Dr. 'Robert Malone' On The Stand. The International COVID Summit' (3) The 'European Parliament'

1 year ago

Dr. 'Robert Malone' Takes The Stand At 'The International COVID Summit' (3) The 'European Parliament'

May. 5, 2023 'Covid-19', Medical, & Geopolitical News. AndreCorbeil.

ICS (International COVID Summit) At The EU Parliament Summary:
Dr. Malone's Summary Video And Transcript
By Robert W Malone MD, MS
May 5, 2023


The third International COVID Summit was held at the European Parliament. As noted by the European Parliament Members in attendance, this was an historic event. The summit lasted all day, with many fantastic speakers. It was live streamed and recordings of the many speakers will be made available soon. The ICS summit covered all aspects of the pandemic, as well as the documentation of the increasing power grab by the World Health Organization to control public health and increased control by organized globalized entities throughout the world.

At the end of the day, I was asked to give a summary of the day’s highlights. This was no small task - but I gave it my best shot. Please pardon my “ums,” I was stumbling over the many new names and concepts that I had to quickly collate in my own mind on short notice.

As an organizing member (and I suppose co-founder) of the International COVID summit, I have been amazed at how these events have come together. This particular summit has been a huge success.

Today, a press conference was held with the members of EU Parliament who helped organize this event, myself and Dr. Byram Bridle. There was much excitement about the high quality, primary data shared at the meeting and the need for the media to participate more actively in disseminating the important work of these scientists. People at the Parliament, including MEPs are enthusiastic about an ICS book of the presentations presented at the EU Parliament be published soon.

At that press conference, it was announced by Romanian officials that they wish for an International COVID summit to be held in Romania in September of this year. Another European nation, which I am not privy to name yet, has also expressed a strong interest in having a summit in their country’s legislative body as well. This is real progress!

Last week, I put out a call for donations and so many of readers responded. We raised just about $10,000.00, which helped pay for the event venue on May 1st. This day was a closed session of about 100 doctors and scientists, who were able to discuss their findings in detail and strategize in this confidential forum. It also helped pay for a media event and open public sessions.

Transcript of the International COVID Summit Summary Statement
Dr. Robert W. Malone

Four members of the European Parliament (EP) have basically given rise to this growing momentum here in the European Parliament of willingness to recognize the truths that have occurred despite all of the propaganda, censorship, defamation, and other malicious activities that have been deployed on them and so many others across the world.

The two members that initially spoke, Mr. Christian Terhes (Romania) and Mr. Ivan Sincic (Croatia) emphasized that we should allow scientists to speak, and that this pandemic of the COVID narrative has finally collapsed. And with this conference, they had hoped, and I think we have succeeded, in demonstrating the failures of that approved narrative. That being the truth that has been revealed over the last three years thanks to these many researchers and all of those that work with them to provide this information for us.

Dr. David Martin (United States) discussed that he had warned the European Parliament years ago about the risks of allowing the licensure or the patenting of genetic organisms and the proceeding of gain of function research. He had anticipated many years ago and warned the parliament about the risks that might incur if we allowed these policies, and then documented extensively how humanity has been hijacked, morality has been hijacked, science has been hijacked, nature has been hijacked, all in the service of a universal vaccine template with a presumed hundred percent protection. He called out that this must be reversed, that we must have in the future, 100% product liability for those that wish to impose these or other new technologies on the populations of the world.

Nick Hudson (South Africa) from PANDATA (Panda), who I have known personally and who has worked very, very hard with his group (always been willing to challenge the dominant narrative) shared with us that we really have had false narratives dominating world discussion and press for these last three years. That false narratives included that these were deadly viruses, that there was no preexisting immunity, that this was a novel virus, that everyone was susceptible to this disease, that we had asymptomatic transmission, that the lockdown saved lives, that the mask mandates reduced transmission. Every one of these things was a lie, and yet they were repeatedly propagandized and distributed throughout the world in a harmonized fashion that I think has left all of us in awe.

If nothing else, we must give credit to those who have deployed this propaganda. I think it is one of the most amazing demonstrations of modern PSYOPs and propaganda, as was well demonstrated during the various presentations. Dr. Ciro Isidoro (Italy) demonstrated that this is not really a novel disease, it's an old disease, and emphasized that you can't find the cause of death if you do not do autopsies. You can't save COVID patients with paracetamol and watchful waiting. He also presented a lesson that was repeatedly emphasized throughout the conference: Spike is a toxin. This is something that I was roundly attacked for saying over two years ago, and I'm very reassured to see that this is now universally accepted, at least within our community.

Dr. Giovanni Meledandri (Italy) demonstrated and spoke about the evolution of coronavirus, which demonstrates a pattern of disease attenuation, and as many had predicted that what we have seen during this outbreak is absolutely the selection of vaccine resistant mutants. Although we have seen the rise in infectivity with the latest Arcturus variant, the infections are ocular. As has been the case with viral outbreaks throughout history, we've seen the increasing attenuation of the virus and its reduction in pathogenicity now to the point where we really just have something akin to a normal circulating respiratory virus, the likes of which we have seen throughout all of our lives as physicians and as general members of the patient population.

Dr. Stramezzi (Italy) emphasized the importance of early responses in Italy, and most importantly that it was known in June of 2020 that COVID was a treatable disease. Despite the various efforts from throughout the world, in particular the Italian authorities, to suppress that information and to encourage the narrative that this was a novel disease that was highly pathogenic, that required sophisticated novel treatments, Dr. Stramezzi gave us a great lesson in the ability of a well-trained physician to obtain and derive and demonstrate the ability to treat a respiratory virus with existing agents. This is a theme that has been echoed throughout this conference and throughout the world, starting with the original International COVID Summit, which pioneered bringing together physicians from all over the world to demonstrate in particular and discuss and share with each other best practices in early treatment.

And as I think that this whole series of International COVID summits, I just want to give a shout-out to the two organizers that always wish to remain anonymous, Lilly (Canada) and Rob (Italy), who are not medical professionals. They're brave, committed individuals who felt the call to duty and stood up at a time when everyone else was afraid and said, "We are going to get these conferences started and run and operated." They have encountered repeated obstacles throughout the history of the International COVID Summit and have overcome every single one. I can't tell you how many times we thought this particular conference was going to come to naught. And yet here we are, I think with one of the most successful ICS conferences to date.

Moving on, Dr. Luis Fouche (France) gave us a great essay on the effects of mandates, early treatment, and he particularly focused on masks and associated data. He explained that there's no utility for masks for preventing Coronavirus infection, which I know will shock most of you (sarcasm). As early as March 2020, the evidence existed that masks could cause harm, that the CDC evidence for mask use is not existent or weak, that masks do not work in schools – as shown by studies in the European Union, that the data are quite clear, that the lockdowns in the European Union increased the speed of transmission by 50% relative to Sweden. That's shocking to me. Lockdowns must be avoided and mask use in children absolutely must be avoided going forward for these types of respiratory diseases. I think that's something we can all get behind.

