The Shadow Huggers
FGCPastor Dean preaches about the difference between the Old and New Covenants and how we are no longer confined by feasts, sabbaths, or the law. Are you following the fulfillment of the law or still trying to hug a shadow? "Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ." Colosians 2:16-172 comments -
The Schoolmaster, The Bondwoman & The Dead Husband
FGCOctober 8th, 2017 Pastor Dean continued to show by the New Testament that true born-again believers in Jesus Christ are NOT required to keep the law of Moses. The Apostles were clear that believers were delivered from the law by the atoning death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We have a better covenant with better promises. And no one is justified or made righteous or proved to be righteous by going back under the law of Moses...it is by faith without the deeds of the law. In Christ Jesus, we are called to walk in the Spirit and not the works of the flesh and those who are led by the Holy Spirit are NOT under the law. Don't fall for the Torah terrorists that try to put you back under the Old Testament law. -
Cerinthus, the Ebionites & Sophia Heresies
FGCDecember 2nd, 2018 Pastor Dean Odle exposes a few strong deceptions that are currently being pushed by false teachers. From living back under the law to blaspheming the Holy Spirit, there are so many false doctrines nowadays that actually have old pagan and demonic roots. Understanding true doctrine is crucial to our walk with the Lord Jesus and our growth as Christians. -
Ephraim Awakening or Apostasy? Torah Observance vs. the Law of Christ
FGCProphesy Quake from May 1st, 2017 There is a growing movement in the body of Christ that claims to be an "Ephraim Awakening" or revival, but in reality, it is part of the end-time apostasy/falling away. It came out of a legitimate movement to better understand the Hebraic roots of the Bible both the Old and New Testament, but much of it has devolved into a new cult. And it is more diabolical and deceptive than the alien deception, The Zeitgeist lie, or the cults of Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses. It is the deception that a born-again Christian (or anyone for that matter) must obey the Old Testament laws and rituals to be righteous enough to make it to heaven. -
Contentions & Strivings about the Law
FGCDecember 16th, 2018 In this message, Pastor Dean addresses the issue of Rob Skiba and his Torah groupies' false accusations of “antinomianism” because we don’t believe (according to the New Testament) that we are under the ceremonial/rituals of the law of Moses. Rob Skiba also called Pastor Dean “a lunatic pastor” for believing exactly what great Christian leaders like John Wesley and Charles Finney believed about moral law versus ceremonial law. “But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain. A man that is an heretic after the first and second admonition reject; Knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself.” - Titus 3:9-11 -
Emmanuel, Salvation & Torah Deceivers
FGCJanuary 20th, 2019 Pastor Dean once again addresses the errors of the Torah movement aka “the Ephraim Awakening.” Many of them are teaching people to keep the Old Testament feasts, Sabbaths, dietary restrictions, and aspects as requirements for salvation or proof of salvation. Many also deny that Jesus Christ is fully God in the flesh and cast doubt on the Divine inspiration of the New Testament. Enough is enough! Time to put another nail in the coffin of this cult. -
Abraham was NOT a Torah Follower: Walking by Faith
FGCDecember 12th, 2017 In this Prophecy Quake, we delve into the important topic of what it means to live and walk by faith in Jesus Christ. Far too many are trying to do it by the "deeds of the law" and others are trying to do it by "the deeds of dead church life." The Father of faith Abraham was NOT a Torah follower...he walked in a faith relationship with God. True faith is an exciting adventure of knowing the Lord Jesus intimately and being led by the Holy Spirit. We should hear His voice and move in faith. -
The Torah, the Trinity & the Power of the Holy Spirit
FGCOctober 17th, 2017 A special guest will give us a final installment on the Hebraic Roots/Torah movement (for the meantime anyway). We will discuss what Jesus meant when He said that He came to "fulfill" the law and the prophets. We will also revisit the Biblical view of the Triune nature of God versus the many false theories floating around. And we will look at what it really means to "walk as He walked." -
Ebionites, Rob Skiba & the Law
FGCFrom December 9th, 2018 Pastor Dean deals with the outrageous accusations from Rob Skiba and his Torah groupies of being a "lawless, Nicolaitan, with the spirit of antichrist who is at war with God (YHWH)." This is part two in a new series dealing with heresies in the so-called "Truth movement" and the Torah observant movement. -
I Don't Hate Torah Observers
FGCSeptember 16th, 2018 Pastor Dean Odle clarifies that he does not hate Torah-observing Christians. There are those who are simply trying to enhance their understanding of the Bible and Jewish culture or feel called to that segment of Christianity. The problem lies in those who push Torah observance (trying to keep Old Covenant laws and rituals) as a requirement to be right with God or to better please God. There is a huge difference between Torah-leaning Christians and Torah Terrorists. Jesus foresaw this struggle between the new and the old among His people and gave us a clear warning of what would happen if we tried to mix the new and old.