These Cat's Enjoy Lots Of Acrobatic Fun In 'Cat Heaven' On Earth

5 years ago

We’ve seen some pretty pawsome parkour cats in our day, but never any cats with a parkour environment quite as amazing as this one is—which makes this video a truly unique and exceptional watch, and one that you should definitely check out without any further delay! Dorian and Raven—two of the very luckiest cats in the world, in our considered opinion—have the full run of this jaw dropping cat playroom, complete with jumping and landing pads mounted on the walls and ceiling.

We’ll admit to being boring enough to keep most of our own cats’ play furniture on the ground—with maybe an occasional shelf or resting spot on the wall—and it would honestly have never occurred to us that the ceiling could make for an additional surface for our kitties to play on. But seeing is believing! And if you’re anything like us, the first thing you’re going to want to do after you see this video is redecorate an entire room for your own cats to frolic and adventure in, now that you have some new (not to mention creative) ideas. Cats do enjoy getting some height and vertical space, after all—so what could possibly be better?

Actually, the only better thing we can think of that might be better than being the cat who gets to enjoy all this creative play space is the fun of being the human “cat mom” or “cat dad” who gets to spoil a kitty in this fashion. But until you’re able to find the time to renovate your own ceiling for your cats, you can enjoy the vicarious fun of watching Dorian and Raven go to town on their own playground in the sky in this truly entertaining video clip. This is our way of saying that if you haven’t hit the play button yet, then you should absolutely do so right now.

There’s no point in wasting time or delaying the enjoyment you’re about to treat yourself to—because we’re one hundred percent confident that you’ll find this video as thoroughly enjoyable as we did. And you’re definitely going to want to share it with as many cat loving friends and family members—or parkour fans of any denomination—as you possibly can. This one is simply too good to be kept to yourself! So bring a smile to your own face, and to someone else’s!

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