Professor Dr. Phillipe Brouqui (France) forgive me if I'm mispronouncing, gave us his analysis of the IHU experience in use of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID disease. We were unfortunately deprived of the opportunity that many of us looked forward to, for Professor Didier Raoult (France, also of IHU) to share his time and insight. I remember personally how badly Dr. Raoult was defamed, slandered, harassed, de-legitimized by the press, and yet he persisted; one of the greatest virology scientists and immunologists in France, who unfortunately has been forced into retirement. He built an amazing institute, the IHU, and we did benefit from Phillipe Brouqui sharing with us the experience of the IHU in the use of hydroxychloroquine, and in particular, his courage in speaking about the limitations of evidence-based medicine and randomized clinical trials in the face of an outbreak, and their (IHU) willingness to make the same decision I had made and focus on early treatment with repurposed drugs.

And I think in retrospect, many of us will agree that was the wisest position taken, to focus on drug repurposing, not development of new vaccines and not seeking novel drugs. The IHU led the world in this, and had great success and also demonstrated that the vaccines have had no effect on the pandemic, unfortunately. But I think we all owe the institute. And Dr. Raoult, an enthusiastic thank you for their courage and fortitude in the face of all the obstacles and all of the derision that they've encountered for their guidance and leadership in pioneering the various treatments that revolved around use of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin in particular.

Dr. Pierre Kory (USA), my American colleague, stepped in then and spoke at length about Ivermectin, and gave us just a classic series of demonstrations about how the whole enterprise of the pharmaceutical industry and the academic publishing industry has been compromised throughout this COVID crisis in a way that we can now clearly see, particularly in the way they've mismanaged repurposed drugs and ivermectin in particular. And I certainly resonate with that. I have many examples with him of how the likes of the FDA have suppressed ivermectin very adequately. I saw what was going on during ACTIV-6 and I resigned.

Jason Christoff (Canada) gave us what I think was one of the most important speeches here, from my perspective. As we think about going forward, Jason gave us clear demonstrations of how the media and information warfare technology has been weaponized and deployed against us. And he concludes that crimes were committed and psychology and psychological technology (including “Nudge” technology) was weaponized against the public, and that this must never happen again. This is one of the things that I feel most strongly about, is that somehow we need legislation that makes it clear that deploying fifth generation warfare technology, PSYOPs, psywar technology on civilian populations is absolutely not acceptable.

And the bizarre thing is that the deploying of this technology has been justified on the basis that it's necessary to do this to preserve democracy. I argue the contrary is what's true, that this makes the concept of democracy obsolete. The idea of personal autonomy, of the ability of an individual to have personal sovereignty is completely negated in a world in which governments feel that it's acceptable to deploy modern PSYOPs technology on their own populations. It means that everything that we hold dear in terms of free speech and democracy and representation and the evolution of power down to the lowest level that it should be delegated to, which was a core principle upon which the European Union was founded, has been negated over the last three years. And we have seen that clearly. It's the theme that runs all the way through this meeting.

Dr. Harvey Risch (USA) gave us great examples about the problems with the manipulation of data on the efficacy of vaccines. Dr. Byron Bridle (Canada), who I think has just been a hero all the way through this, also spoke. I don't think there's a better case study that I'm aware of, of how somebody has spoken truth, acted with integrity and dignity, and just been harassed mercilessly by his academic institution and his government than the example of Dr. Bridle over the last three years. But Byron has stood his ground. I think he's developed some nervous ticks over the last three years, but I think he's just been an amazing hero in what he's done in revealing the Pfizer/Japanese common technical document and so many other things.

EP Member Francesca Donato (Italy) gave us a summary from the morning about the importance of truth, democracy, and freedom, which has been important to all of us since the beginning. I think those were excellent summary comments. And EP Member Mislav Kolakusic (Croatia), made the clear, unequivocal statement that physicians should define pandemics, not the World Health Organization. I think that's another thing we can all concur with. EP Member Christine Anderson (Germany) followed with an emphasis that the “official” EP COVID Committee reports are repeating. The COVID committee reports that have come out of this institution are repeating as accepted wisdom every single lie that we have encountered all the way through this outbreak. That report is really not valid. It is clearly biased.

I could go on and on about the excellent presentations from Dr. Guiseppe Tritto (Italy), Dr. Natalia Prego (Spain), Professor Giovanni Frajese (Italy), Emmanuelle Darles (France) , Alejandro Diaz Villalobos (Mexico), giving us the perspective on the pediatric consequences of the mismanagement from Mexico. Dr. Kirk Milhoan (USA), my good friend, making it abundantly clear about the cardiac pathology associated with the COVID “vaccines”, the unnecessary deployment of these “vaccines” in pediatric populations and the excess mortality and morbidity that has been associated with that. And Dr. Rosanna Chifari (Italy) spoke about the fetal effects of the “vaccines” and that spike activates microglia in the brain, as well as the CNS consequences of this. Dr. Arne Berkhartd (Germany) spoke about damage to heart and lungs observed in his series of 75 autopsies. So we now have clear autopsy data, and excellent presentations from our pathologists, including my friend Dr. Ryan Cole (USA), about the effects of the COVID “vaccines” on cancer.

We also had Vincent Pavan (France) speaking about the data concerning all-cause mortality in France. Supporting these observations were the all-cause mortality statistics of Dr. Theo Schetters (Netherlands) showing the correlation between the deployment of the vaccines and the waves of excess all-cause mortality in the elderly, which are perhaps the most clear and explicit demonstration of what is really a “re-challenge study” that I've ever seen. There should be no more doubt about the cause and effect relationship between mRNA vaccines and death. We have seen all of this noise about correlation does not prove causation. We've seen data from Theo and from Dr. Jessica Rose (Canada) and so many others that refute this thesis. And as Dr. Rose kindly points out, without screaming it to the roof, that the Bradford Hill criteria have been abundantly met here in demonstrating that this is a valid correlation.

I could go on and on about the legal consequences and breaches that have occurred throughout the European Union and the world, as documented by Children's Health Defense and many others. Many other attorneys, both in the United States, in Australia, and throughout the European Union, Switzerland, are finally reaching the point where they're holding officials and hopefully pharmaceutical companies accountable. And I think that we will all be able to synergize as this discovery process moves forward.

Then in conclusion we had what were frankly forward looking presentations, frankly from Drs. Meryl Nass (USA) and Katarina Lindley (Croatia), my good friends, an alert, the thing that you should take home, is that these new regulations, these International Health Regulation modifications that the WHO is trying to slip under the rug so that we don't pay attention to them, and unfortunately they've been promoted by the government that I'm a citizen of. And I can tell you that in my country, there is great consternation and disagreement about pushing these from this administration and our health and human services through the World Health Organization.

I concur that the risk is substantial for basically a surreptitious power grab by a group that is not elected, is not representative, and has shown (for instance) in the Monkeypox outbreak as well as with this outbreak to not be responsible custodians of world health and human health.

Big Pharma's 'mRNA' Technology
Big Pharma & The CDC Are A CHILD DEATH CULT.

Covid-19 News May. 05, 2023.

