Army officer, a noted East Asia scholar, and an expert in psychological warfare, also known by the pseudonym Cordwainer Smith as a science fiction author. Linebarger had extensive experience with the practice and implementation of psychological warfare techniques in the field through his work with the Office of War Information, the Operation Planning and Intelligence Board, and the CIA.29 views -
Industrial Society And Its Future by Theodore John Kaczynski
WWonder Tree LibraryTheodore John Kaczynski (1942-) or also known as the Unabomber, is an Americandomestic terrorist and anarchist who moved to a remote cabin in 1971. The cabin lackedelectricity or running water, there he lived as a recluse while learning how to be self-sufficient. He began his bombing campaign in 1978 after witnessing the destruction ofthe wilderness surrounding his cabin.40 views -
Withdraw of Consent - The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
WWonder Tree LibraryNo description given.37 views