What the First Known Survivor of China’s Forced Organ Harvesting Reveals: David Matas | TEASER
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Greetings everyone,
While imprisoned in China, Falun Gong practitioner Peiming Cheng was forced to undergo surgery and woke up with a foot-long gash across his side. He lost part of his liver and lung.
He's the first known survivor of China’s forced organ harvesting regime, says international human rights lawyer David Matas, co-author of “Bloody Harvest.”
And in a stunning admission, the Chinese regime has recently publicly acknowledged doctors operated on Cheng without his consent—supposedly to save his life.
What is the significance of this case? And what’s next?
In this episode, I sit down with David Matas and also speak to several others now speaking out for Cheng’s case: Robert Destro, who served as Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor and was instrumental in getting Cheng to America; former Congressman Frank Wolf, a fierce champion of human rights in his three decades in Congress; and Nina Shea, director of the Center for Religious Freedom at Hudson Institute.
[CLIP] America’s Debt Is Growing Faster Than Its Economy. Is This Sustainable?—W. Bruce Lee
“We have, over a period of many years, ebbed into this thing of 'Gee, the federal government is the big boss,' and almost to the point where the states are the administrative arm of the feds. 'Isn't that what it's supposed to be like?' But that's not correct. The states actually created the federal government, not vice versa. Unlike many countries around the world where you have the national government creating these subsections, we created the feds ourselves and gave them specific powers, and retained everything else to the states." - W. Bruce Lee
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Inside the Fentanyl Supply Chain: Michael Brown
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"Currently, there is a surplus of fentanyl pills in America. The surplus, I believe, is driving increased addiction rates, because now fentanyl pill prices are going down. Drug usage is going up. Addiction rates are going up."
In this episode, I sat down with Michael Brown, a former DEA special agent and the current director of Counter-Narcotics Technology for Rigaku Analytical Devices.
The cartels are now mass producing or have the capacity to mass produce multi-ton quantities of fentanyl, which is a direct indication that they're receiving more precursor chemicals from China," said Brown.
We dug deep into the fentanyl crisis and illicit drug trade in the United States and got an insider’s look into the narcotic supply chain, from China, to Mexico, to the southern U.S. border.
"We've passed the point of no return in terms of reducing addiction in rate to what's coming into the country in terms of narcotics—meaning, until we can reduce the supply chain, we're not going to be able to reduce the addiction rate," said Brown.
But how best to reduce the supply chain? Is it merely a matter of sealing our border?
"We know that 98% of all the narcotics coming into the United States are transported in vehicles—in commercial cargo that come across the United States. So, for me, the vulnerability for the cartels is that transportation cross-border network that they have," said Brown.
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[CLIP] What the Media Is Leaving Out of Its Reporting on Crime: John Lott
“You had lots of big cuts in many places in 2020-2021. In the last year or so, they've started to go back and hire police. But you also had a lot of retirements that were occurring for police officers. So, you may have lost somebody who had 15 years of experience, and now you've hired somebody who's been on the job for six months or a year. They simply aren't going to be as effective as a police officer as somebody who had 15 years. I did want to mention one thing on the murder, and that is: One big problem that we have right now is that a huge number of police departments are no longer even reporting data to the FBI. So, starting in 2021, there were changes in the rules there for reporting. And in 2022, for example, 32% of police departments were no longer reporting any data to the FBI. That compares to about 3% in 2020. And another 24% of police departments were only partially reporting crime data. So, that means less than half of police departments now, as compared to 97% before, are reporting complete crime data to the FBI.” John Lott
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The Space Tech Industrial Boom in America Is a Lesson for Other Industries: Greg Autry [CLIP]
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Much of US manufacturing was gutted and moved to China in the last couple decades, but there's one industry where American manufacturing and innovation has flourished: space tech.
Why? Because laws prevented US companies from transferring space tech licensing and know-how to China.
"It totally contradicts the academic theory that you can't do that, that you can't put barriers up and have a successful industry, that they'll become weak and non-competitive. That doesn't have to be the case."