Big Pharma’s Secret Plan EXPOSED: All Vaccines To Soon Use LETHAL mRNA Technology

CDC stands for “Child Death Cult” … nationwide child sacrifice ritual disguised as “immunization”

Andrecorbeil May. 5, 2022 Covid 19 News!


Big Pharma wants us to be full of mRNA!
Dr. Bryan Ardis joins to expose how mRNA will be included into ALL medical necessities, and it's dangerous! Now, snake venom peptides are creeping into everything, causing disaster!

NOTE: Covid-19 restrictions and ever tightening mandates our not in our interest, especially our children, and we have to fight back and demand our leaders act. As of today, I have gotten no response from our Chancery Office or any of their supporting documentation (including informed consent info) I requested. Of course not, there is absolutely no medical evidence whatsoever in favour of the Covid-19 vaccine or mandates.

Florida Surgeon General The 'MRNA' 'Covid-19' Vaccine Findings Are Disturbing" Dr. 'Joseph Ladapo'

"Florida Surgeon General" 'Florida’s Vaccine Findings On MRNA Covid-19 Vaccines Are Disturbing! Dr. 'Joseph Ladapo'

'Florida’s Medical Findings On MRNA Covid-19 Vaccines Are Disturbing! Dr. 'Joseph Ladapo'

Covid-19 May. 5th, 2023

'Florida' Surgeon General Dr. 'Joseph Ladapo' walks us through the state’s disturbing findings from their safety study on the Covid19 MRNA vaccines,

Dr. 'Jose Nasser' 'Covid-19' Update! "The 'Covid' Pandemic" in 'Brazil' 'Aga Wilson' Oct 30, 2022
May 05th, 2023

Dr. 'Jose Nasser' 'Covid-19' Update! "The 'Covid' Pandemic" in 'Brazil' 'Aga Wilson'

In this episode, Aga Wilson interviewed Dr. Jose Nasser who updates me on the current covid response in Brazil and the newly approved administration of Covid19 vaccines for children from the age of 6 months.

We also discuss the ongoing elections in Brazil and the political influence of the pandemic. We also get into early treatment and health protocols that may help people with the disease as well as injured people. Dr. Nasser has been speaking out about the measures and the approach to mass vaccination since the beginning of the pandemic and has been a leading voice in Brazil and globally.

COVID-19 current death toll
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Doctor Warrick Bishop

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COVID-19 666 Vaccines Luciferase Glows White In Pfizer COVID Vaccine Vials - 05-05-2023

WHY 'Covid-19' & Climate Agenda Is Ruining Our World! The 'World Economic Forum'

WHY 'Covid-19' & Climate Agenda Is Ruining Our World! The World Economic Forum. ( Full Explanation)

Covid 05/05/2023
the history of WEF, Rockefeller, and all the institutions which have corrupted our world. This one needs to be shared with maximum prejudice , as it fully explains Covid19, the Climate Change Agenda, and so much more. A catastrophic loss of our freedoms will occur unless the people understand what is happening, and WHY.

Covid-19, The Climate Change Agenda, Ruining Our World, The World Economic Forum, WEF, Global Leaders, Covid-19 Exposed, Bilderberg Members, The 'COVID-19' Pandemic,

Covid-19 Exposed The 150 'Bilderbergers' Who Influenced & controlled The 'COVID-19' Pandemic

'Pfizer' To Admits COVID-19 Vaccines Were Not Tested to Stop Transmission

'Robert Roos' Gets 'Pfizer' To Admit COVID-19 Vaccines Were Not Tested to Stop Transmission

Robert Roos - Dutch MEP - Calls Pfizer on Pfizer to answer the question of whether or not they actually tested their Vaccine for Protection of Transmission before bringing it to Market. The Response is a Laughable No for the Pfizer Exec.

Pfizer Press Conference 'Pfizer' CEO 'Albert Bourla' Blows Off The European Parliament

Press Conference After 'Pfizer' CEO 'Albert Bourla' Refused To Answer In Front Of European Parliament 5th, May. 2023

Six members of the European Parliament held a press conference on October 11, 2022, one day after Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO, refused to participate in the Covid committee and answer questions.

Pfizer exposed!
Pfizer Whistleblower 'Brook Jackson' Exposes Massive Problems In Covid-19 Vaccines & FDA's Approval
Pfizer Whistleblower 'Brook Jackson' Exposes Massive Problems In Covid-19 Vaccines & FDA's Approval

PFIZER BUSTED! Media Crimes Exposed

Dr. 'Robert Malone' WARNS Something Strange Is Happening Worldwide, Tearing Our Movement Apart
Dr. 'Robert Malone' WARNS Something Strange Is Happening Worldwide, Tearing Our Movement Apart

The COVID Vaccinated Are Suffering Strange Hallucinations Before Collapsing
The COVID Vaccinated Are Suffering Strange Hallucinations Before Collapsing


Dr. 'McCullough' & Dr. 'Ryan Cole' Auto Immunity, Vaccines, Contamination, & WEF's Depopulation Plan

Dr. 'McCullough' & Dr. 'Ryan Cole' Auto Immunity, Vaccines, Contamination, & WEF's Depopulation Plan

'The Dr. Ardis Show' Dr. 'Ted Fogarty' MD & Dr. 'Brad Myer' "HYPERBARIC OXYGEN TREATMENT" Phenomenon
'The Dr. Ardis Show'
"Hospitals Are Killing Factories Now"! 'Scott Shara' "The Hospital Killed My Daughter Grace"

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COVID-19 Deep Dive! Reviewing The Pandemic Data Together With Dr. 'Hannelie'

"247% Increase In Cardiac Arrest Deaths” Dr 'Mobeen Syed' Reacts to New Vaccine Study Data Shows
"247% Increase In Cardiac Arrest Deaths” Dr 'Mobeen Syed' Reacts to New Vaccine Study Data Shows
Dr. 'Bryan Ardis' & 'Laura-Lynn' S.I.D.S 'Sudden Infant Death Syndrome' Snake Venom & Covid Vaccines
Dr. 'Bryan Ardis' & 'Laura-Lynn' S.I.D.S 'Sudden Infant Death Syndrome' Snake Venom & Covid Vaccines

MRNA Injections
"MRNA Injections" How They Kill You! Dr. 'Sucharit Bhakdi' 'Athens, Greece'
"Big Pharma's Killing Us" Dr. 'Robert Malone' Explosion of Long Term Covid-19 Jab Side Effects

"Big Pharma's Killing Us" Dr. 'Robert Malone' Explosion of Long Term Covid-19 Jab Side Effects

"Its A Death Shot" Harvard & Johns Hopkins Scientific Medical Studies, Prove The Vaccines Kill You
"ITs A Death Shot" Harvard & Johns Hopkins Scientific Medical Studies, Prove The Vaccines Kill You

Legal Case Against Dr. 'Anthony Fauci' Explained By Attorney 'Thomas Renz'
Legal Case Against Dr. 'Anthony Fauci' Explained By Attorney 'Thomas Renz'

Dr. 'Robert Malone' 'COVID-19' Q&A. 'Better Way Media Conference', Vienna, Austria)
Dr. 'Robert Malone' 'COVID-19' Q&A. 'Better Way Media Conference', Vienna, Austria)

