Discover the top 3 mistakes moms make in their cleaning routines!

2 years ago

Shall we talk cleaning routines? (No, not in a “what you need to change right now because you’re the worst cleaner ever” way!)

Time to get something off your chest: What’s the worst thing about your current cleaning routine?

Is it the expectations of perfection that weigh you down every time you see someone else’s evening speed cleaning routine, the daily “five cleaning habits you must have to succeed,” a weekly deep clean requirement, and quarterly “clean the whole house like crazy” endeavors?

Or is it the lack of help, that fact that no one (not even your oldest kid) can do a competent job, and your husband’s not joining you in any of the inside chores?

Maybe you’re just exhausted by the demands of your current season (hello, sports practice/newborns/surgery recovery) and you Just. Can’t. Fathom. using your limited energy on scrubbing those baseboards.

I know you know the answer – so just tell me, too. What’s the worst part of your typical cleaning program?

Get it out there.

Because now we can do something about it.

What you’ll learn:
• Cleaning Routine Mistake #1: Picking something that sounds nice, but totally doesn’t fit your life.
• Cleaning Routine Mistake #2: Thinking it’s all about discipline.
• Cleaning Routine Mistake #3: Never asking yourself why it’s not working out.

It’s all yours – the problems, the solutions, the life waiting for you around the corner after these tweaks. What are you going to do with it?

Delay it till it never shows up? (I.e., never make changes in your cleaning habits, and hope someday you’ll just “feel” like cleaning?)

Obsess over perfection, and overlook the fact that you’ve got three under three, or a runny nose, or a bad energy day?

Or are you going to ditch the three cleaning mistakes and start your own scrubbing system – one that’s just right for you?

It’s up to you.

If you’re ready, I challenge you to match your chores to your days, only motivate yourself to do the “tiny cleaning” version of each task, and always ask why when you find yourself cutting corners or skipping out on certain parts of your cleaning routine.

These three things will change your cleaning life. I promise.

You’ve got this!

Routines for introverted moms:

Interested in skipping all those hours of clean-up just before bed?
Watch your on-demand class:

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