Lowell Joseph Gallin
Lowell Joseph Gallin

Lowell Joseph Gallin

    R&B Weekly Seminar: Lowell's Ten Minute History Lesson (Episode #17 -- Sunday, May 19th, 2024). Topic: "Philo-Judaic Dutch Protestant Theologian and Jurist Hugo Grotius (1583-1645)
    R&B Weekly Seminar: R&B Lowell's Ten Minute History Lessons (Episode #16 -- May 5th, 2024). Topic: "John Harvard (1607-1638), after whom Harvard College (established 1636) was named"
    R&B Weekly Seminar: Lowell's Ten Minute (April 30th, 2024). Topic: "Henry Dunster (1609-1658), First President of Harvard College (Established 1636)"
    R&B Weekly Seminar: Lowell's Ten Minute History Lessons (Episode #14 -- Sunday, April 7th, 2024). Topic: "Spanish Armada 1588"
    R&B Weekly Seminar: Lowell's Ten Minute History Lessons (Episode #13 -- Sunday, March 17th, 2024). Topic: "The Geneva Bible"
    R&B Weekly Seminar: Lowell's Ten Minute History Lessons (Episode #12 -- March 10th, 2024). Topic: "Thomas Brightman (1562-1607). Author: 'Shall They Return to Jerusalem Again?' (1615)"
    R&B Weekly Seminar: Lowell's Ten Minute History Lessons (Episode #11 -- Sunday, March 3rd, 2024). Topic: "Thomas Draxe (died 1618). Author: 'The Worldes Resurrection, or the general calling of the Jewes' (1608)"
    R&B Weekly Seminar: Lowell's Ten Minute History Lesson (Episode #10 -- Tuesday, February 27th, 2024). Topic: "Sir Henry Finch (died 1625), Author, 'The World's Great Restauration, or Calling of the Jews' (1621)"
    R&B Weekly Seminar: Lowell's Ten Minute History Lessons (Episode #9 -- February 18th, 2024). Topic: "Polish-Jewish Lawyer Raphael Lemkin (1900-1959), Father of the Term 'Genocide' & the Genocide Convention"
    R&B Weekly Seminar: Lowell's Ten Minute History Lessons (Episode #8 -- Feb 11th, 2024). Topic: 42nd Anniversary (1982-2024) of Syrian Hama Holocaust of 40,000 Arab Muslim Men, Women and Children Slaughtered by Their Fellow Arab Muslims
    R&B Weekly Seminar: Lowell's Five Minute History Lessons (Episode #7 -- Feb 4th, 2024). Lecturer: Mr. Lowell Joseph Gallin (Jerusalem, ISRAEL). Topic: "Gaelic Speaking Celtic-Israelite Scot Mrs. Mary Anne MacLeod Trump
    R&B Monthly Seminar: Lowell's Lectures (Episode #1 -- February 1st, 2024). Topic: "'Tit For Tat': IF 'The Jew' has NO RIGHT TO EXIST, 'The Jew' has NO RIGHT TO SELF-DEFENSE"
    R&B Weekly Seminar: Lowell's Five Minute History Lesson (Episode #6 -- January 14th, 2024). Topic: Sir Francis Kett (1547-1589 C.E.). FIRST Protestant Theologian To Call for the Restoration of the Children of Israel to the Land of Israel
    R&B Weekly Seminar: Lowell's Five Minute History Lesson (Episode #5 -- January 7th, 2024). Topic: "HARTLIB CIRCLE: Samuel Hartlib (1600-1662 C.E.); John Dury (1596-1680 C.E.); John Amos Comenius (1592-1670 C.E.)
    R&B Weekly Seminar: Lowell's Five Minute History Lesson (Episode #4 -- Sunday, December 31st, 2023). Today's 2024 Gregorian New Year's Eve Topic: "Celtic-Israelite Scottish Poet Robert Burns (1759-1796 C.E.), Author Auld Lang Syne
    R&B Weekly Seminar: "Lowell's Three Minute History Lessons" (Episode #3 -- December 25th, 2023). Today's Topic: "Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658 C.E.) and the English Puritan New Model Army"
    R&B Weekly Seminar: Lowell's Three Minute History Lesson (Episode #2 -- Monday, December 18th, 2023). Topic: "William Bradford (1590-1657 C.E.). Author: 'Of Plymouth Plantation'"
    R&B Weekly Seminar: Lowell's Three Minute History Lesson (Episode #1 -- Monday, December 11th, 2023). Topic: "Why Did Hitler Declare War On the United States 82 Years Ago Today on December 11th, 1941?")
    Lowell's Show: "Raid On Entebbe" (December 10th, 2021). Interview with Filmmaker Mr. Eyal Boers (Jerusalem, ISRAEL)
    Lowell's Show: (Episode #1 -- Monday, August 29th, 2022/Elul 2, 5782). Host: Mr. Lowell Joseph Gallin. Guest: Mr. Alexander Maistrovoy, Author, "Farewell to Democracy"
    Tamar Yonah Show: "Has the Ancient Israelite Monarchy Been Restored" (Tuesday, June 2nd, 2020) Tamar Yonah interview with Mr. Lowell Joseph Gallin
    L.J.G.: "Eyes of Autism" (Thursday, March 21st, 2019) Interview with Mr. Lowell Joseph Gallin
    L.J.G.: "United States President Donald John Trump Anointed Servant of God American Moses Mashiach Ben Yosef" (Sunday, November 1st, 2020) Mr. Lowell Joseph Gallin
    L.J.G.: "Time for United States President Donald John Trump to Declare Messianic Israelite Martial Law" (Thursday, November 5th, 2020) Mr. Lowell Joseph Gallin
    "From Nuremberg to Jerusalem: Jerusalem War Crimes Trials/Opening Session" (Sunday, October 31st, 2021) Remarks by Mr. Lowell Joseph Gallin