Will a Bird Flu Pandemic be Declared by the WHO?

19 days ago

Since the WHO wants world authority to declare a pandemic for every country with their upcoming treaty, will they declare a pandemic.

The United States is sitting on a Bird Flu vaccine, enough to vaccine 20% of the USA, 70 Million people. It will be just like the Covid Jab – experimental & untested but pushed as the usual safe & effective.

Bird Flu Vaccine – 1 in 200 Died in Clinical Trials – Do NOT be Fooled Again – Dr. Meryl Nass -- https://rumble.com/v4s6foz-bird-flu-vaccine-1-in-200-died-in-clinical-trials-do-not-be-fooled-again-dr.html

Headlines are: “Massive Amounts of H5N1 Vaccine would be needed if there’s a Bird Flu Pandemic. Can we make enough?’

Oh, boy I sure hope so because these vaccines are just life savers.

What a crime. The cabal saw how much the pharmaceuticals made with their Covid Plandemic, so now they are hard at work planning another to reap in the big bucks at our financial and health expense.

World Health Organization’s top scientist said this week the recent bird flu outbreak is of “great concern” to public health, and vaccine development to halt the virus is “not where we need to be.”

The virus, known as Type A H5N1, which typically circulates among poultry and wild birds, has spread to mammals, including cows, cats and at least two people in the U.S. in recent years.

The new development experts are eyeing is that the virus is now passing from mammal to mammal. (Zoonosis)

Isn’t that just special? The top dog scientist at the WHO is “greatly” concerned for us Americans having enough vaccines to halt the Bird Flu.

We should all remember this and send the WHO Christmas Cards with a picture of Jesus to these Satanic f*ckers.

Has anyone bothered to ask the WHO for proof that they are even finding these viruses in milk, meats and all the animals?

What kind of test are using for analyzing? Is it the same for each? How reliable is it? Can they isolate this virus?

Why were laws being passed worldwide for the bird flu way before they started “discovering” it?

There are just tons of questions that need to be asked.

Where are all the dying animals?

How many reports from farmers have there been? That should be a truth gauge.

How many animals have actually died without being euthanized?

Have any Independent Scientists confirmed this or are we going to label independent scientists conspiracy theorists like in the plandemic?

Will the people of the world fall for the Vaccine scam again?

I’m sure the FEAR Porn will certainly help sheep round themselves up and roll up their sleeves.

The news is beginning to slowly cover this more and more, do a google search and you will find tons of articles from the same government funded websites that pushed the covid b.s.

They are pushing this like they pushed the “SAFE & EFFECTIVE” narrative for Covid-19 Vaccines.

The US government has found Bird Flu in 9 states and it is said to have jumped to 1 person.

This just may be grounds for MASS Bird Flu Vaccination, we can never be too prepared.

The US government said it is collecting samples of ground beef at retail stores in states with outbreaks of bird flu in dairy cows for testing, but remains confident the meat supply is safe.

Just like the Covid Jabs were “safe”, like the air we breathe is “safe”, like the water we drink is “safe”, like the food we buy is “safe.”

Yeah, we should feel “SAFE.”

Wbat’s the Agenda?

First, to cause Fear and Panic as always as we never make “rational” decisions in a state of fear. Whenever the government wants more control of a sector they create a crisis, which causes fear, which leads to their “offer” of a potential “solution” and we gladly say okay to help save humanity.

Second, it gives them a reason to euthanize animals and to contaminate, I mean “test” meat products on the shelves which will significantly decrease the food supply and of course cause prices to skyrocket, again.

Third, to increase government control and regulation over the animals and farms. Just like the WHO is trying to take over all human “medical” decisions, the government now wants to have full control of any animal “plandemics.”

Fourth, to introduce what’s called EIT’s or Electronic Identification Tags – this is the governments sneaky way of knowing EXACTLY the SUPPLY of Cattle. A book can be written on the why’s of this one, but just do some critical speculation if you were an elite who could manipulate markets and cause fear porn.

Fifth, VACCINES – anything to introduce more deadly vaccines to both animals and humans; especially the super healthy mRNA vaccines.

They have a very “Deadly” and Un-tested Bird Flu Jab Candidate just gathering dust on the shelf.

See this → Bird Flu Vaccine – 1 in 200 Died in Clinical Trials – Do NOT be Fooled Again – Dr. Meryl Nass -- https://rumble.com/v4s6foz-bird-flu-vaccine-1-in-200-died-in-clinical-trials-do-not-be-fooled-again-dr.html

I find it very “coincidental” that they began introducing “traceability” legislation about six months ago and then out of the blue, what happens – is that they say there is now a bird flu pandemic among the animals and this bird flu is transferring to humans.

