Functional Fitness is the Key and Variety (of Exercise) is the Spice of Life!

3 years ago

Functional fitness is the basic level of fitness we should all aspire to in order to live our best lives and do the daily activities we want to do. This includes things like playing with pets and children, climbing stairs, and lifting and carrying things without injury. Functional exercises focus on using multiple joints and muscles with various movements.

Variety in movement and exercise is relevant because it decreases boredom and decreases or delays plateaus. You can add variety by increasing intensity, cross training with different types of activities and even just changing the order of exercise.

I get bored and I also have to watch exercise intolerance levels so I do a variety of exercises. I love being outdoors and hiking is always a go to form of stress relief and exercise. I have videos for Autoimmune Strong and One in Done in my Fitness Foundations Playlist. Yoga is another great stress relieving and strengthening type of workout. I have links below for a mellow Yoga for Pain Relief and a more high energy Diamond Dallas Page Yoga program that I do. I've also included information for the Simply Fit Board and the Urban Rebounder.

#FunctionalFitness #ExerciseVariety #SimplyFitBoard #OneandDone #GetAutoimmuneStrong #UrbanRebounding #DDPYoga

One and Done --
Get Autoimmune Strong --
Urban Rebounding --
DDP Yoga --
Yoga for Pain Relief --
Simply Fit Board Workouts --
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All material and information presented by Kristy Duncan and/or Guidepost to Wellness is intended to be used for educational purposes only. The statements made about products, supplements, or treatments have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The information herein is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any condition or disease. Please consult with your own physician or healthcare practitioner before making changes to your diet, exercise routine, or lifestyle.
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