

    "MAGA" Highest Level In Church of Satan, Satanist Amber Rose Throws Her Support Behind Donald Trump, Biden Digs In His Heels
    Friday Night Shabbat: Jerry Back Home, Pray For Bonnie, Pray For John Bellesorte, Russ's Heartfelt Email To Me Regarding Campus Preaching
    Dems Seeking To Replace Biden With Kamala Harris, Trump Being Installed To Stop All Wars (For A Time), 70% Of Pastors Looking At Porn Once A Week!
    Daniel 11:37 & Trump Kissing Giuliani In Drag, Supreme Court Immunity Ruling, Dem Party Imploding, Biden Refuses To Leave, China Captures Taiwan Fishing Vessel, 200 Children Rescued
    Trump's True Agenda, Rise of the Little Horn, The Rabbis, Donald Trump, and the Top-Secret Plan to Build the Third Temple: Unveiling the Incendiary Scheme by Religious Authorities, Government Agents, and Jewish Rabbis to Invoke Messiah, Noahide Laws
    Friday Night Shabbat: Please Pray for Carla and Jerry, Summer In The Ozarks
    Biden's Unmitigated Disaster Of A Debate Performance Proves I'm Right About the Cabal's Plan To Re-Install Trump
    Julian Assange Is Finally Free, Assange To Return To Journalism, Pence The Hater, "The Plan", Kirk Cameron Flashes Devil Horns
    Russia Accusing USA of Directly Attacking Russian Civilians, Trump Promises To Rebuild, Isaiah 9 Warning, Jeremiah Skiba of Hebrew Fest Exposed As A Wicked Servant of Satan
    Friday Night Shabbat: First Sabbath of Summer
    Interview with Rosemary: Elon Musk's Former Babysitter, Exposing Roseanne Barr As A High Level Satanic Witch, Exposing Elon's Illuminati Family Ties
    Conversation With Daniel Lee & The Contingency Plan: 5G, Trump, Q, Vaccines, End Times, 3rd Temple, Solar Eclipse, Prophecy, Civil War, Space Force, Operation Warp Speed
    False Light Burning Brighter: Brand's False Conversion, Roseanne Barr The Satanic Witch, Vatican Preparing For Ascended Masters, Candice Owens Deception
    Pentecost/Shavuot 2024 Teaching
    Special 2024 Spring Preaching Tour Music Video
    Friday Night Shabbat: Major Personal Testimony & Praise Report On How Yah Fixed My Car, The End of The 2024 Spring Campus Preaching Tour Has Arrived!
    UCLA: One Student Seems Curious But Then Rushes Away, The Police Wish Me A Happy Summer Break, The Last Day of Classes (And Preaching) For The Spring 2024 Semester
    UCLA: Preaching to Thousands, One Lesbian Cusses Me Out, Another Female Mocks The Law, I Exalt Jesus Christ in West Hollywood!
    UC Santa Barbara: Lengthy Conversation w/ A Searching Student, Muslims Show Up For Round 3 & Accuse Me Of Hate Speech, I Rebuke A Woman Who Fails To Prove Her Point & Just Cusses Me Out, I Prove the Bible True, I Expose Islam, Preaching Jesus!
    UC Santa Barbara: Arrogant Muslim Returns w/ Muslim Backup, I Prove Allah Is A Liar, I Prove Islam Promotes Violence, Crowd of 20-25 Students Drawn, Female Student Spews Filthy Language As I Rebuke Her, Students Call Police To Report My Hate Speech
    UC Santa Barbara: Curious Jew Asks Questions, Agnostic Comes Under Conviction, New Christian Student Helps Me Minister, Muslim Speaks w/ Me At Length But When I Confront Him on Allah Lying, He Refuses To Answer, I Rebuke Him, Crowd Forms, Exalting Jesus!
    Driving California Highway 1 Down The Coast: The Mighty Pacific Ocean
    Univ of Oregon: Curious Student Asks Lots of Questions, Female Student Under Conviction, Young Christian Woman Helps Me Minister, Super-Intellectual Student Hits Stumbling Block, Rosemary Joins Me Toward The End, Great Day of Preaching Jesus!
    University of Oregon: Arrogant Student Judges God, Sincere Catholic Wants To Be Free of Sin, Intellectual Tries To Outsmart God, Elon Musk's Former Babysitter, Rosemary, Joins Me On Campus & Plays Worship Music On Her Guitar
    Portland State Univ: Skeptic Debates Me Over Proof of the Bible & Biblical Archeology, Draws A Crowd of 50 Students, Homosexuals & Atheists Contend w/ Me, Lively Crowd As I Exalt Jesus Christ!