I tell ya, our government is so incredibly smart. How can they forecast these things?

The Bird Flu has never jumped from animals to humans (this is called Zoonosis.)

Once again, our loving governmental agencies and lawmakers are so on top of this, so proud to have them on our side.

This has to be a Natural occurrence, there is just no way this kind of strain of bird flu virus could be made in the lab to jump from animals to humans. After all, that would be illegal and unethical.

And our government is the poster boy for moral behavior.

Thank Goodness we organizations like the World Health Organization – The WHO – they always have our best interest at heart and they are always there to WARN us about these kinds of things and to “prevent” plandemics, I mean pandemics.

We cannot allow this H1N1 Bird Flu to spread outside the US. Thanks to our Health Agencies and our super intelligent Universities, we need not to worry.

They always seem to have a healthy jab for EVERYTHING and they always seem to work so well.

Expect the Fear Porn Headlines on Mainstream News TV and Websites to pick up. It sounds like they really want this to happen.

FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real

How many times will Lucy pull the football away from Charlie before Charlie wakes the hell up?

No different here. Same story. It’s just the American Sheople are the “Charlie.”

He we go again with the Plandemic Bullsh*t. Now they can vaccinate the milk cows so the vaccine will be in the milk.

How they will create this pandemic I don’t know, but it’s not Natural, they are likely already infecting our animals with these viruses with vaccines.

There should be an immediate study on vaccinated vs unvaccinated animals.

Look, the cabal has a depopulation agenda they are implementing, whether people want to believe this or not, fine, but it’s happening.

The main weapon are vaccines, in both animals and humans. That is what causes disease. They even infect insects like mosquitos with these viruses and release them and then scare the hell out of people with their headliners like this shi*t just occurred out of nowhere naturally.

NO. The same people making the vaccines are the ones causing the diseases.

Let’s take a page out of Uttar Pradesh and how they solved the Covid Plandemic in a matter of DAY for

Uttar Pradesh – one of the most populated states in India, it is 2/3rds the entire population of the USA.

When the experimental mRNA injections came out in 2021 there was very little uptake in Uttar Pradesh. They had always used Ivermectin and this is what the people of Uttar Pradesh were using.

Uttar Pradesh had 140,000 Community Outreach Workers distribute what they called “Covid Isolation Kits” that was packaged by Wellness Forever Medicare Pvt Ltd which contained:
• Pulse Oximeter
• Thermometer
• Tylenol
• Vitamins – including Zinc, Vitamin D
• Ivermectin – 12 mg tablets
• Doxycycline
• Masks
• Gloves
• Hand Sanitizer
• Alcohol Wipes

ALL of this for $2.90. Yes!

Uttar Pradesh India has a population of 240 million and guess how many covid cases they had per day while the USA was having over 150,000??

20 cases per day.

Guess how much it cost each person to be treated in the USA? $13,072 compared to $2.90.

I posted this on Facebook the other day and received an IMMEDIATE Supsension and this was taken from Senate Testimony – from Dr. Robert Apter → ***Dr. Robert Apter – What’s the Agenda? Ivermectin vs FDA Court Case – A Worldwide Coordinated Agenda -- https://rumble.com/v4s35sn-dr.-robert-apter-whats-the-agenda-ivermectin-vs-fda-court-case-a-worldwide-.html

Now ask yourselves, why wouldn’t the WHO want to do this?

It’s called an AGENDA!

Order Ivermectin Below.

Source: Jim Crenshaw -- https://www.bitchute.com/video/gPV6H0RulV77/

About 1 In 5 Could Get A Bird Flu Shot In An Emergency, Feds Say -- https://kffhealthnews.org/morning-breakout/about-1-in-5-could-get-a-bird-flu-shot-in-an-emergency-feds-say/


***Get Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and Fenbendazole while you can. **No Script Needed.**

• Grant Pharmacy – Order Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin and Fenbendazole -- https://www.grantpharmacy.com/anti-viral#u4

ReliableRx Pharmacy

• Ivermectin 12mg – Ivetab 12mg --- https://www.reliablerxpharmacy.com/affiliate/product/share?mw_aref=e3fb25608a75bd02e96700dcdf992c47&product_id=11973

• Hydroxychloroquine 400 mg – HCQS 400mg --- https://www.reliablerxpharmacy.com/affiliate/product/share?mw_aref=e3fb25608a75bd02e96700dcdf992c47&product_id=11854


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Thank You!!

END. 5/12/2024 – 9:00 PM

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