The News Junkie's Cartoons
The News Junkie's Cartoons

The News Junkie's Cartoons

    Biden Clown Mumbling Show: Do it, Joe, do it!
    Trump hater Joy Reid trying very hard to convince her tiny audience that Trump trial was the most fair trial in the history of mankind.
    Pure Evil: Biden says "no one is above the law," smirks, shuffles away.
    Prosecuted by Biden regime: "This was a rigged, disgraceful trial. The real verdict is going to be Nov 5 by the people. They know what happened here... I'm a very innocent man, and it's okay. I'm fighting for our country."
    Biden mumbles his made up stories to a group of Democrats in a cafeteria: "I got involved as a kid in the civil rights movement... (in a few mins)... in 1969, I got involved deeply in the civil rights movement..."
    Reporter: "Will you be serving your full 4 year term or handing over power to VP?" Biden: "Are you okay? Are you alright? You're not hurt are you? Did you fall on your head or something?" His fellow Democrats laugh.
    Harris-Biden Clown Show: "Internet is just as important as it was in the days of Franklin Roosevelt... Supreme Court blocked me... we'll never forget, lying around, *confused gibberish*, him, lying around, actually..."
    An educational video explaining the Democrat party: The Mentally Retarded.
    After screwing the economy & rising inflation by the Democrats, this clueless Democrat thinks that the food industry can "raise or lower prices at will" any time they want & it has nothing to do with the economy & inflation.
    These dummies think that people are stupid and they just don't get it: "We have to make people get it that we are in a better place now... Joe has done amazing things for this country."
    Biden shuffles by the press while surrounded by his handlers as a human shield.
    Biden's Press Sec on the Biden White House being in "full-blown freak out mode" as Biden's polling continues to tank: "What are you talking about?.. what are you talking about?.. Peter!"
    Unhinged clown & Trump hater De Niro calls Trump supporters in NY "gangsters," claims that Trump will end the elections, destroy NY, the country & eventually the world, and will never leave if elected.
    Biden, "our commander-in-chief has always stood up for our troops, our military families, and our veterans." Not a joke.
    The Bronx Black woman: "I voted Democrat loyally, and they have done nothing for us besides welfare on top of welfare, crime, failing schools, injection sites, abortion, weed spots... Keep all that crap, it's over."
    Hilarious: MSNBC's Trump hater Joy Reid attempts to discredit the crowd size of people attending Trump rallies without showing the whole crowd.
    Boarding Air Force: Trump vs Biden.
    Biden Clown Show in West Point: "I was appointed to the Naval Academy, I wanted to play football... the fall he a tied, that fall he decided, look, I shouldn't get into this, probably... you can clap for that..."
    Chuck Schumer made it clear in 2022: Democrats want citizenship for ALL illegal aliens, "however many," because they are better then Americans, and it's only way for Democrats to stay in power.
    Democrat Ocasio-Cortez on Trump rally in the Bronx: "He's broke... he has the legal version of an ankle bracelet around him... it is truly an embarrassment to him."
    After marching and having State Dinner, Biden needs his usual long weekend rest in Delaware.
    NY Democrat Hochul calls thousands of President Trump's Bronx supporters "clowns" and his enormous rallies "made up fake rallies."
    Biden Clown Marching Show.
    Biden Clown Show: "The African continent will have a billion people not too soon... Okay, next, I, uh — do I ask the next question, as well?.. we're also engaged in the Congo in that neighborhood!.. WHOA!"
    Biden's Press Sec cooks up a giant word salad as she attempts to explain why those Americans who did not attend college or take on student loan debt should pay for those who did and "who deserved that opportunity."