Doctors Explain! "62% of Covid 19 vaccine recipients develop Deadly Blood Clots
Doctors Explain! "62% of Covid 19 vaccine recipients develop Deadly Blood Clots


Dr. 'David E Martin' 'Covid-19' Murder Case Information! Canadian 'Covid-19' Zoom Meeting

Dr. 'David E Martin' 'Covid-19' Murder Case Information! Canadian 'Covid-19' Zoom Meeting

Dr. 'Lee Merritt' Exposes the True Destroys The Lies Of The 'COVID-19' Pandemic HOAX
Dr. 'Lee Merritt' Exposes the True Destroys The Lies Of The 'COVID-19' Pandemic HOAX


Dr. 'Judy Mikovits' 'Karen Kingston' & 'Andrew Serafini' Working To Stop COVID-19 Medical Tyranny

Dr. 'Judy Mikovits' 'Karen Kingston' & 'Andrew Serafini' Working To Stop COVID-19 Medical Tyranny

Pfizer did not test vaccines.
the antivaxxers passed the test

the vaccine tattoo.
the vaccine tattoo will VERIFY that you took lucifer's mark

what masks do to you.
if you had the vaccine.
if you had the vaccine you are going to need to know this!

Musk Twitter Takeover.
Dr. 'McCullough' & Dr. 'Ryan Cole' Auto Immunity, Vaccines, Contamination, World Economic Forum Depopulation Plan
Dr. 'McCullough' & Dr. 'Ryan Cole' Auto Immunity, Vaccines, Contamination, & WEF's Depopulation Plan

Dr. John Campbell - Viral transmission not tested in Pfizer trials.
Cardiac Arrest Deaths
247% Increase In Cardiac Arrest Deaths. Dr 'Mobeen Syed' Reacts to New Vaccine Study Data Shows

Dr. 'Bryan Ardis' & 'Laura-Lynn' S.I.D.S 'Sudden Infant Death Syndrome' Snake Venom & Covid Vaccines
Dr. 'Bryan Ardis' & 'Laura-Lynn' S.I.D.S 'Sudden Infant Death syndrome.

UK - England - London (Rally against Vaccinepassports) [August 9, 2021] #ArrestBillGates
UK - England - London (Rally against Vaccinepassports) [May 5, 2023] #ArrestBillGates

"Its A Death Shot" Harvard & Johns Hopkins Scientific Medical Studies, Prove The Vaccines Kill You

"ITts A Death Shot" Harvard & Johns Hopkins Medical Studies, Prove Vaccines Kill You

Zelensky Threatens WW3 if NATO Does Not Start WW3

vaccine injured - no more third shot!
vaccine injured - no more third shot!
Doctors Explain! "62% of Covid 19 vaccine recipients develop Deadly Blood Clots
Doctors Explain! "62% of Covid 19 vaccine recipients develop Deadly Blood Clots

Do not let your kids go through this. Parents, your kids need YOU. Some are fighting harder than the grownups.
Do not let your kids go through this. Parents, your kids need YOU. Some are fighting harder than the grownups.

Dr Carrie Madej - Urgent Information On Covid HUMAN GENE PATENTING
Dr Carrie Madej - Urgent Information On Covid19 Vaccine - HUMAN GENE PATENTING



yup! the vaccine changed my DNA l
yup! the vaccines change your DNA and kill you.

New world Order Members, WEF Members,
Bilderberg Group, Bilderbergers Influenced COVID-19, WEF controlled The Pandemic, COVID-19 Leaders, Pfizer Breaking News, Pfizer Busted, Pfizer Exposed, Press Conference, 'Pfizer' CEO 'Albert Bourla', European Parliament, Phizers, Pfizer Vaccines, Phizer Vaccines Were Not Tested, Dr. Robert Malone, Something Strange is Happening, Worldwide, Anthony Fauci, Studies, Medical Papers, COVID-19 Vaccines, Covid Expose, 'COVID-19' Pandemic, Covid19 HOAX, PFIZER, moderns, j &j, PFIZER Whistleblower Brook Jackson, Covid19 Vaccine Trials, FDA, Approval Process, Medical Interview, Dr. Bryan Ardis, LIVE SPEECH, Hospital Protocols, Remdesivir, Hospitals Murdering Patients, COVID Patients, Dr. Ardis Show, The Dr Ardis Show, Ardis Show, Dr Bryan Ardis Show, Doctor Bryan Ardis, Dr Bryan, Dr Bryan Ardis, JasonShurka, Jason Shurka, Dr. Ardis, DC interviews, AndreCorbeil, Health Apps, W.E.F, Weapon For Globalist Population Control, Popular, Health Apps, Trojan Horse, Population Control, WEF, Medical Lies, Dr. Anthony Fauci, The NIH, Covid Ninja Variant, New NinjaVariant, NinjaVariant, Ninja Variant, Covid Vaccine Shedding, Ninja Variant, Covid-19 Variants, The Sick, "Vaccine Shedding" 'Covid-19, The Ninja Variant' Vaccination Data, Vaccine Testimony, Pediatrician Speaks Out , Aluminium Nanoparticles in Vaccines, Childrens Vaccines, Healthcare, Pandemic Data, MONKEY POX DEBUNKED, Dr. Robert Malone, Monkey Pox May 2022, Monkey Pox, Monkey, Pox, Robert Malone, Monkey Pox Virus, Monkey Pox Outbreak, Vaccine Parasites, Parasites In Vaccines, COVID Jab Parasites, FOOTAGE, INSIDE VACCINES, WATCH THE WATER,COVID ORIGINS DOCUMENTARY, Dr Brian Ardis, Snake Venom 19,COVID Snake Venom, Dr Judy Mikovits, Judy Mikovits, Doctors Warning, Dr Warns, Big Pharma, Ivermectin, Hydroxy Chloroquine, Medicine, Health, Wellbeing, Society & Culture, 'The Dr. Ardis Show' Drugs, The Sick, Killing Patients, Dr Robert Malone, Doctor Robert Malone, Dr Malone, Doctor Malone, Robert Malone, Viralogist, Scientist, Dr, Doctor, Doctors, Medical Physicians, Big Pharma, Healthcare, Vaccine Autopsies, Auto Immune Attacks, Killer Lymphocytes, Vital Organs, Vaccine adverse reactions, AstraZeneca covid-19 vaccine, J&J covid-19 vaccine, Phizer covid-19 vaccine, adverse vaccine effects, AstraZeneca, Phizer, J&J, Moderna, injured after vaccines, covid injections, Dr. 'Judy Mikovits Interview, Damning Covid 19 Evidence, Shocking Interview, Covid 19 Jabs, Covid Vaccines, Covid Vaccination, Vaccinated Getting Sick, Doctors Speak Out, Nurses Speak Out, Scientists Speak Out, Medical Tyranny, Big Pharma, Vaccine Injuries, Problems With The Vaccines, Vaccine Data Reveals, Vaccination Data, Vaccine Testimony, Pediatrician Speaks Out , Aluminium Nanoparticles in Vaccines, Childrens Vaccines, Healthcare, Pandemic Data, Dr Bryan Ardis Show, Medical Speeches, Doctors, Lawyers, Scientists, Nurses, Dr.s,
AndreCorbeil, COVID-19 Documentary, Coronavirus, Documentary, Corona Investigative Committee, AndreCorbeil, Covid19 Death shots, Harvard Study, Johns Hopkins, Publish Scientific Study, Medical Studies, Medical Papers,
Robert Roos, Pfizer Admits COVID-19 Vaccines Were Not Tested.

