Korean Practice
38 videos
Updated 11 months ago
May as well keep practicing my languages. Never know when I'll need to use it lol.
Reading 창세기 1, Genesis 1
GGoing Full RetardLink to the Bible translation website I am using: https://biblehub.com/kor/genesis/1.htm . So I just left Korea and, heh, that takes the most of this video's length in talking about. I also like to say 하느님 (Orthodox) instead of 하나님 (protestant). Whatever, the most important part, for me, is just reading the Bible as a practice of Korean language. Technically, since Korean is linguistically similar to Japanese, the act of doing this study of another language is as Japanese practice in the effects of being in Japan and then going into Japan while in between recordings. My time in Korea was Japanese practice given the linguistic similarity of Japanese to Korean and, yet, people wanted to be offended when I used Japanese so as to make it easier for me to learn Korean over time. As such, Korea is put on notice: knock off the "gakidomo" crap; never know when a US veteran is going to come by just like you don't know when a US soldier is going to Travis King themselves...8 views -
Korean practice, reading province names of the Korean region
GGoing Full Retardhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Provinces_of_Korea What? I was bored. Hangul literally takes like 4 hours to learn to read, even if you can only read aloud the Hangul and don't know the words. I learned that Buk is north and Nam is south, while doing this lol. Obviously, that Do is "province".18 views -
Showing off the "Tammy Korean" website resource
GGoing Full RetardI found "Tammy Korean" https://learning-korean.com/guide/ by looking for a vocabulary list. As such, I never paid much attention to the rest of the website. I find the website very impressive and, as you see, I hope you look to her work for help in learning Korean!18 views -
Korean Practice, showing off Hangeul table by "Tammy Korean"
GGoing Full RetardDiscussing the table provided by "Tammy Korean" at: https://learning-korean.com/pdf/ . I loved seeing this and, also, printing it out... It is an absolutely beautiful chart! I wish that I had this when I learned Hangeul, four years ago, yet also... I am glad that I figured things out by now so as to truly appreciate this chart! It's an hour of me trying to present what I see regarding the important aspects to glean from this, among other topics regarding Korean language learning (at least, for myself and what I am intending in my practice methods).8 views -
Korean Practice, Perusing the "yo Form List" by Tammy Korean
GGoing Full RetardThis is a verb conjugation table produced by Tammy Korean and is available at: https://learning-korean.com/pdf/ . Having learned Japanese, I am really happy to see that Korean has somewhat of a similar system that can be created to help better understand the conjugation rules of Korean. The format and availability of this chart makes me really excited about, should I wish to learn Korean, knowing that Tammy Korean is the best teacher that I would first look into using her language resources among all the other references. This is absolutely amazing. Could totally feel confident in learning Korean by having a chart like this available during learning!16 views -
Korean Practice, Perusing the "TOPIK I Grammar" by Tammy Korean
GGoing Full RetardThis is a list of basic grammar produced by Tammy Korean and is available at: https://learning-korean.com/pdf/ . Given that I have studied languages by myself and in college courses, it is nice having this resource available for actual points in grammar for the words, or parts of language, that makes speaking useful. This allows me to produce sentences, paragraphs, and all that... By knowing particular ways to include these points into my conception for thinking in Korean. Just an overview/perusing video of this chart. I really like having this available! Something I like to do with lists is to copy them onto scratch so as to just... let the learning flow into me through perspiration. lol.28 views -
Korean Practice, Perusing the "TOPIK II Grammar" by Tammy Korean
GGoing Full RetardThis is a list of intermediate grammar produced by Tammy Korean and is available at: https://learning-korean.com/pdf/ . Again, I love this list due to having studied various languages both on my own and in college courses. An amazing resource for the purpose of learning Korean. Being at the mid-point of my Korea sojourn... I feel really good about how I have progressed through practicing such that I am now looking at Korean grammar resources instead of just mindlessly (or mindfully?) reading off endless vocabulary and phrases which are "in one ear and out the other". I see just... "This is the distilled grammar". It would be nice to pay attention to lectures yet, for me, I wish to be able to have something to do that is in addition to lectures such that I can ensure that I am truly learning and having a foundation for this particular language, the Korean language. I hope that others try to replicate a system which Tammy Korean has set up, for their own languages or others' languages. :)19 views -
Found a "Korean Practice with Kim Jong-un" Rumble Channel lol
GGoing Full RetardLooks like the Rumble channel is this, Ventriloquist Vance: https://rumble.com/c/VentriloquistVance . And this specific video is here: https://rumble.com/v2joxwc-kikm.html?e9s=rel_v1_b . Hilarious and I would totally be playing these videos on repeat so that I could learn Korean, should I stay here longer than the end of this next week.10 views -
Korean Practice, Perusing the "Key To Korean" Website
GGoing Full RetardJust as I perused the "Tammy Korean" enterprise, I thought I would look through "Key To Korean" since they are the second source of Korean practice material that I found. Key To Korean is this website: https://keytokorean.com/ . I prefer Tammy Korean due to wanting a structural school, online. However, this website seems to have a lot of resources and also tries to give additional grammar points in a different format that is immediately visible. However, my primary would probably be Tammy Korean since, as a German-American, I love structures like I love cathedrals. A kind of yin and yang way that I could see myself using these resources to get better at the Korean language, from an English speaking point of view. Still, as I said, I view Tammy Korean as my primary resource if I go forward: I love having lectures available to me.15 views -
Korean Practice; first vocab sheet, "beginner", Part 1
GGoing Full RetardI'm reading off the list that I got here, https://keytokorean.com/grammar-blog/beginner/full-beginner-class-vocabulary-list/ , as well as adding my commentary along the way. Been here in Korea a day and it's nice being better versed in Hangeul but that was from my time in 2020 that really solidified things haha. Reading vocab 1-200 and, perhaps had I shut up about commentary, I would have gotten further. Regardless... Still a good start lol. Kinda tired. XD10 views