Plasma Infusion Trojan Horse Whistleblower Nurse Exposes Poisoning Of Pure Bloods

2 years ago

Plasma Infusion Trojan Horse: Whistleblower Nurse Exposes Poisoning Of Pure Bloods

March 18, 2022

Stew Peters

It’s been a while since we’ve had a full-blown whistleblower, but we’re always happy to have them when we can.

Our next guest is a nurse. She knows how dangerous it is to speak out these days, so she has come to us anonymously.

This nurse wants to warn everybody about the danger for unvaccinated people of getting heavily-vaccinated blood transfusions in the hospital. There’s a common treatment in hospitals called immune globulin therapy. That’s where people with weak immune system are given blood filled with antibodies to strengthen their resistance.

According to our whistleblower, there is no effort to separate vaccinated and unvaccinated plasma, so globulin injections will contain Covid vaccine antibodies. In once case our whistleblower saw, a patient had an antibody level of 2500, an amount she says is only seen in the triply vaccinated, or those going through monoclonal antibody therapy.

According to our whistleblower, people are getting sick, sometimes very sick, from these indirect vaccinations.

The whistleblower joins us now.


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