The House Of Rothschild

10 months ago

This sanitized take on the famed (((Rothschild))) family, a prominent European banking clan with Jewish roots, was in part a Hollywood effort to combat swelling tides of anti-Semitism during the 1930s. After patriarch, Mayer (George Arliss) establishes the business, his five sons, led by Nathan (also played by Arliss), rise to significant heights, despite being dogged by a powerful politician (Boris Karloff). Meanwhile, Mayer's daughter (Loretta Young) falls for a handsome officer (Robert Young).

A 1934 Hollywood and sanitized (but still telling) take on the famous (((Rothschild))) family, the STILL prominent European (World) banking clan. It was a Hollywood effort to garner peoples' empathy, showcasing the (((Rothschild))) family's 'humble beginning' in anti-Jew Prussia The film was not meant to dispel the idea that the House of (((Rothschild))) was the richest and most powerful family in Europe (the world) but portray them as unsung heroes. After patriarch Mayer establishes the business, his five sons, led by Nathan, rise to significant heights. One point to note, if you truly research, is that the ending (as well as the whole film) glorifies Nathan as saving England’s credit by buying nearly everything when it was crashing, on word that Napoleon was defeating Wellington, thus defeating England. Truth is, is that it was said that he knew in advance, that Napoleon was being defeated, but he let the opposite rumor explode (some say he started the rumor). He bought the country's credit, securities, bonds, etc. for 'pennies on the dollar' when it crashed, and thus ensured himself the title of the richest person in the world when word England had won was verified.

The (((Rothschild))) family is said to be the most secretive, powerful, influential, and wealthiest family in the world. They all descend from (((Mayer Amschel Rothschild))), who's banking business became official in the 1760s.

(((Mayer Amschel Rothschild))) & Sons managed to expand their power and wealth internationally in a relatively short amount of time, establishing Europe's (the world's) top international banks headquartered in London, Paris, Frankfurt, Vienna, and Naples.

Through subsidiaries, the family is rumored to have ties to all the world's private central banks (U.S. Federal Reserve, for example), the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the World Economic Forum, etc. Is it no wonder they are often brought up when the Illuminati, new world order, and secret societies are researched? "Let us control the money of a nation, and we care not who makes its laws" is said to be a fundamental principle of the House of (((Rothschild))) aka the "money lenders of the World".

The (((Rothschild))) family, all together, is said to be worth untold Trillions (not very disputed among mainstream researchers), but not one of the (((Rothschild))) family members is listed on the Forbes list of wealthiest people in the world - and they never will be. They're not the 1%, but the 0.000001%. Is everybody a pawn to them? Who is everyone afraid to talk about?

Release Date (Theaters): Apr 7, 1934

Directors: Alfred L. Werker, Sidney Lanfield
Writers: Nunnally Johnson, George Hembert Westley, George Arliss
Stars: George Arliss, Boris Karloff, Loretta Young
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