Antifa Liberal Activist Ryan Carson Stabbed To Death By A Black Male In Brooklyn

7 months ago

New York man stabbed to death: A man was stabbed and killed on Lafayette Avenue and Malcolm X Boulevard on October 2, 2023, in New York. (Obtained by the NY Post) It's interesting to see how both politicians and the media are covering the stabbing death of leftist activist Ryan Carson on a New York sidewalk as his girlfriend looked on. It looks like a lot of them are trying to avoid exactly how he was killed. -- Leftist activist mourned after 'incomprehensible' stabbing death on New York sidewalk -- Eyewitness News - @ABC7NY: "Community mourns the loss of beloved man after 'incomprehensible' murder in Brooklyn" -- Incomprehensible? Given what's happening in New York right now I'd say it's pretty comprehensible. Narrator; It was, in fact, eminently comprehensible. If only a social worker was nearby this all could have been avoided. Ouch. Is it too soon? A lot of conservatives are saying Carson died because of the social justice policies he advocated for.

NYPost has obtained footage of radical leftist NYC activist Ryan Carson being confronted by a black male who stabbed him to death on a Brooklyn street on Oct. 2. The suspect remains at large. Carson became celebrated for his advocacy for more drug injection sites. He identified himself as a member of Antifa on his social media. NYC leftist activist Ryan Carson was extreme and expressed support for bullying and political violence. His locked alias account @ArtSchoolJock previously had in its bio: "harbringer [sic] of destruction to American family values." Carson was stabbed to death on a Brooklyn street on Oct. 2 by an unknown stranger. Police released a picture of the youth who senselessly claimed the life of Ryan Carson. He will be fiercely defended by people just like Ryan Carson. Make it make sense.

Ryan Carson, New York City activist who advocated for the very policies that make the city unsafe, didn’t stand a chance in this encounter. I'd never heard of Carson or his activism, but people like Chuck Schumer are paying their respects: NYC Council Member Sandy Nurse - @CMSandyNurse: "Our team was devastated to hear of Ryan Carson’s passing today…" -- How exactly did Ryan pass away? Ryan Carson did not “pass away”… He was MURDERED by someone who should have been getting the help they needed and did not belong on the street, but when your policies are to blame I guess it is easier to pretend. Mistakes - 1. Hanging out at 3:51 AM in NYC - 2. Hanging out at 3:51 AM unarmed - 3. Having a gf that doesn't have your back - 4. Supporting soft on crime DEMS - Don't go to stupid places, at stupid times, where you will be around stupid people. RIP Ryan Carson. I wonder if at any point during his last horrible moments he questioned any of his assumptions about the world. I suspect not.

I’m sorry but a communist who advocated for letting violent junkies roam the streets getting stabbed to death by a violent junkie roaming the streets is……well……there’s no way we’re not in a simulation. -- A simple question for a simple U.S. Congresswoman: If Ryan Carson was protecting himself and his girlfriend using a defensive chokehold on this lunatic, before the lunatic stabbed him, and the lunatic died unintentionally, would it also be a murder @AOC ? - They certainly wouldn't have called the killer a "beloved Michael Jackson impersonator." -- As I said, I'd never heard of Carson before this, but the whole thing is just horrific … it reminds me of Officer David Dorn, who was shot by looters and left to die on the sidewalk as the camera rolled. Video of social justice advocate Ryan Carson being attacked has been released. When you see someone acting erratically: - Keep a safe distance - Don't engage with them, even to help, unless you are prepared and equipped to defend yourself and loved ones — Expose Them (@ExposeDarkDeeds) -- And concealed carry. New York hasn't confiscated all the guns yet. Arm yourself.

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