“Pfizer was forced to release their findings by a Texas federal judge in January 2022. Within that first tranche of documents, you will find Table 3–Safety Concerns.
"The first identified risk is anaphylaxis. In a risk survey …

Covid-19 News: October 26, 2022

On Wednesday, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted to make Covid shots part of the childhood immunization schedule. The CDC, which always follows the ACIP’s advice, will almost certainly move forward with updating the schedule. Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo reaffirmed his recommendation against healthy children receiving experimental Covid shots.

Dr.s Rejecting 'CDC's 'Covid-19' Shots Becoming Part Of Childhood Vaccination Schedule
In this interview with The New American, Dr. Ladapo argued that at this point in the pandemic, when an overwhelming majority of children have contracted Covid and considering the lack of long-term safety data on the shots and available data on adverse reactions, the risks far outweigh the benefits for this cohort.

The surgeon general explained that if the CDC updates the recommendation, it would pave the way for the state healthcare authorities to include Covid shots in mandated immunization schedules. That means that to attend public or private school, children would need to get inoculated against Covid. Since the majority of parents are clearly not enthusiastic about vaccinating their children against Covid, they can and should influence the local authorities not to mandate the shots, or file for legal exemptions.

Follow Dr. Joseph Ladapo on Twitter at
and Facebook at

To order Dr. Ladapo’s book Transcend Fear: A Blueprint for Mindful Leadership in Public Health, please go to
Claim ID

childhood vaccine schedules UK

Vaccination: They’re Becoming Desperate
Computing Forever


AMAZING Brandy Vaughan Speech About Vaccine Mandates & Childhood Schedules
Humanity's Vault

Upcoming Webinar Schedule 2022
Ivan Teller




Virus's Mimicking 'Nanoparticles' Found In 'COVID-19' Vaccines.

Deadly Virus-Mimicking Nanoparticles & 'COVID-19' Vaccines Connection.

Dr. 'Robert Malone' 'COVID-19' Information Warfare! Dr Robert Malone mRNA Vaccine Interview

Dr. 'Robert Malone' On 'COVID-19'.

In this special episode, we speak to an inventor of the mRNA jab technology who has nine patents in the field, the former US Department of Defence contracted scientist and now whistleblower Dr Robert Malone about information warfare and Covid propaganda.

High excess vaccine deaths &
What They Aren't Telling You About mRNA Vaccines.

Dr. 'Robert Malone' On 'COVID-19' Information Warfare! Dr Robert Malone mRNA Vaccine Interview


reports on the recent news that in November of 2019, nearly 2 months before "SarsCoV2" was known to exist (not that it actually does), the US was studying it in Ukraine. At least according to recently acquired paperwork.
Meanwhile, the foreknowledge is obvious as the vaccines seemed ready to go on January 25th of 2020, one day after the Chinese government locked down.
Now, countless studies are coming out showing the dramatic dangers of the vaccine which is killing massive numbers of people.
Pfizer just admitted they never tested the vaccine on "transmission" despite claiming in their fraudulent campaign that people need to get vaccinated to save "other people."
All the while, a top French politician who recently was vaccine injured came out and claimed that Emanuel Macron never got the vaccine despite his horrific crackdown on his own people.

In this video, we break down the complete insanity of the most recent vaccine related news.


Dr. 'Robert Malone' WARNS Something Strange Is Happening Worldwide, Tearing Our Movement Apart

Dr. 'Robert Malone' Something Strange Happening Worldwide. It's Trying to Tear Our Movement Apart.

Have you noticed something strange going on lately within the health freedom movement? You're not alone.

At the highly anticipated Toronto premier of the film 'Uninformed Consent' on Saturday (Oct. 8), Dr. Robert Malone warned of a concerted effort to divide us, and that to some extent—it's working.

"There is an effort right now, as the truth is coming out, to destroy the integrity and cohesion of the resistance groups all across the world... do not let them put us in opposition with each other, we must stand together as community," warned Dr. Malone.

You wouldn’t call you controlled opposition if you didn’t say “We should only give this vaccine to the elderly and the most vulnerable”…then at the same time say, “This vaccine is a depopulation bioweapon.”

I Don't fully trust Dr. Malone. He is playing both sides

Dr. 'Robert Malone' Something Strange Happening Worldwide. It's Trying to Tear Our Movement Apart Oct. 11, 2022

The COVID Vaccinated Are Suffering Strange Hallucinations Before Collapsing

Legal Case Against Dr. 'Anthony Fauci'

The Rock Solid Case Against Dr. 'Anthony Fauci' Explained By Attorney 'Thomas Renz'

Additionally, problems may arise even years after vaccinations. These issues may include “immune enhancement” in which case the vaccination may cause increased ...
https://renz-law.com our-medical-...
Our Medical Freedom Fight - Renz Law
Breaking: DHHS sued to halt the Covid-19 Vaccines to Children 15 years old and younger.

Dr. Anthony Fauci claims he's stepping down.

Anthony Fauci's Covid Hospital Protocols are Killing Thousands:

Dr. Zev Zelenko's New and Updated Detox Product For People Who Have Had the Vaccine – It’s Called Z-Dtox. Children's Gummies Are Now Available:

Covid Vaccine Detox Remedies, Protocols and Products

Alternative Remedies and Health Products For the Colds/Flu and Covid

Do You Want to Know If the Covid Vaccine Batch You Received Was Safe or Deadly? Check Out the "How Bad is My Batch" Website:

Ivermectin/Hydroxychloroquine and Budesonide Online:

CBD Oils and Detox Products Including Zeolite For Spike Protein Detox:

Alternative Health and Healing.
The latest flu vaccine / booster scheduled for release in Autumn2022contains mRNA for producing three variants of spikeprotein + the flu vaccine combined into one shot. FDA and CDC have exempted these shots from ALL safety testing. The spike protein causes extensive damage to internal organs, and effects fetal development. Pleaseexercise parental oversight and extreme caution. ...
More results from renz-law.com

https://m.facebook.com › ... Videos
Thomas Renz, an attorney based in Ohio has started a lawsuit against the federal government for covering up the true number of deaths from the Covid-19 vaccines. (Factchecker says that number was "guesstimated")

https://www.bitchute.com › video
The AIRTIGHT Case AGAINST Anthony Fauci with Attorney Thomas Renz

Thomas Renz WEBSITE: https://renz-law.com/

The AIRTIGHT Case AGAINST Anthony Fauci with Attorney Thomas Renz ...

Escucha y descarga los episodios de Flyover Conservatives gratis. Thomas Renz WEBSITE: https://renz-law.com/ Text TOM to 40509 ...

https://www.deezer.com show
Listen to Flyover Conservatives podcast -
A conversational podcast where current events get broken down and modern culture is examined through the lens of Conservative, Christian Values! We ...

