Daily Bible Reading and Devotional: 102 days of Reading through Luke and Acts
42 videos
Updated 4 months ago
A daily reading and discussion of Luke's account of the gospel, plus the sequel in the Book of Acts. The readings will take us up to just before Thanksgiving as we look for daily application of the truth of Scripture to our ;ives.
Daily Bible Reading and Devotional: 102 days of Reading through Luke and Acts 11-11-2024
LetUsStudyTogetherThank you for watching, today’s reading for Monday November 11, 2024 from Acts 25:13-26:11. We are on day 97 of our 102 days reading through Luke and Acts. If you would like to know more about God’s forgiveness through Jesus Christ and how to become a Christian as the New Testament teaches, contact a church of Christ in your area or email me at 2 Timothy 4.2dot3ATgmail.com13 views -
Daily Bible Reading and Devotional: 102 days of Reading through Luke and Acts 11-08-2024
LetUsStudyTogetherThank you for watching, today’s reading for Friday November 8, 2024 from Acts 24:1-21. We are on day 95 of our 102 days reading through Luke and Acts. In today’s installment, Paul is on trial before Felix for sedition. Despite Ananias bringing a big gun orator to present the case against Paul, the apostle gives an eloquent defense of himself and the gospel. If you would like to know more about God’s forgiveness through Jesus Christ and how to become a Christian as the New Testament teaches, contact a church of Christ in your area or email me at 2 Timothy 4.2dot3ATgmail.com43 views 1 comment -
Daily Bible Reading and Devotional: 102 days of Reading through Luke and Acts
LetUsStudyTogetherThank you for watching, today’s reading is a double feature for Wednesday and Thursday November 6 and 7, 2024 from Acts 22:22 to 23:35. We are on day 93 and 94 of our 102 days reading through Luke and Acts. In today’s study, as he is about to be flogged, Paul reveals that he is a Roman citizen and such treatment of Romans is forbidden! While before the Jewish council, Paul splits the men trying him by mentioning the resurrection, causing them to fight among themselves (the Sadducees did not believe in angels or the resurrection). Paul is sent to Felix for his adjudication. If you would like to know more about God’s forgiveness through Jesus Christ and how to become a Christian as the New Testament teaches, contact a church of Christ in your area or email me at 2 Timothy 4.2dot3ATgmail.com.75 views -
Daily Bible Reading and Devotional: 102 days of Reading through Luke and Acts 11-04-2024
LetUsStudyTogetherThank you for watching, today’s reading. This is a special edition daily reading for Monday and Tuesday November 4 and 5 2024 from Acts 21:26 to 22:21. I will be working as an exit pollster on election day, so in this episode of our daily reading and devotional time we cover days 91 and 92 of our 102 days reading through Luke and Acts. Paul gets a mob stirred up as they findout that he took Gentiles into the temple, leading to his arrest. Roman soldiers are dispatched to restore order and get to the bottom of the situation, but that is impossible due to the mob members all telling different stories (we find out that Paul is multilingual). With permission of the Roman Garrison commander, Paul addresses the crowd, establishing his Jewish scholarly credentials and then tells his conversion story. If you would like to know more about God’s forgiveness through Jesus Christ and how to become a Christian as the New Testament teaches, contact a church of Christ in your area or email me at 2 Timothy 4.2dot3ATgmail.com41 views 1 comment -
Daily Bible Reading and Devotional: 102 days of Reading through Luke and Acts 11-02-2024
LetUsStudyTogetherThank you for watching, today’s reading for Saturday November 2, 2024 from Acts 21:1-25. We are on day 90 of our 102 days reading through Luke and Acts. In today’s reading, Paul's third journey continues from Miletus to Tyre (Acts 21:7-15), and was concluded in Jerusalem (Acts 21:17-26); and Luke's account of these events, although very brief, is of keen interest. The great feature of the chapter, however, is that of Paul's being mobbed in the temple and rescued by the Romans who took him into protective custody, beginning a long period of imprisonment for the apostle Paul, an imprisonment that would not end until Satan had enlisted the Roman Empire as a persecutor of the church. (from Coffman's Bible Commentary, Copyright © 1971-1993 by ACU Press, Abilene Christian University. All rights reserved.)37 views -
