Jessie Czebotar Clips

Jessie Czebotar Clips

    Children Are Bred Underground for Consumption, Meat For Cannibalism + Child Trafficking, Child Protective Services (CPS), Foster Care System, Mothers Know Where Their Children Are But Can't Get To Them
    Timothy Charles Holmseth Video, Children Rescued, Held at Military Bases + Trump Updates, April-May 2020, Ventilators, 1.75 Million Children Worldwide + Pray, Rights and Authority, Communities
    Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), 10 Darks of Darkness, Testimony to be Played On a Loop + Frazzledrip Video (May Be An Option for Those Who Want to See it) + Code of Silence (and it Can't Go On)
    More Awareness + Michael Karcok & Michael Aquino Reportedly Dead + John Brennan & Hillary Clinton Confirmed Dead + Many Dark Side Members Gone, Light Side Members Now Sitting on Satanic Council + Before Anti-Christ Comes Captives Will Be Set Free
    Old System, Goes All the Way Back to Land of Canaan + Child Trafficking, Tunnel Systems Built by the Knights Templar, Above Ground Indicators + Information on Who's Trafficking in Your Area
    Frank Lloyd Wright Houses, Mothers of Darkness Choose Hierarchy & "Expendable" Kids, Seal Fate in Minutes + Her Ancestors Funded FLW + Indicators on Buildings Show What's on Offer to Members, e.g. Food, Somewhere to Hide, Ritual
    Adrenochrome, Two Uses, For Spiritual Acuity and For Psychosis in Rituals + Sickness Afterwards + Witch Battles, People in the System Want More Power, They Want to Take it From You
    Jessie and Training Partner Had to Pick an Item, She Chose a Spiritual Sword + Schoolteachers Marked Jessie Present But She Was Training, Church in Rockford, Illinois + Michael Karcok, Protection Magick, Beatings and Healings
    Hierarchy and "Expendable" Children, Profiting From "Expendables" + Jessie's Training, Michael Karock, John Brennan, Laurie Cabot Kent, Adrenochrome and Spiritual Gates + End-Time Events
    Trump Speech, Biden Investigation, Hunter's Laptop + Trump Used the Terms 'Human Trafficking' and 'Satanic Ritual', He's the Only President Ever to Do That, Priming the Public for Big Reveals?
    Miley Cyrus, Good Girl Gone Bad Theme, Disney Programming, Seems Innocent But It's Grooming, Later On Beta Kitty Programming Kicks in to Lure Others
    Eminem The Monster Music Video Decode, Psychiatric Setting, Metronome, Hypnotism, Words Implanted, Triangle Hand Sign + Behind Bars, Elton John, Drugs, Dark Times
    Rihanna Umbrella Music Video Decode, High End Escorts, Under the Umbrella of the Illuminati + "Come Into Me", Liquid, Sexual Act or Water Magick + Red Shoes, Umbrella Crew + Gold Paint, Covered in it
    Rihanna Umbrella Music Video Decode, Jay-Z, High Priest and Mason + Umbrella, Masonic Term, Clandestine Group, They Have Immunity, Clean-Up Crew After Operations + One-Eye Symbolism + Dark Magick, Bondage and Leather
    Miley Cyrus We Can't Stop Music Video Decode, Hot Dogs = Little Boys, Grieving Again, In Black + Dope, Drugs + Hand Sign for Male Escorts, Beta Kitties or Handlers Use it + Devil Horns
    Miley Cyrus We Can't Stop Music Video Decode, Spaghettios, Twerk, Spooning, Sauce, Cannibalism + Taxidermy, High Level Brotherhood Members' Man Caves and Sexual Abuse + Silence and Mourning
    Miley Cyrus, We Can't Stop Music Video Decode, Forked Tongue, Beta Kitty Sex Slaves, Smocking Party, Teddy Bears + Girl Cuts Fake Fingers Off, Torture
    Miley Cyrus, We Can't Stop Music Video Decode, Mockery and Contradictions, Diamonds, Beta Kitty Sex Slaves, Teddy Bears + Handprints (Alludes to Ritual Walls), Smocking
    Event for Trafficked Women, Fear into Faith, Survivors of Trafficking Helping Other Victims + Misconceptions About Choosing Prostitution (Only About 1% Actually Choose to Do It)
    Upcoming Projects, Training and Taking Action in Community + Veterans, Whistleblowers and Survivors + Prayer
    Embryo Souls, Fingerprints, Currency, Energy, Predestined Works + LDS, Structure of the System + New Age
    Elon Musk at the Met Gala, No Keeping of Posture (Deliberately), Maye Musk + Is Hillary Clinton Dead? + 44 (Does that Number Refer to Obama and/or the New World Order?), When Does a Bird Sing?
    Neuschwanstein Castle, Spiritual Gates, Horizontal and Vertical, Ley Lines + Satan's Agenda to Usurp the Throne of God + Elon Musk, CERN
    Elon Musk, Neuralink is Old Technology, Starlink, Quantum Computing, Military Programs, Michael Aquino + Q Post, Twitter
    Is it a Church or a Cult? Look for The Word, Prayer, Fellowship and Worship, Experiencing God + The "Virtue Squad" Protected Child Abuser