The Epoch Times
https://www.theepochtimes.com fa...
Fauci Stepping Down Because 'His Presence Is No Longer Politically ...

Dr. Anthony Fauci claims he's stepping down to "pursue the next chapter" of his career, an attorney aims to stop him ...

Senator Doug Mastriano
Mastriano pushes for legislative action after COVID-19 Expert Panel. Senator Doug Mastriano (PA-33) hosted a panel with fellow legislators and medical experts to openly discuss the ...

https://wbt.com pete-kaliner-form...
Pete Kaliner: Former EcoHealth VP says they developed COVID-19 - WBT

Andrew Huff, a former vice president for the EcoHealth Alliance, says the organization developed the SARS-COV2 virus that led to the global pandemic...

What Criminal Charges Could Anthony Fauci Face Racketeering charges "This conspiracy is so deep and these people are so corrupt."Tom Renz tells David Brody about the legal case being developed to go after Anthony Fauci.

Doctors Explain! "62% of Covid 19 vaccine recipients develop Deadly Blood Clots

Doctors Explain why 62% of Covid 19 vaccine recipients develop DEADLY BLOOD CLOTS

Harvard & Johns Hopkins Publish Explosive Truth: Scientific Papers PROVE C19 Vaxx Is A Death Shot

Follow Stew Peters: https://rumble.com/c/StewPeters

Follow Nonvaxer420: https://rumble.com/user/nonvaxer420

'COVID-19' Coronavirus (SERIOUS) Documentary From The 'Corona Investigative Committee'

'COVID-19' Coronavirus Documentary From The 'Corona Investigative Committee'

Dr. 'Lee Merritt' Exposes the True Destroys The Lies Of The 'COVID-19' Pandemic HOAX

Dr. Lee Merritt Exposes the True Destruction of the Covid Pandemic Hoax
Dr. Lee Merritt Exposes the True Destruction of the Covid Pandemic Hoax
The Alex Jones Show

Dr. Lee Merritt Exposes the True Destruction of the COVID Pandemic Hoax
Dr. Lee Merritt Exposes the True Destruction of the COVID Pandemic Hoax

Targeted DNA Harvesting & Damage, De-Population, Globalists IMMUNE, Repairing DNA
DNA Harvesting & Damage, De-Population, Globalists IMMUNE, Repairing DNA.

Dr Lee Merritt Interview.
What We're Seeing With The Shots Is Of Biblical Proportions

Globalists Final Vaccine Push with Dr. Lee Merritt | Unrestricted Truths.

FULL SHOW: Is There Any Cure To The Covid-19 Vaccine? Dr. Lee Merritt Responds
FULL SHOW: Is There Any Cure To The Covid-19 Vaccine? Dr. Lee Merritt Responds

How To Protect Yourself From Covid Vaccine Side Effects With Dr. Lee Merritt
How To Protect Yourself From Covid Vaccine Side Effects Exposes Pandemic.

Dr. Lee Merritt, MD interviews Dr. Kevin Stillwagon, DC
Dr. Kevin Stillwagon
Dr Lee Merritt: We Are In a DNA War (Part 2)

Dr Lee Merritt: If you’re vaccinated & under 39, you're 260 times more likely to die from COVID-19

Merritt Medical Hour: Dr. Lee Merritt & Karen Kingston.
Dr. Lee Merritt & Karen Kingston

Pharmaceutical War.
Dr Lee Merritt DNA War

Dr. Carrie Madej Talks About Her Plane Crash & Gives An Update On Her Health With Dr. Sherry Tenpenny and Dr. Lee Merritt

Lt. Mark Bashaw revealed to Dr. Lee Merritt his struggles with COVID-19 health mandates in the Army

Lt. Mark Bashaw.

Dr Lee Merritt - The Great DNA War (That Wasn't) Part IV

Dr. Lee Merritt PhD
Dr. Lee Merritt and Poornima Wagh PhD - It's All Junk Science

The COVID-19 Shot - Seeking the Ultimate Truth (Part 2) - Dr. Lee Merritt - Freedom Alive
The COVID-19 Shot - Seeking the Ultimate Truth (Part 2) - Dr. Lee Merritt - Freedom Alive

Dr Lee Merritt: The One Ingredient That has Made the COVID-19 Jab Even More Lethal
Dr Lee Merritt: The One Ingredient That has Made the COVID-19 Jab Even More Lethal

Dr. Lee Merritt Exposes the True Destruction of the Covid Pandemic Hoax
Dr. Lee Merritt Exposes the True Destruction of the Covid Pandemic Hoax

Patel Patriot & Dr. Lee Merritt: Big Intel Update!

Dr. Lee Merritt: COVID-19 is man-made and vaccines are killing people

Dr. 'David E Martin's Explosive 'Covid-19'
Murder Case Information During Canadian Zoom Meeting

Phizer Whistleblower 'Brook Jackson' Exposes Massive Problems In Covid-19 Vaccines & FDA's Approval

Phizer exposed



Breaking: Criminal Canadian Monopoly Dr. David Martin Exposes Why Trudeau Won't Back Down

Dr. 'David Martin' EXPOSES the 'The Great Reset' & 'COVID-19' Vaccines

Full Interview! Dr. Zelenko has a warning about Big Pharma's threat to doctors speaking the TRUTH! OUR DR's FOR TRUTH ARE IN DANGER [PLEASE SHARE] EXPOSE BIG PHARMA MURDER PLANS!
Full Interview! Dr. Zelenko.

Mel K - Exposes the Puppet Masters!


Senator Ron Johnson Exposes The Dark History Of Dr. FOUCI & The Truth About Ivermectin As Early Treatment For Covid-19
Senator Ron Johnson Exposes The Dark History Of Dr. FOUCI & The Truth About Ivermectin As Early Treatment For Covid-19


'Vaccine Safety Research Protocols Exposed!
'Vaccine Safety Research Foundation' Remdesivir Protocols Exposed! Dr. 'Mary Bowden'



Doctors Exposing Covid-19 To The World! 'Dr Lee Merritt' & 'Poornima Wagh' PhD Virology
Doctors Exposing Covid-19 To The World! 'Dr Lee Merritt' & 'Poornima Wagh' PhD Virology

Pfizer Hit List: Dr. Zev Zelenko Exposes Big Pharma's Plan to Eliminate Opposition
BREAKING: Pfizer Hit List: Dr. Zev Zelenko Exposes Big Pharma's Plan to Eliminate Opposition

AGENDA 2030.

BUSTED! Media Crimes Exposed
Media Exposed.