Daily Bible Reading and Devotional: 102 days of Reading through Luke and Acts 11-01-2024
LetUsStudyTogetherThank you for watching, today’s reading for Friday November 1, 2024 from Acts 20:17-38. We are on day 89 of our 102 days reading through Luke and Acts. Paul has his farewell meeting with the Ephesian elders. It’s an emotional parting as Paul knows he will never see them again on this side of eternity. If you would like to know more about God’s forgiveness through Jesus Christ and how to become a Christian as the New Testament teaches, contact a church of Christ in your area or email me at 2 Timothy 4.2dot3ATgmail.com37 views -
Daily Bible Reading and Devotional: 102 days of Reading through Luke and Acts 10-30 and 31 2024
LetUsStudyTogetherThank you for watching, today’s reading for Wednesday and Thursday October 30 and 31, 2024 from Acts 19:11-41 to Acts 20:1-16. We are on day 87 and 88 of our 102 days reading through Luke and Acts. Fear and amazement fall on Jews and Greeks dwelling in Ephesus. The gospel hits so strong that people destroy their idols, which incurs the wrath of local craftsmen who make their living off selling idols for worship causing a riot. Paul also visits Troas and Miletus (Malta). If you would like to know more about God’s forgiveness through Jesus Christ and how to become a Christian as the New Testament teaches, contact a church of Christ in your area or email me at 2 Timothy 4.2dot3ATgmail.com24 views -
Daily Bible Reading and Devotional: 102 days of Reading through Luke and Acts 10-29-2024
LetUsStudyTogetherThank you for watching, today’s reading for Tuesday October 29, 2024 from Acts 18:18 to 19:10. We are on day 86 of our 102 days reading through Luke and Acts. Today, Paul returns to Antioch and we are introduced to Apollos, a good sincere man, but he needed correction in some of his beliefs and teaching (YES! It does matter what we believe). In chapter 19, Paul arrives in Ephesus and finds some men who he thinks are Christians, but then there is a twist. If you would like to know more about God’s forgiveness through Jesus Christ and how to become a Christian as the New Testament teaches, contact a church of Christ in your area or email me at 2 Timothy 4.2dot3ATgmail.com45 views -
Daily Bible Reading and Devotional: 102 days of Reading through Luke and Acts 10-28-2024
LetUsStudyTogetherThank you for watching, today’s reading for Monday October 28, 2024 from Acts 18:1-17. We are on day 85 of our 102 days reading through Luke and Acts. Paul is in Corinth where he partners with Aquila and Pricilla in a tentmaking business to support himself while he spends the Sabbaths “reasoning in the synagogue… and persuaded both Jews and Greeks.” Some Jewish leaders stir up trouble prompting Paul to move on to the Gentiles. When taken before the Roman Proconsul Gallio, he doesn’t want to g et involved and literally looks the other way while the ruler of the synagogue is beaten up. If you would like to know more about God’s forgiveness through Jesus Christ and how to become a Christian as the New Testament teaches, contact a church of Christ in your area or email me at 2 Timothy 4.2dot3ATgmail.com47 views -
Daily Bible Reading and Devotional: 102 days of Reading through Luke and Acts 10-26-2024
LetUsStudyTogetherThank you for watching, today’s reading for Saturday October 26, 2024 from Acts 17:5-34. We are on day 84 of our 102 days reading through Luke and Acts. After the assault on Jason’s house, Paul and Silas are sent to Bera where they find students eager to learn so much that they search the scriptures to verify what Paul taught was true (so much for the notion that correct belief and doctrine are not important). Paul goes on ahead to Athens where he waits for Timothy and Silas to catch up to him and while sight seeing in the city is moved by the idolatry so much that he preachers and debates the philosophers on Maras Hill, If you would like to know more about God’s forgiveness through Jesus Christ and how to become a Christian as the New Testament teaches, contact a church of Christ in your area or email me at 2 Timothy 4.2dot3ATgmail.com42 views 1 comment