Space expert Greg Autry says America's space industry boom is a "bellwether of what could be done in other industries."
The Politicization of Everything: Ryszard Legutko [CLIP]
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"This system initially should have retained and preserved a lot of non-political areas. Just let people do what they want. There are certain areas of life that should be protected against the intrusion, the political interference. But that's not the case...Under the communists everything had to be communist. Not just family, but communist family. Not morality, but communist morality. Not art, but communist art, and so on and so on. So now, everything has to be liberal- democratic, or liberal, or democratic, or liberal-democratic, whereas there are a lot of institutions or communities or human activities that cannot be either liberal or democratic. Art is not democratic, right? Family is not a democratic institution. It's a hierarchic institution. So, trying to democratize family is, in fact, a step towards the destruction of the family. Schools & universities are inherently hierarchic or, I will use this word which is a hateful word nowadays: 'aristocratic' in the original etymological sense, right? 'Aristos' in Greek means "the best"... So, these are aristocratic Institutions, hereditary. There are the teachers and there are pupils, disciples. There are the masters and those who try to follow the masters. All these things are necessary for the well-functioning of a society." - Ryszard Legutko
Karl Marx and the Mythology Surrounding His Rise: Philip Magness [CLIP]
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"There was a disconnect between this reputation of Marx as this major figure of the 19th century versus Marx being discredited by the economics profession and not really studied anymore—until Lenin comes along."
Karl Marx died in relative obscurity, with only about a dozen people attending his funeral. He was not really a major figure on the intellectual map at the time, says economic historian Philip Magness.
In this episode, he breaks down his research into the mythology surrounding Karl Marx's rise.
How Communist China Is Exploiting the Green Movement in the West: Dr. Rainer Zitelmann [CLIP]
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"The European Commission now banned the registration of cars with combustion engines by 2035. It's not allowed to register any new car with combustion engines. Everything should only be electric. China is happy about it because they can make these electric vehicles much cheaper, and now they export theirs to Europe. And what do they [give to] Europe? Higher tariffs. You know, my country - we were so proud about our Mercedes, BMW, Volkswagen. And now, have you ever heard that a country voluntarily forbids its most successful product? How crazy should the government be to do these things? And this is what the European Commission does. And the Chinese - they are much smarter. They produce the electric vehicles much cheaper and they go on also producing cars with combustion engines. So, it's really crazy." - Dr. Rainer Zitelmann
How a Tiny Country Launched a Tech Revolution: George Gilder | TEASER
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We’ve heard a lot about how Israel is a beneficiary and dependent on the United States. But is that really the case?
"Our economy is heavily dependent on Israel. And there's this illusion that really irritates me—that somehow Israel is a dependent of the U.S., or some kind of abusive child or something. But Israel really gives us far more than they take," argues George Gilder.
He is an investor, economist, and best-selling author of 23 books, including the post-Oct. 7 updated edition of his 2009 book, “The Israel Test: How Israel’s Genius Enriches and Challenges the World.”
"You destroy Israel, the value of the world economy would drop by 50 percent," says Gilder. "It's knowledge that enables wealth. And knowledge comes from human minds created in the image of their Creator. And this is the great monotheistic vision that Jews have vouchsafed to the world and that is crucial to Western civilization."
From the first pogroms in ancient Egypt and up to the present day, what role has envy played in anti-Semitism?
"I think the evil in men's hearts is to tear down accomplishment, excellence, and genius. It's really a perverse envy that we all have to labor to overcome. I mean, envy is natural to all of us, and it's our Israel test. It cleaves the hearts of the world and it continues to challenge us," says Gilder.
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The Power Players Behind the Scenes in Venezuela: Joseph Humire
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This Interview was first released on Epoch TV on August 3, 2024
To understand Venezuela’s disputed election and the bigger picture of what’s really going on in the region—including how China, Russia, and Iran are involved—leading security expert Joseph Humire gives a comprehensive deep dive.
