Just Wow: Biden's Damning Hot Mic Moment After SOTU Shows What He Really Thinks About Israel

2 months ago

Biden said a lot of things last night during his SOTU. We think. Let us rephrase that. Biden YELLED a lot of things last night, and one of his bumper sticker talking points was about Israel and how he would make sure American hostages come home yadda yadda yadda. Oh sure, he also bragged about putting boots on the ground to build a port for Gaza to get aid (even though he said there would be no boots on the ground) and suggested a 'two-state solution' was the answer but AFTER he was done, he was caught on a hot mic saying something pretty not good about Israel. Mainly Netanyahu. He was bragging … listen to this: Sawyer Hackett @SawyerHackett: “President Biden: "I told him, Bibi, and don't repeat this, but you and I are going to have a ‘come to Jesus’ meeting." - “I’m on a hot mic here. Good. That’s good.”” -- Note, Sawyer Hackett is very much pro-Biden so the fact he shared it proves he thinks it's a good thing. It's really not though.

Fantastic phrase to say to a Jewish prime minister. Right? Just trying to imagine the outrage if Trump had said this. It would be every headline of every Lefty rag but since Biden said it … he gets a pass. If the matchup is going to be Biden vs. Bibi, my money is on the guy who can find his way off a stage by himself. True story. Now some people think they did this on purpose, so the people voting against him on his own SIDE will stop calling him Genocide Joe. But they're not buying it … He can say whatever PR crap he wants, his actions speak different and way louder. Either way, bad stuff, Joe's handlers.

• More at: Twitchy - Just WOW: Biden's DAMNING Hot Mic Moment After SOTU Shows What He REALLY Thinks About Israel
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