MZTV 457 - 06/19/2020: Here Comes Free Will Again, Part 5

2 years ago

Free-willers (that is, people who think that they can operate independently of God) want airline pilots to be in total control of their airplanes, but they don't want God to be in total control of their lives. Weird. Next topic: The only reason that free willers accuse the "all is out of and through God" people (Rom. 11:36) of making them puppets is because inanimate objects are the only things that human beings can totally control. Since the Romans 11:36 people say that God is in total control of His universe, the free-willers assume this to mean that human beings are mere puppets. The affliction (and delusion) here is the assumption that God is in total control of His universe, the free-willers assume this to mean that human beings are mere puppets. The affliction (and delusion) here is the assumption that God suffers from the same limitations as humans.
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