“This is probably the biggest electoral fraud in the history of Latin America, at least in modern times in the 21st century. The difference of what we’re talking about is not in the tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, it’s in the millions of votes,” Humire says.
"To solve the crisis at the southern border, we must address Venezuela. To combat drug smuggling and trafficking, which originates from the Colombian-Venezuelan border, we must tackle the Venezuela problem. To address democracy and election fraud, we must address Venezuela. This is a problem that requires a hemispheric response, and the United States needs a regional strategy."
Humire is executive director of the Center for a Secure Free Society and visiting fellow at the Heritage Foundation.
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New Movie 'Reagan': Nashville Red Carpet Premiere with Dennis Quaid, Mark Joseph
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Jan Jekielek recently had the chance to chat with “Reagan” star Dennis Quaid, producer Mark Joseph, and others at the Nashville red carpet premiere of the new biographical drama on the life of the 40th president of the United States.
What was it like to make a movie about such an iconic individual? And what do the cast and crew hope the film can convey?
“Reagan” will be released in theaters on Aug. 30, 2024.
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Social Security’s Outdated Model Is Hurting Black Americans: Star Parker | TEASER
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“When [social security] was first established, you had 40 workers for every retiree. Today, we have three workers for every retiree. You also have people living longer, and you have all people forced into this system that they don't own … and they can't transfer it to their heirs,” says Star Parker. She is the founder and president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE) and editor of the book “The State of Black Progress.”
America’s social security system is broken, Parker says. And it’s not just social security. She argues that America’s welfare and safety net programs are all built on a one-size-fits-all model that fails to actually help the poor. Instead, they entrench generational poverty in certain communities, she argues.
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How the Online Pornography Epidemic Is Creating a Generation of Dopamine Addicts: Clare Morell
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One of the last things that Thomas Crooks reportedly searched for on the internet before he tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump was p*rnography. It’s brought the taboo issue of p*rn addiction back into the limelight.
“What we have to understand about p*rnography is that it literally rewires the brain," says Clare Morell, senior policy analyst at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. "Their prefrontal cortex—which is that part of our brain responsible for our self control, our impulse control, emotional regulation—isn't fully developed till the age of 25.”
Morell is an advocate for child protection and a leading voice in the conversation about digital safety. She's also the author of the forthcoming book, "The Tech Exit: A Manifesto for Freeing Our Kids," which looks at the disastrous effect that p*rnography and other violent and sexual online content has had on society.
“Kids don't even need to go looking for it anymore. It finds them on social media," says Morell.
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[CLIP] China’s Step-by-Step Takeover of the South China Sea: Grant Newsham
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"What we're seeing actually is the outcome of about a 20, 30 year effort by the Chinese to establish control over the South China Sea—and they have generally done it without firing a shot.”
- Retired U.S. Marine Colonel Grant Newsham
[CLIP] Recession Frenzy Is Missing the Point: Jeffrey Tucker on the Root Causes of Our Economic Woes
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"It's the strangest thing to watch – the way one number coming out on Friday morning, with just a tiny tick-up in the unemployment rate, would completely change the ethos of Washington, Wall Street, [and] all mainstream media. In the blink of an eye, we went from 'the booming, growing economy, we're so happy, inflation's gone, things are fantastic' to suddenly 'Oh no! The recession is probably already here, the world's falling apart, what are we going to do? Sell, sell, sell.' To say the least, it’s an overreaction when, for one thing, the data is a month old, which goes without saying. It's not as if the recession arrived on Friday. The data was from the month earlier. The other thing to observe about this is that it wasn't particularly bad relative to what it's been in the past. The decay in the jobs market has been very, overwhelmingly obvious to me and many others for at least two years, if not going back. We've never really recovered out of the lockdown period. We never recovered the worker participation ratios or labor participation rates. They're still below 2019 levels. And we can take apart the jobs data - there's a growing divergence between household survey and business payrolls, strongly suggesting double counting in the establishment survey. That gap never previously even existed. And then suddenly, in the last four years, it appeared and it's widening. It gets wider to the point that one is plunging and the other is rising." - Jeffrey Tucker
Venezuela’s Flawed Elections and Latin America’s ‘Axis of Evil’: Eric Patterson | TEASER
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"The promises of the American experiment and liberty are still what people want, and they are most in tune with what does it mean to be an authentic human being. Communism, on the other hand—it only works by force. It keeps its own people locked away in countries that are essentially gulags. It doesn't value the human person—the fundamental dignity of men and women as they are."
