The Red Barn Presentation - JTS07272023
JJarrinJacksonThe Red Barn Presentation - JTS07272023 An introduction into the Constitution, the fundamental principles of the law, and #OperationJosiah PATRIOT SWITCH: www.PatriotSwitch.com/Jarrin GET RID OF ELECTION MACHINES: www.commonlawpeople.com/josiah USE POWER OVER GOVERNMENT TYRANNY: www.commonlawpeople.com CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM BOOK: https://a.co/d/hUdGYjm SUPPORT: https://livelocal.store/product/livelocal-subscriber/ COFFEE - www.HumbleWB.coffee LIVE LOCAL FIELD MANUAL 1.0 (Basics) - https://a.co/d/4Gi4O4C Truth Social: @Jarrin Telegram: https://t.me/JarrinJackson Gab: https://gab.com/JarrinJackson Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/JarrinJackson10.8K views 20 comments