How to serve Notice on Government - 7-24-24
JJarrinJacksonProverbs 24:7 1. Summer Cook (Wisconsin) patterns lawful notice with power 2. Understanding Notice - a weapon of words 3. Framework & philosophy Support Jarrin: www.patriotswitch.com/jarrin Build your local assembly www.livelocal.church6.88K views 21 comments -
The Millstone Report With Paul Harrell: Oklahoman Fights Back After CPS Rips Boy from Family, an Interview with Gabe Woolley
Stew Peters NetworkGabe Woolley is a teacher and independent documentarian from Oklahoma who’s fighting back against the indoctrination of children in the classroom, and the trafficking and abuse of children at the hands of government agencies set up to ‘protect’ them. Gabe speaks from a position of experience, as his own family was falsely accused of child abuse and eventually murder and had a young boy, named Clayton, taken from them in the process. He’s yet to be returned. Gabe is currently running for the Oklahoma House of Representatives in District 98 and has made standing up for kids and the rights of their families his top priority. Learn more about Gabe and his family’s story by checking out the Saving Clayton documentary, and keep an eye out for a new film Gabe worked on, called Trans Oklahoma. Today, Goldco Is Offering You Up To 10% Instant Match In Bonus Silver With A Qualified Account. Call 844-905-GOLD or Visit http://paul4gold.com The brilliant card game that laughs at the Left’s expense! Play Left Wing Will & The Red Pill now with family and friends of all ages, and use promocode Paul to save 15% on your purchase at: http://leftwingwill.com/40.1K views 21 comments -
How DHS violates the Oklahoma Constitution - 5-3-2024
JJarrinJacksonProverbs 3:5-7 1. Oklahoma parents, legislators, & media know DHS is bad 2. The Law: Child custody, due process of law, DHS operates in violation 3. EXPLAIN SKETCH: DHS (agency) violates due process of law Support Jarrin: www.patriotswitch.com/jarrin www.humblewb.coffee4.76K views 14 comments -
Rescue The Fosters w/ Special Guest: Family Rights Activist - Gabe Woolley
InsiteGabe Woolley is an elementary school teacher and parent/family rights activist in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Through his work in education, Rescue Clayton and media production, Gabe investigates and advocates for the vulnerable and innocent to tell their story and bring truth and transparency to systems of corruption. Gabe has helped market & produce films such as, the award winning film, Saving Clayton (A True Story Of Oklahoma Corruption), the upcoming film, Dead Name (Oklahoma De-Transitioners), as well as podcasts like, The Rescue Clayton Podcast & The Oklahoma Lion Podcast. His hearts for justice & family is something he has discovered with passion in his own fight to rescue his nephew, Clayton, whom was wrongfully taken by Oklahoma DHS after his parents were falsely accused of murder and choke sexual abuse in 2018. X: https://twitter.com/GabeGwoolley Linktree: https://linktr.ee/rescueclayton_gabewoolley Documentary: https://www.youtube.com/@RescueClayton833 views 4 comments -
Oklahoma Political Mafia EXPOSED: Firm linked to Sex Trafficker caught in Taxpayer Pyramid Scheme
Stew Peters NetworkAs long as we focus on taking out the remaining RINO politicians left in office, then we will be unstoppable in passing America First policies! Stew kicks off the show with KILLER monologue that challenges every RINO politicians stature in office today! Stew emphasizes how IMPORTANT it is to keep our children maskless, LQBTQ-less and to keep our states FREE from lockdowns, mandates & tyranny! But it’s YOUR job to vote on it! Watch this new segment NOW at http://StewPeters.com! Visit our friends at Goldco! Call 855-706-GOLD or visit http://goldco.com/SP Prepare your family for famine and shortages by purchasing food through: https://heavensharvest.com Check out http://nootopia.com/StewPeters for help increasing your mental & physical strength to battle the deep-state's KRYPTONITE plot against Americans!5.75K views 26 comments