In this episode, I sit down with Eric Patterson, the president of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, to learn about their research on Venezuela and China.
"You could go [to China] for such and such a price and get a new lung or a new liver or something on 24 hours notice. Now, what kind of organ industry can advertise that you can shop around, and on a very, very short notice to get a vitally needed organ?" asks Patterson.
We also explore a key flaw in American foreign policy.
"We misunderstood how to deal with the Taliban, we misunderstood how to deal with the Iraqis, and so many other places, when we didn't take seriously the religious milieu in which they live, in which they make decisions," says Patterson. "And this is also true of secular states like China ... There is a ruling ideology that's been expressed by President Xi."
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How AI Is Fueling an Explosion of Digital Crime: Chris Olson | TEASER
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Online crime is on the rise, and the criminals’ methods are getting more and more sophisticated. How do these predators target their prey? And what can be done to stop them?
"In certain experiences, up to 50 percent of what a consumer feels and sees and hears on the web is designed specifically for that individual to hear," Olson says Chris Olson, founder and CEO of The Media Trust, a security platform that protects digital consumers and corporations from online threats.
"Cyber security as an industry is designed to protect the corporate or the government castle. And, in doing that, it leaves people out of the equation," he says. "Cyber is an attack on a corporation, perhaps even an attack on an employee. Digital crime is an attack on grandmothers and children and all of us in our daily lives."
In this episode, we discuss the role of artificial intelligence and targeted ads in internet crime, and what the governments digital priorities should be.
"Governments need to protect from digital crime like they do crime—a state, federal, local issue. And we have yet to see that come in," says Olson.
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China’s Step-by-Step Takeover of the South China Sea: Grant Newsham | TEASER
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“What you're seeing in the Philippines is just one more step in China's effort to tighten its control over all parts of the South China Sea,” says retired U.S. Marine Colonel Grant Newsham, an expert on the Asia-Pacific region and a senior fellow at the Center for Security Policy.
In recent clashes near the submerged reef Second Thomas Shoal, there’s been cases of Chinese vessels ramming Philippine ships, deploying water cannons, and injuring multiple sailors.
In this episode, Mr. Newsham breaks down the Chinese regime’s decadeslong strategy to gain control of the South China Sea, from methodical island building to deploying a combination of Coast Guard, maritime militia, and fishing fleets to harass and intimidate.
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America’s Debt Is Growing Faster Than Its Economy. Is This Sustainable?—W. Bruce Lee | TEASER
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W. Bruce Lee is the executive director of the Phoenix Correspondence Commission, the first nationwide convention of states since 1861. It’s a little known government body owned by all 50 states organized to provide another check on the federal government.
"After 40-some odd years of no progress in Congress, the states are being looked at as the solution now. And the states do need to buck up," said Lee. "If Congress is unwilling to control itself, then there needs to be some external enforcer."
He argues the best way to rein in federal spending and reduce the $35 trillion national debt, is through a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.
"At $35 trillion, we're spending more on interest payments than we do on our national defense," he said. "If you do not have economic stability, you do not have anything. The whole house of cards comes tumbling down."
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What the Media Is Leaving Out of Its Reporting on Crime: John Lott | TEASER
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In this episode, I sit down with John Lott, founder and president of The Crime Prevention Research Center, to discuss his extensive research into national crime rates, arrest rates, as well as gun permit laws and how they impact crime.
