Latifah Faisal (Story County, Iowa Supervisor) didn’t comment on this attempted murder in St. Louis

2 months ago

Latifah Faisal (Story County, Iowa Supervisor) didn’t comment on this attempted murder in St. Louis #faisal4story #latifahfaisal #faisal4storycounty

Story County, Iowa Supervisor Latifah Faisal flapped her gums about the George Floyd verdict, but said nothing about Kyle Rittenhouse. I surmise because she wanted Kyle put in prison for defending his community from fatherless felons.

Latifah Faisal commented on the Perry, Iowa shooting, but I asked her months & months ago to comment on all the black folks being murdered by black folks in Fort Dodge, Iowa. I wonder if the skin color of the assailants is too dark.

Latifah Faisal also never commented on the shooting in a parking lot at a high school in Des Moines, I don’t think the skin color of the shooters was light enough.

Since Latifah Faisal likes to make people think she’s really, really concerned about violence, here’s an attempted murder in St. Louis she could comment about.

“St. Louis station KSDK identified the victim as Hazelwood East High School student Kaylee Gain. Her alleged assailant, a 15-year-old girl identified by some students as Maurnice DeClue, was arrested in connection with the drubbing. She is currently being held by St. Louis County Family Court on assault charges.”

“Video of the Friday fight went viral in recent days, showing two girls squaring up for a brawl that immediately goes wrong for Gain. After being thrown to the ground, she takes several punches to the head before having her skull repeatedly bashed against the concrete.”

“Other teens continued fighting around Gain as she laid limp in the street. Shocked onlookers can be heard reacting off-camera to the extent of the violence they witnessed. According to the GoFundMe, Gain is suffering “major brain bleeding and swelling” and remains in critical condition while loved ones wait to learn the extent of her long-term injuries if she pulls through.”

Other news reports indicate that some students tried to break this up, but were unsuccessful. Latifah Faisal, you may want to post on Facebook how bad you feel about this girl getting her skull smashed in on the concrete. Just to show everyone how much you care.

There are people wondering what we can do to reduce teen violence. Well, violence amongst young black folks in St. Louis is nothing new, it’s been a problem there longer than anyone listening to this video has been around, period.

I would wager a dearth of fathers in the home, right Latifah Faisal? I would wager a dearth of fathers is part of the reason so many kids are dysfunctional & a crummy, corrupt, useless government school system in St. Louis, where half of the student body is chronically absent & functional illiteracy is common.

Will Latifah Faisal say something about this? No, she will not. She doesn’t really give a damn about any of this, UNLESS it is politically expedient.

If the attacker had been a white kid w/ a MAGA hat on, she would be posting #ifeelsobad #crocodiletears #wegottadosomething

If Latifah Faisal uploaded a post every single time a young black person in St. Louis, Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, Memphis, New Orleans, Los Angeles, Wilmington or Flint murdered someone she would be sitting on her fat ass, posting all night long.

Hey Latifah Faisal, say her name Kaylee Gain

Other videos exploring crime in America in detail (with links to MANY other essays, so drink up)

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