Disappointed Pooch Expresses Her Opinion About The New Household Rules

7 years ago

A hilarious footage has emerged of a whiny Boxer engaging in long argument with owner, trying to bargain her way over being allowed on the new couch. These dog owners have just purchased new furniture ahd Bella the Boxer tells them just what she thinks of their ‘new rule’. Hilarious!

When owner informs this needy pooch that she is not allowed to sleep on the brand new furniture, the frowny dog expresses her discomfort and throws a serious temper tantrum at owner! Look as she whines and howls in protest! Adorable!

‘I don’t care how much you cry, you are going to sleep on the floor, like a dog’, owner informs Bella, ‘I am sorry, but the couches are brand new and they are not for dogs’.

When owner informs Bella that she will be allowed to sleep on her bed and on the floor, she whines in protest like a little baby! Watching this pooch complain to her owner is the cutest thing we have seen all day!

This doggy knows that she is not allowed on the couch. However, she engages in long argument with owner, trying to get mercy and find a way to beat the system! As she hangs there all sad, with a pleading look and long face, we know that she listens carefully to what her owner has to say and we are clear that she understands everything.

She is conscious of her plight, but she exhibits perfect acting capabilities. She thinks that if she shows them puppy eyes and cries a little, she will be able to enjoy the couch to the fullest. However, not this time! Owner didn’t fall for her cuteness!

Her owner is more persistent, and though you may have never seen more desperate dog, nobody can help her in her downcast low-spirited attempts to keep the couch for herself.

Wagging her tail, she finally shakes off the idea of winning the argument and gives up the couch stretching her body on the floor. After failing to prove her argument, the cute pooch had to come to terms with the new household rules and accept the fact that she cannot sleep on the new couch!

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