5G Energy weapon attack proof - Demon death spin videos!
4 videos
Updated 3 months ago
Sorry For Calling Your So Called "Crisis" Agent/Satanic puppet cop a bimbo Brantford Police Service!
The videos in this playlist depict the deadly effects of global energy/5g/MILITARY grade weapons that are being used against us all now as i type, and have been being beta tested for years now as the satanic elite prepare for future use on mass!
i try to remind creatures such as JAMES @ Warrior Calls the biggest threat in our world is actually the global networks of such technologies that are all connected to overlapping AI systems that now are all connected to everything from the satanic CIA [MUSK] puppets starlink and cars to now the billions now poisoned with the deadly nano bioweapons they have been injected with! To smart meters/devices/home "smart" anything!
Delta Killers, 10 Fold Minerva Repaid, O.P.P Spies & Some Birdies On Good Meth Yep!
Alpha Omega 1412O.P.P or who ever do what you shall with me you demon spunk spies and officials but nothing has changed one iota no! Above courts have every one of your Sols marked for 10 fold repaid so give yourselves more to chew on later if you wish absolutely! As for my anger and rage with this species now 3 years forsaken well hey when all you get is stink eye everywhere you go for trying to help, vandals, spies, dozens of doctors, officials, universities to your lockheed martin types to dozens saying I'm on good meth or I have multiple personalities after loosing it all multiple times in this fight for you all, what do you expect me to do? Just smile and be happy this world is full of garbage? Not today thanx! As things just get worse like! As for the whole "gods" thing humans? Well your all potentially "gods" okay! It's a micro macro thing and some of us Sols have just been around longer is all! John 14:12...66 views 3 comments -
5G Activate Borg Like Creature Aye, torba Skin Metric Cut Yup!
Alpha Omega 1412i recall the HA guy i brought out west on round trip 2 of this hell ride only to get stuck out there for months a 2nd time saying to me i'm a retard for saying things like "my star family" or clearing towers along the way offering truth and hope to everyone in our path as the birdies went nuts, storms not far behind in my rage! Well looking back at it now 4 plus years forsaken about to hit the streets i can say the guy was pretty much spot on he was! i'm an idiot for sure and now we see the why so far as going for broke like i did! And now with more to the same ends and lesser evil plan going on with new info coming in, yet more censorship from even pilled now that i thought i'd try out, i can pretty much leave it to the conclusion within the video pretty much! Great job [Q] for sure with your stellar creature culling "god" wins plan for sure! Without a doubt the most well thought out, sinister cruel bloody plan infinite has likely ever witnessed unfold for sure! As far as creatures like torba over at gab there well i'm unsure on who's end thing's are getting blurred now but fact remains i've had nothing but issues on your platform! Further to that your ignorance and that of the many much like you are the very reason it's gotten this bad in the first place! And the very reason it shall get worse as well! And at the end of the day the same truth you all need to be [set] free remains the same! And with or without me that shall never bloody change either! The idea you call yourself a "christian" to boot is laughable to say the least i'd say as well! And no, for all you grammar nazi's out there i shall not CAPITALIZE my "i" nope! "i' prefer walking on water thanx yup! The below link is more on the greatest deception this species has likely ever witnessed! And more links below that are all things 4 years plus a hell ride for more context on why so many have been lost, and why so many more shall likely not make the cut yep! #322 How were we all so fooled? Deception, Shills, Disinfo agents, Psy-Ops Mark Devlin and JC Kay https://youtu.be/w3GvGC4IfgI Paid Ops, "gods" Orange Age Harvest Conclusions, Clone Fun