"In 2022, the last year that we have the National Crime Victimization data for, while the FBI showed a 2 percent drop in violent crime, the National Crime Victimization data showed a 42 percent increase in total violent crime," says Lott.
Why is there such a disconnect between media reporting that violent crime is down and the public’s perception that crime is surging?
“If you look at arrests for total crimes, reported and unreported, only 8 percent of violent crimes result in arrest," says Lott.
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Here’s What a Chinese EMP Attack on Taiwan Could Look Like: Greg Autry |TEASER
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Space policy expert Greg Autry believes the Chinese communist regime may be looking at targeting Taiwan with an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapon attack. What would such an attack look like, and why might an EMP be the weapon of choice for the Chinese regime?
Autry is the director of space leadership, policy, and business at the Thunderbird School of Global Management and a professor at Arizona State University. He's also the co-author of “Red Moon Rising: How America Will Beat China on the Final Frontier.”
“Space is the ultimate high ground,” but America is at risk of losing its superiority in space, the policy expert says.
What would losing the second space race mean for America and its allies?
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[CLIP] Elon Musk Has Been Sounding the Alarm on Birthrates. Is He Onto Something?—Catherine Pakaluk
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How do shrinking birthrates impact a population?
"When I was a kid, people used to write about it: They would say, in Japan, nobody has cousins. And in Japan, nobody has brothers and sisters…That is today the global reality. It's where everybody's going. They will have fewer and smaller kinship networks.
And so it's led some people to speculate about whether one of the reasons we see so much investment in political identity today, and, we'll say, larger identity politics in general, is because our own kinship identities are shrinking. We don't come from clans or tribes. We don't have extended families the way we used to. We don't have a dozen crazy aunts and uncles.
And so there's some kind of human loss there that I think is difficult to calculate. It's a more atomized society."
- Social scientist Catherine Pakaluk
Inside the KGB Disinformation Handbook: Former KGB Agent Jack Barsky
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“During the Cold War, the KGB manufactured a bunch of falsehoods and sort-of introduced those falsehoods via willing helpers, such as left-leaning magazines and brands that were still respected. And the ability of the KGB was limited, because how do you do damage to society, to the workings of a society you don't really understand? …But nowadays, the Russian intelligence and also the Chinese intelligence - they know how this country works and they know how to destroy it. And, when we're talking about this kind of psychological warfare, we are incredibly vulnerable to it - again, because we don't have the critical thinking ability to judge what's true and what's not or what might not be true. If it's planted and if it's known by many to be the truth, we’ll say, ‘Oh, it’s got to be true,’ right? And the media doesn't help. Even well-meaning journalists in the mainstream media very often fall victim to these falsehoods that are being spread.” - Jack Barsky
‘The Ace Under the Sleeve of Nicolas Maduro’: Joseph Humire [CLIP]
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"So this is the ace under the sleeve of Nicolas Maduro…What Maduro has been building, at least for the last year, if not for the last two, three years, is military capabilities to invade his neighbor Guyana. Those military capabilities, [which are] very specific, are provided mostly by Russia, China and Iran.
…Guyana has the largest offshore oil discovery in the 21st century. 11 billion barrels of oil were discovered in 2015. And in 2019, 2020, some of that oil started coming to market. So what does Maduro want to do? He wants to push the maritime border to capitalize on that oil discovery."
- Joseph Humire, Executive Director of the Center for a Secure Free Society
[CLIP] Honoring Those on the Front Lines: Singer Five for Fighting on Writing Music With Morals
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John Ondrasik, also known by his stage name, Five for Fighting, is a Grammy-nominated recording artist who released several number-one hits in the early 2000s, including his single, “Superman,” which became widely known as a 9/11 anthem.
“Silent majorities become silent minorities if nobody speaks up," he says. "For me, making a record was really how you made a statement.”
Mr. Ondrasik is back in the spotlight for his songs about the 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and the Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas attack against Israel.