How and Why the Banking System is Going to Collapse

2 months ago

The FDIC – Federal Insurance Deposit Committee held a meeting on November 22, 2022 to discuss how the next market crash will occur and the steps that need to be taken to ensure everyone doesn’t run and take their money out of the banks at the same time.

These morons INSURE $9 Trillion worth of assets with only $125 Billion worth of ASSETS.

They flat out say this: “It is important that people understand that they can be BAILED IN, but you don’t want a huge Run on the institutions, there is going to be.”

This is the FDIC committee talking about the Banks STEALING people’s money and what will happen when they find out it is LEGAL.

Then he indicates the ones in the KNOW will be the ones who are protected because they will move their funds OUT.

Then they say “the Public doesn’t have a PROFESSIONAL Need to Know.” These crooks are flat out saying the public doesn’t NEED to know that deposits are now considered Non-Secured Loans to the banks if the banks get into trouble they are legally now required to take the Deposits that you believe is yours.

Yes, this is America. A country that is quickly losing all credibility, wealth and power.

Bail Ins – is the banks can LEGALLY just take your deposits.

Then another crook in this FDIC Committee says “yes, I agree, I almost think we would scare the public.”

Well not shit Sherlock. Why start telling the truth now. Then these thieving, corrupt moronic criminals all sit and have a chuckle.

“I would be careful not to blast too much of this out.” In other words, we have to keep this sh*t secret. The ONE thing that will get America riled up is stealing their money and they don’t want America knowing this before they lose everything and are powerless.

Are people aware of this?

The Dodd-Frank Act was written in 2009 and became Law in 2010 which said the banks will no not be Bailed Out again, but they will be Bailed IN.

This means that ANY Deposits you put into the bank are NOT yours. You are LOANING your money to the Bank.

Yes, your deposits, your hard earned paychecks that you believe is your money, that you deposit in your bank is legally NOT yours because in this idiotic piece of legislature it says any and all deposits are a LOAN to your bank.

What does the bank do? They loan that money out and invest it.

What happens if the market takes a dip or they make bad loans or people make bank runs, like the corrupt FDIC was talking about?

The Banks take your deposits to pay for their BAD Financial Decisions. It is called being Bailed In.

Do you see how they INVERTED the whole system?

This is the LAW now. So, if the banks get in trouble they can no longer go to the insolvent corrupt thieving government and ask to be bailed out by taxpayer money – the government is busying robbing the people in their own way, but now the banks have to CLAIM the people’s deposits as their own to pay for their f*ck up.

What we don’t know is that we in the midst of the biggest money Heist in history.

Even the “assets” you put in Safe Deposit Boxes are considered Unsecured Loans to the Banks.

Nothing in the bank is yours. They can just take your deposits to cover their more privileged shareholder or to cover their own bad loans and investments.

People think “oh, this would never happen, it can’t happen.”


This is going to happen. Just listen to the FDIC Committee admitting that this IS Going to Happen. They are getting ready to f*ck everyone and they know what is coming. They KNOW the economy is going to collapse. 100%.

BRICS – is nothing more that moving the power and wealth out of USA to the East.

They will crash the banking system to collapse the dollar when they are ready. People will be devastated and they will allow rioting for a time to make people think the whole world is ending and then they will jump back in like in this short amount of time they just suddenly came up with a solution.

What is that solution?

Central Bank Digital Currency. They may even offer up to 2x what the last record indicated you had in the banks.

People will be so desperate that this offer will sound like God just came and saved the world.

It is a PLAN.

BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Mexico, Algeria, Nigeria, Turkey, Argentina and Venezuela -- was all set up to Dethrone the US Dollar from being the Main Reserve used around the world. They ALL have teamed up to destroy the US Dollar and remove the Petrodollar.

Robert Kiyosaki and Andy Schectman say that the BRICS nations have dumped $123 Billion worth of US Treasuries and this was as of October 11, 2023.

Andy Schectman says “the system is going to be dragged down and maybe that is what they are intending to do.” YEP.

Andy Schectman says that the big Central Banks are buying Gold like we have never seen and every month they are buying more than the previous month. “They know what’s coming.”

Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset is really the Crash of the US Dollar. They cannot do their great reset unless America falls from wealth and power.

Other countries will no longer buy our bonds. The BRICS Nations have made an agreement NOT to invest in America. BUT this is already happening right now. The US is printing their own money to buy their own bonds. It is as illegal as it gets.

We have an INVERTED Yield Curve right now, meaning long term bonds are worth less than short term and now no one even wants the short term which is the ultimate indicator that we are getting close.

When the USA has to print money, send it to other countries in “Shell Corps” to make it appear other countries are still buying – that is a BAD sign that no one believes in America anymore.

Why should they? All manufacturing has been slowly exported.

We are so far in debt that we will never be able to pay it back and it is a fraud system of paying the cabal who have set this up in the first place.

Yuval Noah Harari – an Israeli born WEF member and lead advisor to Dr. Evil – Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum, and the formulator of the Great Reset and the Great Narrative. Yuval Harari is a an openly gay fudgepacker who abstains from eating meat, who is friends with Obama, Zuckerberg and Bill Gates. For some reason he is praised by the top colleges in the USA.

Anyway here is what this f*cking idiot says: “Covid accelerates the process of digitalization and automization, it legitimizes the employment of Mass Surveillance, even in Democratic Countries and it makes surveillance Go UNDER Your SKIN.”