Dr. David Martin - Canada, Exposing Trudeau’s Illegal Monopoly & Global Fraudsters
Dr. David Martin - Canada, Exposing Trudeau’s Illegal Monopoly & Global Fraudsters

UK - England - London (Rally against Vaccinepassports) #ArrestBillGates
UK - England - London (Rally against Vaccinepassports) #ArrestGates

EMERGENCY: Doctor Exposes WHO Blueprint For Global Healthcare Control
EMERGENCY: Doctor Exposes WHO Blueprint For Global Healthcare Control

First Look At Child Jab Plus Evil Monoclonal Antibody Secrets Exposed
First Look At Child Jab Plus Evil Monoclonal Antibody Secrets Exposed

PURE CORRUPTION: Romanian MEP exposes secret agreements that Big Pharma forced governments around the world to sign.
PURE CORRUPTION: Romanian MEP exposes secret agreements that Big Pharma forced governments around the world to sign.

"Useless Humans" - The Globalist Agenda Exposed

Phizer vaccines are bad

Vaccines are the mark of the Beast"
"The Vaccine IS the mark of the Beast"


"vaccines are not safe Fauci
"vaccines are super toxic," Fauci lied,
vaccines are deadly.

Depopulation is LIT! #ArrestBillGates #Treason The New Normal!
Depopulation is LIT! #ArrestBillGates #Treason The New Normal!



"vaccines are slavery" dr Charles Hoffee
"vaccines are Deadly

'COVVID is a hoax to get you to take the chip!'
'C.o.V.-ID is a hoax!'

'horse and dog brains in the vaccine!'

Canadian Dr Jessica Rose Interview - Why these Covid vaccines may be bad for us
Canadian Dr Jessica Rose Interview - Why these Covid vaccines may be bad for us

vaccines delivered via quantum dot
vaccines delivered

SATANIC Vaccines.
PROOF the Vaccines were Created to KILL.
PROOF the Vaccines KILL Children.

vaccines! "the vaccinated are collapsing" death imminent
the vaccinated are collapsing" death imminent


Ball Baal Bull! These globalists are God-haters! They know what GOD did to Baal-worshippers!
Ball Baal Bull! These globalists are God-haters! They know what GOD did to Baal-worshippers!

700 million worldwide will die from vaccines
People worldwide will die from covid19-vaccine.

Dr. PETER MCCULLOUGH: The vaccine is not safe and obviously not working!

vaccines subvert your individual identity, freedom, dignity, volition and privacy!
vaccines subvert your individual identity, freedom, dignity, volition and privacy!

vaccines change your DNA and kill you - confirmed!
vaccines change your DNA.

Phizer data drop … they knew their COVID vaccines were not SAFE
Phizer data drop,

It’s Official They Lied,
Excess covid deaths,
Dr. David E Martin, Doctor. David E Martin, David E Martin, Covid, you - confirmed!
yup! the vaccines change your DNA and kills you - confirmed!

Dr. Martin is truly a modern day hero! Thank you for your contribution to saving humanity from current evil tyrannical forces!

Yep, this is all abt DARPA & its Super Solidiers with G/O nanoparticles.

Not all truth advocates have figured out the same psyops yet but here's some of my research since 2007:

we will hold them accountable:

You may want to speak to the 18 scientists, Dr. Poornima Wagh and her colleagues, conducting various types of analysis on the different manufacturers' actual vials/lots of the COVID19 injections because they have not found any mRNA or spike proteins in the over 2300 samples they've tested.

What they have found is "massive quantities of toxic heavy metals". The COVID19 injections are chemical weapons, not bioweapons.

There has never been an actual isolated virus found. Dr. Wagh asked for samples of the sequenced SARS-CoV-2 virus from multiple organizations such as the CDC and they don't have them.


Covid" is blamed for escalating sickness/death in caused by vaccinations. Mainstream censure, lie, stonewall and cover up. Mass psychosis and deception rule. Many symptoms of covid/vaccines are identical to venom poisoning and treatment for such is effective. See the Italian study "Toxin-like peptides in plasma, urine and fecal samples from Covid-19 patients". Med-scientists find venomous "organoids" in undiluted vaccines. The "unique type of protein" in synthetic venom (snake/other) in the vaccines cause breakdown of organs and immune system (cf ADE) – thus emergent chronic illness - “long covid” - fatigue, infertility, miscarriages (data - 75% of pregnancies) cancers, diabetes, heart damage, blood clotting, white string (metallic) clotting, HIV, autoimmune & prion disease, shingles, super flu, chickenpox, monkey pox etc., death - sudden in adults and children. Med-scientists have discovered toxic metals including graphene oxide in every vaccine - cf hydrogel nano technology; https://www.bitchute.com/video/OILW74CXzdjO/ . Mrna nano particles vaccine delivery cause permanent systemic organ damage and dna alteration. Covid a virus? Many high level Dr’s (cf. Dr Mike Yeadon) now state there are no respiratory viruses - viruses non existant. Synthetic venom is transmitted via physical contact, water, air & vaccine spike protein. Vaccines, masks, mandates and bogus pcr tests drive "covid". There is strong med-science agreement that Covid and vaccination are bioweapons. Vaccines cause the body to be a venomated spike protein factory. The more vaxx shots the more toxic spike protein invades - shed to the unvaccinated via breath and physical contact – may be eliminated by a healthy immune system - see immune system boost supplements protocols - FLCCC, Dr Ardis (cf nicotine), Dr Zelenko, Dr Love and ors – (cf Ivermectin - Hydroxychloroquine - Chlorine Dioxide for water). Read the Bible about eternal life.

Sars, Covi2,
There's absolutely NO hope for those who will continue to get boosted. It doesn't matter how many research papers, testimonies, etc. you show them as they don't seem to possess any reasoning any more. Just let them have them and save your energy in saving those who can be saved. Those states and provinces that have the highest vax rate will continue to do what they HAD been doing, and those of us who had doubted this from the start will continue to resist it.

FDA and CDC need to be disbanded

Yes, new proof out of Germany: https://rumble.com/v1jodlh-toxic-substances-found-in-covid-vaccines-without-exception-new-german-study.html

Help us stop mandates and stop the shots: https://www.fastestlabs.com/glendale/other-testing-services/specialty-testing/

the CDC,NIH,,& the FDA are continually rejecting any facts that any World Class Medical experts present to us. So shut up peasants, & get your periodical boosters.

“Pfizer was forced to release their findings by a Texas federal judge in January 2022. Within that first tranche of documents, you will find Table 3–Safety Concerns.
"The first identified risk is anaphylaxis. In a risk survey … conducted between

Dr. 'Malone' Dr. 'Wolf' Dr. 'McCullough' & Dr. 'Kirsch' - CDC Covid 19 Vaccine BloodClots,

Dr. 'Robert Malone' 'Naomi Wolf' Dr. 'Peter McCullough' & Dr. 'Steve Kirsch'

Dr. 'Malone' Dr. 'Wolf' Dr. 'McCullough' & Dr. 'Kirsch' - Health Professionals share their thoughts about the CDC's decision to add COVID-19 vaccines and boosters to the U.S. childhood vaccine schedule.

