Interview (Chat) with Wolverine, New Financial System Part III, August 8th, 2022

1 year ago

Welcome to Part III of our Interview Series to discuss the New Financial System destined (based upon now, the three interviews/informal chats we have done now with three special individuals who are connected to individuals who know the exact details of this system) that will be coming out quite soon, so we are told, into our world. In this video we
have an informal chat to Wolverine (Wolfie to his friends and extended family) about his experiences and insights about this new system. Wolverine describes himself as just a normal person, an Aussie living in Sdyney who works as an accountant. However, three years ago, a good friend of his told him about aspects of the New Financial System that he found quite intriguing so he had to do his own personal checking into to find out if it was true and he found overwhelming evidence of such.

Thus, Wolverine felt inspired and created a Telegram Channel to share this important information with others to know about what he was uncovering on this new system. This channel is now known as "The Chosen Ones". We believe you will be delighted to listen to Wolverine as he shares with us his journey, one that has been quite intense but at the same quite joyful as he describes to us what our future world will be like.

Once again, co-founder of our center, The Center for the Advancement of Humanity, Joshua Shapiro (known as a crystal skull and paranormal explorer, author and public speaker) conducts this informal chat with Wolfie. He asks him about these special experiences, what is going on in his Telegram group, as well as checks with him if all the information being reported about the new banking system (the QFS - see the videos also with Holly Celiano and Mel Carmine, webpage links below), Gesara, the new currencies and digtal currencies, Medbeds and much more are really true and being verified by his official sources.

As you will discover, Wolverine has a wealth of information that he has access to and he believes some big changes to the world financial system could be coming up very soon.

Joshua: As I shared during our chat, I am a member of Wolverine's telegram group, The Chosen Ones, and I check in every day to see what is the latest news. Although this is the first time I have spoken to Wolverine in person, he is one of the most dedicated individuals I know for helping others; as well as one of the most honest, truthworthy and reliable persons you would ever wish to meet. And, if there is anyone who is going to know when the key aspects of the new financial system will be released publicly for all the see, it will be Wolverine. As he says during our chats, there are many so-called other Gurus out there who have made many claims for when the new system will come out, but Wolverine always makes sure what he is allowed to share, is always done in as an honest manner as posssible. While all of wish to see our world become the Heaven we always envisioned ASAP, Wolverine does not make any empty promises to give those who follow him a false hope. Patience is the key for right now, living one day at a time and inwardly knowing God's Plan is happening for our world in a Divine Time as well! :-)

So within this new video, yet again, we now have a third confirmation that the New Financial System, the QFS, Gesara and such is not a fantasy but are all in process and are key pieces for bringing forth the new and amazing technologies (that have been hidden for a long time from humanity by the so-called elites) to all of us that will establish a fair new economic system in which no more poor people will exist, illness will no longer be a part of our life (we will have perfect health, just imagine) and in effect, our world will see a time of total peace and harmony!

[Special Note - It has been reported that on August 8th, the day this chat was conducted, President Trump's Mar-a-Lago Retreat (his home) in Florida was raided by the FBI seeking secret documents he had while he was President that he didn't turn in. This raid has been reported not only on Telegram but all the major media has covered it as well. We share this because we need to ask a Question, "Is this a very very visible sign to the World, that the Elite are very worried about what the White Hats and Alliance are doing (which they say are working with President Trump) to bring us to a new harmonious world and that this is their last ditch effort to preserve what little power they have left and take down President Trump? Or is it a sign that our new Peaceful Earth is very close at hand? You must decide :-) ]

If you would like to get in touch with Wolverine, as was discussed during our chat, here is how:

If you are already a member of Telegram, the link to his channel (group), "The Chosen Ones" is:

If you would like to contact Wolverine via email, our Center is willing to receive his emails and we promise to forward it to him right away. The email to send to is:
-- and use as a subject, "Can I speak to Wolverine?".

---> Also if you are intriqued by our Center (The Center for the Advancement of Humanity) and wish to know more information about us (or even possibly help us to build our network of Centers all over the world), please feel free to include that in your email as well. We also plan to form alliances with other centers and groups for future special projects so if you feel an affinity with us, we would love to hear from you too!

Interview/Chat with Holly Celiano -New Financial System - Part I - July 2022, to view go to:

Interview with Mel Carmine - New Financial System - Part II, July 22, 2022, to view go to:

To contact Joshua Shapiro related to his work or information gathering with the crystal skulls, the paranormal or UFOs and ETs, his email is: or you can go to his website at:

-- You also may wish to email Joshua about the six free e-books (pdf format) he is offering which cover: Crystal Skulls / Tartaria / Flat Earth / Messages from his Future Self / Are We in a Computer Simulation? / Overview of What is Happening Behind the Scenes {from May 2021, still pretty accurate} -- (just put in the subject line: Free E-books - Chat with Wolfie ...

The Center for the Advancement of Humanity - On-line Resources:

Rumble Video Channel:
{ We are constantly adding new videos (including interviews/chats with key individuals) to our channel all the time. In addition to discussing the
New Financial System, we speak about many other subjects such as crystal skulls, ufos, various world mysteries, the paranormal and much more. This gives to our viewers an idea of the subjects we will be researching to share key information with the general public. We plan to utilize all forms of media as we shall endeavor to share the best information about the true nature of humanity, our history, our world and the universe coming from both a spiritual and scientific perspective.
If you enjoy this video we encourage you to subscribe to our channel and then you will receive an email when new videos are added! :-) }

Email Address for Contact:

Telegram Channel:

Center Overview Webpage:

Note: The Center for the Advancement of Humanity is in its early stages of formation - we are seeking individuals, groups and centers all over the world to help us setup multiple locations as well as other people who are interested to join us in members. Our goal is to build the main center in Georgia in the U.S. with sister centers all over the world.
Please feel free to email us if you would like to learn more how to help us create these amazing centers which are coming..

Thank you and hope you enjoyed this next discussion,

Wolverine and Joshua
August 8th, 2022 (Date of the Lion's Gate)

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