What? Go under your Skin?

What the hell does that mean?

Was he indicating that the vaccines are like a surveillance system? I am I way off base here??

Yuval Noah Harari says: “The nature of money is going to change. The old system of trust and ownership will have to adopt radically.” Meaning – the old system will be destroyed and we will be forced to accept the new CBDC system.

Even Trump admits we are reverting to third world status as our infrastructure needs a major upgrade.

Trump says that he will never allow a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).

Trump has NO power and this is just another LIE and he knows it. It’s too late, because most states have this in their Legislation right now. South Dakota being just one example – see this video here as it explains how incredibly sneaky and sophisticated it is to even catch as they introduce it in the bundles of other proposals --
***How They Plan on Stealing all 401K’s & Introducing Central Bank Digital Currency – (CBDC) --

The gullible sit there and cheer as he spews out his reckless verbal diarrhea.

Trump, Biden and Hillary and the top 3 in the US for the CSRQ -- Common Sovereign Restricted Quarantine – which is the new digital financial social credit system that will be introduced. They may introduce it in every state as a different labeling, but it will effectively be one of the same. See this video on CSRQ here → ***Central Bank Digital Currency - (CBDC) – is Code for (CSRQ) – Common Sovereign Restricted Quarantine --

People believe they aren’t on the same team.

Wake Up!

James Wallis, Ripple VP says this about CBDC’s:

“I think there is some more education needed in the market place, there is a lot of discussion around CBDC, what it is and what it isn’t, is the Gov going to be spying on citizens, so I think there is an education required. At the End of the Day I think FEDERAL Government Trumps State Governments in this. I don’t think citizens have anything to be concerned about. CBDC is a digital representation of Fiat Currency. It’s likely to get implemented in EVERY Country around the World.”

Two key points here:

1. The Federal Gov will trump the states. So, this tells me that they are already preparing for a battle because many states have already said NO to this, even though they are totally unaware they have already signed off on it in other packaged proposals. But he is saying the Federal Government can force the states to accept this.

2. CBDC will get implemented in Every Country in the World. That means he has been sitting in on some very important meetings. It is no wonder they have been regulating crypto so much lately.

For people who believe that Trump is not aware that this will be forced is just crazy. That would mean Trump would have to give everything up.

For God Sakes, try to understand that Trump’s business dealings are with these f*ckers OUTSIDE the USA.

Once again, Wake Up. The guy is literally a Pathological Liar, it blows me away that his followers have not been able to see this. It is like they are under a “Hope Spell” or something. He says what they like and want to hear and they instantly accept it as truth.

Eswar Prasad – Tolani Senior Professor of Trade at Cornell University speaks at the WEF’s 4th Annual Meeting of the New Champions on June 28, 2023 in Davos. He was previously chief of Financial Studies Division of the IMF and head of the IMF in China. So, what a great candidate to be a professor at an American College to brainwash the gullible on the WEF bullsh*t.

He speaks about the “Benefits of Digital Money”, which there is, but when the evil f*ckers run the platform, the benefits are for them and not the people.

When this gets introduced, and it will, they will GRADUALLY add all their control mechanisms, drip by drip, almost so it is is not even noticed. That is how they manifest things.

It is time to we the people do our OWN Manifesting. We can and we will.

First, we have to be conscious of the game they have played for centuries if not thousands of years.

They introduce things at such a gradually, snails pace that it goes unnoticed. It is time we take NOTICE.

Just as they run their fraudulent medical and food system where they introduce toxins that slowly accumulate over time and the masses never can figure out why everyone is sick and tired – on paper cut at a time and eventually you have cuts that are bleeding all over your body.

That is how these vultures introduce their control mechanisms.

Augusto Guillermo Carstens -- is a Mexican economist who has served as the general manager of the Bank for International Settlements since 1 December 2017. He served as governor of the Bank of Mexico from 1 January 2010 to 30 November 2017.In 2011, Carstens, along with Christine Lagarde, was one of the two final candidates to become the managing director of the International Monetary Fund. Imagine the C*ck he had to suck to get this job and the things he had to do. Especially to beat out that old corrupt skank – Christine Lagarde, who is now President of the European Central Bank.

Augusto Carstens says the Central Bank will have all Regulatory Authority over CBDC’s.

How refreshing it is to know that the cartel that was responsible for the destruction of the USA will now have FULL control of the USA. Because that is what this means. The little sovereignty we have, we can say bye, bye to.

As Tucker Carlson says: “CBDC, if that happens, we’re Done.”

He is right.

Even though I think that Tucker is performing CIA tasks as no one is chosen to interview Putin (an evil man, friend of WEF, Klaus Schwab, and one of the first Global Young Leaders) if it is not diligently PLANNED and approved by VERY HIGH Intelligence.

But they all do tell the truth at times, that is why there has never been a more important time on this planet to be awake, conscious and have the ability to discern truth.



1. Video Source: Thrivetime Show: The ReAwakening verses The Great Reset --

2. ***How They Plan on Stealing all 401K’s & Introducing Central Bank Digital Currency – (CBDC) --

3. ***Central Bank Digital Currency - (CBDC) – is Code for (CSRQ) – Common Sovereign Restricted Quarantine --



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END. 3/14/2024

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