Dr. Robert Malone: The CDC Voted Unanimously To Recommend The Covid-19 Vaccine For Children As Young As 5

Dr. Naomi Wolf: The CDC Is Voting To Save Themselves From Prison By Voting To Recommend The Covid Vaccine

Steve Kirsch And Dr. McCullough Discuss The Major Implications Of The 15-0 Vote To Add The COVID Vaccine To Kids' Vaccine Schedule

Tucker Carlson: COVID Fax Will Be Forced In Schools After CDC Vote

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis: "There Will Be No COVID Shot Mandates For Your Kids"

Kari Lake: We Will Never Allow [Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccines For Children] In Arizona

Save The Children, Inundate The CDC: Here's How You Can Be A Pest For The Pharma Criminals

Flagrant Corruption: ACIP Votes 15-0 For CDC To Recommend Children Get Covid-19 Vaccines & Boosters


Save The Children, Inundate The CDC: Here's How You Can Be A Pest For The Pharma Criminals

The ACIP Vote Today And What This Means
The Big Vote Is Tomorrow
By Dr. Robert Malone


The CDC Opened Up Public Comments On Mandatory Covid Vaxes For Children — And The Blowback Is Glorious
By Kyle Becker


Covid-19 Vaccine Pharmacovigilance Report

More Than 1,000 Peer Reviewed Articles On COVID Vaccine Injuries

COVID-19 Vaccination Stories, Side Effects & Healing

COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Event Tracking System (VAERS)

COVID-19 Vaccine Bad Batches Reference Page

Increasing Death Rates, Plummeting Birth Rates, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)

COVID-19 - Mystery Clots In Vaccinated Deceased People

COVID-19 & Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE)

Covid-19 – Vaccine-Induced T Cell Suppression, Virus Activation, Cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s

COVID-19 Menstrual & Breast Milk Disruptions, Miscarriages, Infertility, Transmission (Shedding)

COVID-19 Magnetism, Graphene Oxide, UV Fluorescence

COVID-19 Healing Resources

Censored, Sidelined And Villainized Doctors, Nurses, Health Care Workers Describe Their COVID-19 Experiences

Covid vaccines, viruses, mrna and spike protein discussion MAY now be obsolete.
HIGH level med-scientists/doctors (incl Dr Wagh Phdx2 - virology and immunology, Dr Yeadon, Dr Merritt, Dr Cahill & ors) state, that there are no respiratory viruses - viruses are non existent - cf Dr’s Sam & Mark Bailey & ors) . And all toxshots are chemical weapons - no virus, no mrna and no spike protein. Bogus PCR & face diapers do nothing but cause harm. ONE: Med-scientists have found a "unique type of protein" in synthetic venom (snake/other) in the toxshots. See Italian study: "Toxin-like peptides in plasma, urine and fecal samples from Covid-19 patients". Synthetic venom is easily dispersed in water, air, food & toxshots/boosters. TWO: Med-scientists have found much toxic heavy metals including reduced graphene oxide in every toxshot/booster no matter what brand (2300+ tested- 20+ scientists in universities/labs world wide), and along with nano hydrogel particles = systemic inflammation, organ and neurological damage- blood clotting etc. THUS: synthetic venom + toxshots graphene oxide + heavy metal toxicity (+ 5G) = emergent chronic illnesses - “long covid”, fatigue, infertility, miscarriages, cancers, diabetes, heart damage – myocarditis etc, blood clotting, string clotting, HIV, autoimmune & prion disease, neurological problems, shingles, super flu, chickenpox, monkey pox etc., immune system failure, death - sudden in adults and children. Unvaxxed get similar sicknesses by transmitting of graphene oxide through breath and skin - cf the blood of unvaxxed children living with vaxxed parents have graphene oxide assembling the in their blood (Dr Hoffe and ors). TO DETOX- immune system supplements - FLCCC, Dr Ardis, Dr Zelenko, Dr Love, Dr Merritt and ors– (cf Ivermectin - Hydroxychloroquine - Chlorine Dioxide for water).

Dr Horowitz is in the know as well on how to treat and prevent Covid based on the science : his protocols listed here and his severe Covid protocol is also great as a detox method: https://www.lymedisease.org/pfeiffer-preventing-covid/

Study on Glutathione and how it protects from Covid-19 - proven in 2020 and even back in 1970 on pneumonia prevention: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7402141/

The FDA tried to ban glutathione from medical use in June 2022 because it's natural and it works on numerous illnesses, and of course, word is getting out that it prevents viruses. Smart doctors stopped the committee from banning it.

Covid-19, Dr. 'Robert Malone', International COVID Summit', 'European Parliament', Covid-19, SAFE AND EFFECTIVE, MRNA VACCINE INJURIES, VACCINE INJURED, VACCINE SIDE EFFECTS, COVID-19 VACCINE INJURIES, The Death Rate After Vaccines, German Death Rate rises in the vaccinated, Our World, The World Economic Forum, WEF, Global Leaders, Covid-19 Exposed, Bilderberg Members, The 'COVID-19' Pandemic, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr Naomi Wolf, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Steve Kirsch, Dr. Malone, Dr. Wolf, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Kirsch, Health Professionals, CDC votes, COVID-19 vaccines and boosters, U.S. childhood vaccine schedule, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, Rejecting 'CDC', 'Covid-19' Shots, Childhood Vaccination Schedule, AndreCorbeil, CDC Covid-19, Covid Shots, Childhood Vaccination Injuries, Vaccines Schedule, Doctor 'Joseph Ladapo', Rejecting 'CDC's 'Covid-19' Childhood Vaccination Schedule, Dr. Robert Malone, Something Strange is Happening, Worldwide, Dr. 'Robert Malone' Pandemics, Pandemic, New Covid 19 variants, COVID-19 Information, Information Warfare, mRNA Dr Robert Malone mRNA Vaccines, Robert Malone Interview, Anthony Fauci, Studies, Medical Papers, COVID-19 Vaccines, Covid Expose, 'COVID-19' Pandemic, Covid 19 HOAX, PFIZER, moderns, j &j, PFIZER Whistleblower Brook Jackson, Vaccine Trials, FDA, Approval Process, Medical Interview, LIVE SPEECH, Hospital Protocols, Remdesivir, Hospitals Murdering Patients, COVID Patients, Dr. Ardis Show, The Dr Ardis Show, Ardis Show, Dr Bryan Ardis Show, Doctor Bryan Ardis, Dr Bryan, Dr Bryan Ardis, Jason Shurka, Jason Shurka, Dr. Ardis, DC interviews, AndreCorbeil, Health Apps, W.E.F, Weapon For Globalist Population Control, Popular, Health Apps, Trojan Horse, Population Control, WEF, Medical Lies, Dr. Anthony Fauci, The NIH, Covid Ninja Variant, New, Covid Vaccine Shedding, Ninja Variant, Covid-19 Variants, The Sick, "Vaccine Shedding" 'Covid-19, The Ninja Variant' Vaccination Data, Vaccine Testimony, Pediatrician Speaks Out , Aluminium Nanoparticles in Vaccines, Childrens Vaccines, Healthcare, Pandemic Data, MONKEY POX DEBUNKED, Dr. Robert Malone, Monkey Pox May 2022, Monkey Pox, Monkey, Pox, Robert Malone, Monkey Pox Virus, Monkey Pox Outbreak, Vaccine Parasites, Parasites In Vaccines, COVID Jab Parasites, FOOTAGE, INSIDE VACCINES, WATCH THE WATER, COVID ORI

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