Tucker on Twitter (Unofficial)
Tucker on Twitter (Unofficial)

Tucker on Twitter (Unofficial)

    When you start putting people in jail for praying, it’s pretty clear who you’re actually working for. Paul Vaughn is facing 11 years in Biden’s prisons.
    Terrorist Attack on Russia Has USA Fingerprints All Over It
    Ep. 84 ~ Tulsi Gabbard could be the next vice president. Here’s what she believes.
    Roseanne Barr turns out to be a very deep person. { IMO - She's a horrible guest choice}
    Ep. 83 ~ The Biden administration is trying to send an 82-year veteran to prison for life for the crime of repeating ‘Russian misinformation.’ The scariest, most important criminal case you’ve probably never heard of.
    In a civilized country, you’d be punished mercilessly for getting creepy with someone else’s kids. In our country, it qualifies you for a job at the White House. How and why did this happen? Robby Starbuck explains.
    Ep. 82 ~ Joe Biden has put hundreds of his political opponents in jail. Here’s the latest, a working journalist who’s exposed the fraudulence of the January 6th myth.
    For a man who correctly predicted most of the big disasters of the last twenty years, Ron Paul is remarkably humble.
    Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau have in effect been running domestic politics in Haiti for a few years now. The result is chaos and cannibalism. Soon, a big portion of the Haitian population will flood into Florida. Haiti’s former prime minister explains.
    Tucker knows this I'm sure, Israel (Zionist) are trying to buy TikTok
    Tucker & TikTok ~ This is all about control and not being able to censor content.
    Ep. 81 ~ They’re still claiming the Covid vax is safe and effective. Yet somehow Dr. Pierre Kory treats hundreds of patients who’ve been badly injured by it. Why is no one in the public health establishment paying attention?
    They told us Jake Chansley, the QAnon Shaman, was a dangerous lunatic who deserved to be sent to prison, if not shot to death. Many believed it. But is he actually crazy? Judge for yourself.
    Ep. 80 ~ The Chris Cuomo Interview
    Response to the State of the Union Speech
    How do you convince women to give up what they love most and submit to wage slavery at a bank? Simple: call it feminism. A report from Ireland.
    F**k it. We’ll do it live! Thursday night, March 7, our live response to Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech.
    Ep. 79 ~ Dr Keith Ablow is a psychiatrist who spent years on Fox News. He also treated Hunter Biden. Armed agents raided his office, took his patient records as well as Hunter's laptop, and never charged him with a crime.
    Could Tucker Carlson be a CIA Operative? Vladimir Putin thinks so
    First you allow your country to be invaded, then you hand automatic weapons to the people who invaded it. Doug Macgregor on the worst idea congress has ever had.
    Is Tucker a Tool of the Elite?? CIVIL WAR, the movie ~ Just what are they up to? (Please Read The Description Below)
    Ep. 78 ~ The Biden administration helped install a pro-Chinese government in Brazil, which immediately shut down opposition media and began arresting dissidents. Here are two of its victims.
    The US military exists to protect the country from enemies abroad. Why are we allowing it to be used against the American population?
    A rare American physician who's refused to accept the sexual mutilation of children in his hospital.
    Ep. 77 ~ The Cultural Revolution is here. Just ask Xi Van Fleet. She's lived it twice.