Mash! https://rumble.com/v2no1ci-paid-ops-gods-orange-age-harvest-conclusions-clone-fun-mash.html Prophecy isn't really prophecy if it was the master plan, orange skin, musk china puppet cut! https://rumble.com/v2fq49i-prophecy-isnt-really-prophecy-if-it-was-the-master-plan-orange-skin-musk-ch.html "gods" Sun, Slow Kill Government Experiment Continues, jesse & jd Boot fkd Off The Charge Charge Cut! https://rumble.com/v1qpmjo-gods-sun-slow-kill-government-experiment-continues-jesse-and-jd-boot-off-th.html 3 TIMES BITCHUTE BANNED "gods" PETRI DISH GOVERNMENT EXPERIMENT STALEMATE CONTINUES! https://rumble.com/v1mt5pm-3-times-bitchute-banned-gods-petri-dish-government-experiment-stalemate-con.html Lost Angels Californication Secret Path With O.P.P/O.W fullerton Puppets Mash! https://rumble.com/vxlg3z-lost-angels-californication-secret-path-with-o.p.pow-fullerton-puppets-mash.html CITY OF CALGARY/TWITTER/IHEART RADIO [MASON] MURDER COVER UPS SHORT! https://rumble.com/vse8s3-city-of-calgarytwitteriheart-radio-mason-murder-cover-ups-short.html Hania Remastered With manson mason 31 rip off scams https://rumble.com/voa5ex-hania-remastered-with-manson-mason-31-rip-off-scams.html Cobra 2 chimera stalemate https://rumble.com/vo2075-cobra-2-chimera-stalemate.html THERE ARE NO WHITE HATS! MERELY GREY AT BEST YES! COBRA CUT! https://www.bitchute.com/video/IQ5Hw3OLYT7X/ Playlists are back for now... i think but who knows as no one ever says anything, does anything, SQUAT! 4 plus years of this bloody isolation and attacks of every kind shape or form so who knows about much anymore no! THEY SURE SPEND A LOT OF TIME RESOURCES AND EXPENSE ON A SO CALLED "CRAZY" NOBODY PLAYLIST EH? https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/erPXL9MwR9Wt/ THE ONES FORMERLY 141 [UK BUNKCHUTE] DOESN'T WANT TO LET YOU SEE PLAYLIST https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/kD3TtGKzUnDX/859 views 1 comment -
Psychosis That Bimb... Oh Wait No Brantford PD She's Not A Bimbo @ All No!
Alpha Omega 1412i've been sitting on this edit for awhile should anyone care and i planned on adding onto it but with recent finds so far as big tech (even the so called "free speech" of them like the satanic soros/gates rumble front here) changing links & screwing me on everything from texting formats to word press removing, blurring & all the rest mixed with all the mobile providers screwing me on top of that it gets to the point of why bother! Especially knowing most of you watching here now have no intention of stepping up to your obligations well hey you get what you get! As for the rest i'll get to it when i get to it! Just making the most of the wifi for now then back to wandering aimlessly praying for my bullet or a fkn stroke! chi-miigwetch Ari for recent sends though!... Ms. M another 133... cryptic who cares i know "now".... unicorns i told ya so and no... i don't much care who gets the cryptic or not! Brantford PD well you got the digs on the phone so how'd that go? did you figure out lemon man and carrique's man panties thing yet @ 777 memorial? shhh shhh jackmusk 2.o good one on cancelling me again but no email? really? let me guess hunters a joke eh pedo demon? if the suit fits wear it ms 224 shhh shhh minerva kats thanx Ari! She made me cry but i found my glove today! The fluffy beauty THANX too Ari! Is it just a "game" to your tribe when you see them lighting up your fam? For you satanic puppet pigs that say awe that's just a stroke those other ones are having? Wait until your disease [X] comes! Get back to me then about psychosis i'd say Brantford PD! Bound you all are now though i, so learn well in the next [lives] your deeds sown! Ms. Mari Mari [Q]uite Contrary, That Federation Garbage Has Got To Go Ho Ho, Ari You Know! https://youtu.be/vzqox9_OLw4?feature=shared120 views -
Would Have Went Anywhere And Done Anything For Y'all Indeed Aye!
Alpha Omega 1412Who cares about a description! Aside from more for a backup to the twitter/CSIS/RCMP taunt thread now 40 contacts strong! Original full length of DELTA KILLERS, 10 FOLD MINERVA REPAID, O.P.P SPIES & SOME BIRDIES ON GOOD METH YEP! https://www.bitchute.com/video/CRrJgeuvu1z3/31 views